class | AccessCodeFormat |
| Object specifying the format of the string provided to a recipient in order to access an envelope. More...
class | AccountAddress |
| Contains information about an account address. More...
class | AccountBillingPlan |
| Contains information about an account billing plan. More...
class | AccountBillingPlanResponse |
| Defines an account billing plan response object. More...
class | AccountIdentityInputOption |
| AccountIdentityInputOption More...
class | AccountIdentityVerificationResponse |
| AccountIdentityVerificationResponse More...
class | AccountIdentityVerificationStep |
| Information about a specific step in an Identity Verification workflow. More...
class | AccountIdentityVerificationWorkflow |
| Specifies an Identity Verification workflow. More...
class | AccountInformation |
| Contains account Information. More...
class | AccountMinimumPasswordLength |
| AccountMinimumPasswordLength More...
class | AccountNotification |
| A complex element that specifies notifications (expirations and reminders) for the envelope. More...
class | AccountPasswordExpirePasswordDays |
| AccountPasswordExpirePasswordDays More...
class | AccountPasswordLockoutDurationMinutes |
| AccountPasswordLockoutDurationMinutes More...
class | AccountPasswordLockoutDurationType |
| AccountPasswordLockoutDurationType More...
class | AccountPasswordMinimumPasswordAgeDays |
| AccountPasswordMinimumPasswordAgeDays More...
class | AccountPasswordQuestionsRequired |
| Information about the number of password questions required (0 to 4) to confirm a user's identity when a user needs to reset their password. More...
class | AccountPasswordRules |
| AccountPasswordRules More...
class | AccountPasswordStrengthType |
| AccountPasswordStrengthType More...
class | AccountPasswordStrengthTypeOption |
| AccountPasswordStrengthTypeOption More...
class | AccountRoleSettings |
| This object defines account permissions for users who are associated with the account permission profile. More...
class | AccountSeals |
| AccountSeals More...
class | AccountSettingsInformation |
| Contains account settings information. More...
class | AccountSharedAccess |
| Contains shared access information. More...
class | AccountSignature |
| AccountSignature More...
class | AccountSignatureDefinition |
| AccountSignatureDefinition More...
class | AccountSignatureProvider |
| Contains information abotu the signature provider associated with the Identity Verification workflow. If empty, then this specific workflow is not intended for signers. More...
class | AccountSignatureProviderOption |
| Reserved for DocuSign. More...
class | AccountSignatureProviders |
| AccountSignatureProviders More...
class | AccountSignaturesInformation |
| AccountSignaturesInformation More...
class | AccountUISettings |
| An object that defines the options that are available to non-administrators in the UI. More...
class | AddOn |
| Contains information about add ons. More...
class | AddressInformation |
| Contains address information. More...
class | AddressInformationInput |
| Contains address input information. More...
class | AddressInformationV2 |
| AddressInformationV2 More...
class | AdminMessage |
| AdminMessage More...
class | Agent |
| Contains information about agent recipients. More...
class | ApiRequestLog |
| Contains API request log information. More...
class | ApiRequestLogsResult |
| Contains information about mutiple API request logs. More...
class | Approve |
| A tab that allows the recipient to approve documents without placing a signature or initials on the document. More...
class | AppStoreProduct |
| Contains information about an APP store product. More...
class | AppStoreReceipt |
| Contains information about an APP store receipt. More...
class | AskAnAdmin |
| AskAnAdmin More...
class | Attachment |
| Contains information about an attachment. More...
class | AuthenticationMethod |
| Contains information about the method used for authentication. More...
class | AuthenticationStatus |
| Contains information about the authentication status. More...
class | AuthorizationUser |
| AuthorizationUser More...
class | BccEmailAddress |
| Contains information about the BCC email address. More...
class | BccEmailArchive |
| This object contains information abut a BCC email archive configuration (a BCC email address used to archive DocuSign-generated emails). More...
class | BccEmailArchiveHistory |
| Contains details about the history of the BCC email archive configuration. More...
class | BccEmailArchiveHistoryList |
| BccEmailArchiveHistoryList More...
class | BccEmailArchiveList |
| Contains a list of BCC email archive configurations. More...
class | BillingCharge |
| Contains information about a billing charge. More...
class | BillingChargeResponse |
| Defines a billing charge response object. More...
class | BillingDiscount |
| BillingDiscount More...
class | BillingEntityInformationResponse |
| BillingEntityInformationResponse More...
class | BillingInvoice |
| Contains information about a billing invoice. More...
class | BillingInvoiceItem |
| Contains information about an item on a billing invoice. More...
class | BillingInvoicesResponse |
| Defines a billing invoice response object. More...
class | BillingInvoicesSummary |
| BillingInvoicesSummary More...
class | BillingPayment |
| Contains information on a billing plan. More...
class | BillingPaymentItem |
| Defines a billing payment request object. More...
class | BillingPaymentRequest |
| BillingPaymentRequest More...
class | BillingPaymentResponse |
| Defines an billing payment response object. More...
class | BillingPaymentsResponse |
| Defines a billing payments response object. More...
class | BillingPlan |
| Contains information about a billing plan. More...
class | BillingPlanInformation |
| This object contains details about a billing plan. More...
class | BillingPlanPreview |
| Contains information about a preview billing plan. More...
class | BillingPlanResponse |
| Defines a billing plan response object. More...
class | BillingPlansResponse |
| Defines a billing plans response object. More...
class | BillingPlanUpdateResponse |
| Defines a billing plan update response object. More...
class | BillingPrice |
| BillingPrice More...
class | Brand |
| Information about a brand that is associated with an account. A brand applies custom styles and text to an envelope. More...
class | BrandEmailContent |
| Deprecated. More...
class | BrandLink |
| Information about a link that a brand uses. More...
class | BrandLogos |
| The URIs for retrieving the logos that are associated with the brand. These are read-only properties that provide a URI to logos in use. To update a logo use AccountBrands: updateLogo. More...
class | BrandRequest |
| This request object contains information about a specific brand. More...
class | BrandResources |
| Information about the resource files that the brand uses for the email, signing, sending, and captive (embedded) signing experiences. More...
class | BrandResourcesList |
| BrandResourcesList More...
class | BrandResourceUrls |
| Brands use resource files to style the following experiences: - Email - Sending - Signing - Captive (embedded) signing You can modify these resource files to customize these experiences. More...
class | BrandsRequest |
| Details about one or more brands. More...
class | BrandsResponse |
| BrandsResponse More...
class | BulkEnvelope |
| BulkEnvelope More...
class | BulkEnvelopesResponse |
| BulkEnvelopesResponse More...
class | BulkEnvelopeStatus |
| BulkEnvelopeStatus More...
class | BulkProcessingLists |
| BulkProcessingLists More...
class | BulkProcessingListSummaries |
| BulkProcessingListSummaries More...
class | BulkProcessingListSummary |
| BulkProcessingListSummary More...
class | BulkProcessRequest |
| BulkProcessRequest More...
class | BulkProcessResponse |
| BulkProcessResponse More...
class | BulkProcessResult |
| BulkProcessResult More...
class | BulkRecipient |
| BulkRecipient More...
class | BulkRecipientSignatureProvider |
| BulkRecipientSignatureProvider More...
class | BulkRecipientsRequest |
| BulkRecipientsRequest More...
class | BulkRecipientsResponse |
| BulkRecipientsResponse More...
class | BulkRecipientsSummaryResponse |
| BulkRecipientsSummaryResponse More...
class | BulkRecipientsUpdateResponse |
| BulkRecipientsUpdateResponse More...
class | BulkRecipientTabLabel |
| BulkRecipientTabLabel More...
class | BulkSendBatchActionRequest |
| BulkSendBatchActionRequest More...
class | BulkSendBatchError |
| BulkSendBatchError More...
class | BulkSendBatchRequest |
| BulkSendBatchRequest More...
class | BulkSendBatchStatus |
| Result of `getBulkSendBatchStatus` More...
class | BulkSendBatchSummaries |
| A list of bulk send batch summaries. More...
class | BulkSendBatchSummary |
| Summary status of a single batch. More...
class | BulkSendEnvelopesInfo |
| BulkSendEnvelopesInfo More...
class | BulkSendErrorStatus |
| A single bulk send error report. More...
class | BulkSendingCopy |
| This object contains the details to use for a specific copy, or instance, of the envelope. When you send an envelope by using a bulk send list, you can customize these properties for each instance. More...
class | BulkSendingCopyCustomField |
| This object contains details about a custom field for a bulk send copy. In a bulk send request, each custom field in the bulk send list must match a custom field in the envelope or template that you want to send. More...
class | BulksendingCopyDocGenFormField |
| BulksendingCopyDocGenFormField More...
class | BulkSendingCopyDocGenFormFieldRowValue |
| BulkSendingCopyDocGenFormFieldRowValue More...
class | BulkSendingCopyRecipient |
| This object contains details about a bulk send recipient. More...
class | BulkSendingCopyTab |
| A tab associated with the bulk send recipient. In a bulk send request, each recipient tab must match a recipient tab on the envelope or template that you want to send. To match up, the `tabLabel` for this tab and the `tabLabel` for the corresponding tab on the envelope or template must be the same. For example, if the envelope has a placeholder text tab with the `tabLabel` `childName`, you must assign the same `tabLabel` `childName` to the tab here that you are populating with that information. More...
class | BulkSendingList |
| This object contains the details for the bulk send list. More...
class | BulkSendingListSummaries |
| This complex type contains summaries that provide basic information about the bulk send lists that belong to the current user. More...
class | BulkSendingListSummary |
| This object contains basic information about a bulk send list. More...
class | BulkSendRequest |
| This object contains information about the envelope or template that you want to send in bulk. More...
class | BulkSendResponse |
| The object contains the response to a bulk send request. More...
class | BulkSendTestResponse |
| This object contains the results of a bulk send test. More...
class | CaptiveRecipient |
| This object contains details about a captive (embedded) recipient. More...
class | CaptiveRecipientInformation |
| Contains information about captive (embedded) recipients. More...
class | CarbonCopy |
| Contains information about a carbon copy recipient. Carbon copy recipients get a copy of the envelope but don't need to sign, initial, date or add information to any of the documents. More...
class | CertifiedDelivery |
| Contains information about a certified delivery recipient. Certified delivery recipients must receive the completed documents for the envelope to be completed. However, they don't need to sign, initial, date or add information to any of the documents. More...
class | Checkbox |
| A tab that allows the recipient to select a yes/no (on/off) option. More...
class | ChunkedUploadPart |
| An object that contains information about the chunked upload part. More...
class | ChunkedUploadRequest |
| This is the request object for uploading a chunked upload. More...
class | ChunkedUploadResponse |
| This response object is returned after you upload a chunked upload. More...
class | CloudStorageProvider |
| Contains details about a specific cloud storage provider. More...
class | CloudStorageProviders |
| CloudStorageProviders More...
class | Comment |
| Comment More...
class | CommentHistoryResult |
| CommentHistoryResult More...
class | CommentPublish |
| CommentPublish More...
class | CommentsPublish |
| CommentsPublish More...
class | CommentThread |
| CommentTh
class | CommissionCounty |
| A Commission County tab displays the county of a notary's commission. The tab is populated with the notary's commission information, but the recipient can also edit the value when notarizing. This tab can only be assigned to a remote notary recipient using DocuSign Notary. More...
class | CommissionExpiration |
| A Commission Expiration tab displays the expiration date of a notary's commission. The tab is populated with the notary's commission information, but the recipient can also edit the value when notarizing. This tab can only be assigned to a remote notary recipient using DocuSign Notary. More...
class | CommissionNumber |
| A Commission Number tab displays a notary's commission number. The tab is populated with the notary's commission information, but the recipient can also edit the value when notarizing. This tab can only be assigned to a remote notary recipient using [DocuSign Notary][notary]. [notary]: /docs/notary-api/ More...
class | CommissionState |
| A Commission State tab displays the state in which a notary's commission was granted. The tab is populated with the notary's commission information, but the recipient can also edit the value when notarizing. This tab can only be assigned to a remote notary recipient using [DocuSign Notary][notary]. [notary]: /docs/notary-api/ More...
class | Company |
| A tab that displays the recipient's company name. More...
class | CompleteSignHashResponse |
| CompleteSignHashResponse More...
class | CompleteSignRequest |
| CompleteSignRequest More...
class | CompositeTemplate |
| This object contains information about a [composite template][composite], which you can use to to apply multiple templates to a single envelope, combine templates with PDF forms, and combine templates with documents from cloud sources. [composite]: /docs/esign-rest-api/esign101/concepts/templates/composite/ More...
class | ConciergeQueryRequest |
| ConciergeQueryRequest More...
class | ConciergeQueryResponse |
| ConciergeQueryResponse More...
class | ConditionalRecipientRule |
| A rule that defines a set of recipients and the conditions under which they will be used for the envelope. More...
class | ConditionalRecipientRuleCondition |
| ConditionalRecipientRuleCondition More...
class | ConditionalRecipientRuleFilter |
| ConditionalRecipientRuleFilter More...
class | ConnectConfigResults |
| This object contains the results of a ConnectConfigurations::GET method. More...
class | ConnectCustomConfiguration |
| The `connectCustomConfiguration` object describes how Connect is configured for your account. More...
class | ConnectDebugLog |
| ConnectDebugLog More...
class | ConnectDeleteFailureResult |
| ConnectDeleteFailureResult More...
class | ConnectEventData |
| This object lets you choose the data format of your Connect response. For more information about using this object, see Connect webhooks with JSON notifications. More...
class | ConnectFailureFilter |
| A list of failed envelope IDs to retry. More...
class | ConnectFailureResult |
| This object contains details about a Connect failure result. More...
class | ConnectFailureResults |
| ConnectFailureResults More...
class | ConnectHistoricalEnvelopeRepublish |
| ConnectHistoricalEnvelopeRepublish More...
class | ConnectLog |
| Contains information about a Connect log entry. More...
class | ConnectLogs |
| ConnectLogs More...
class | ConnectOAuthConfig |
| ConnectOAuthConfig More...
class | ConnectSalesforceField |
| This object is used to match a DocuSign field to a Salesforce field so that Docusign can send information to your Salesforce account. More...
class | ConnectSalesforceObject |
| A `connectSalesforceObject` is an object that updates envelope and document status or recipient status in your Salesforce account. When you install DocuSign Connect for Salesforce, the service automatically sets up two Connect objects: one that updates envelope status and documents and one that updates recipient status. You can also customize DocuSign Connect for Salesforce by associating DocuSign objects with Salesforce objects so that DocuSign Connect for Salesforce updates or inserts the information into the Salesforce object. For more information, see DocuSign for Salesforce - Adding Completed Documents to the Notes and Attachments. More...
class | ConnectUserInfo |
| ConnectUserInfo More...
class | ConnectUserObject |
| ConnectUserObject More...
class | ConsentDetails |
| ConsentDetails More...
class | ConsoleViewRequest |
| The request object for the EnvelopeViews: createConsole method. More...
class | ConsumerDisclosure |
| Details about consumer disclosures. More...
class | Contact |
| Contact More...
class | ContactGetResponse |
| This response object contains information about the contacts associated with an account. More...
class | ContactModRequest |
| The request object containing the new information for the contacts. More...
class | ContactPhoneNumber |
| Details about the phone numbers associated with a specific contact. More...
class | ContactUpdateResponse |
| This response objects shows the updated details for the contacts. More...
class | CorrectViewRequest |
| The request body for the EnvelopeViews: createCorrect method. More...
class | Country |
| Country More...
class | Credential |
| Credential More...
class | CreditCardInformation |
| This object contains information about a credit card that is associated with an account. More...
class | CreditCardTypes |
| CreditCardTypes More...
class | Currency |
| Currency More...
class | CurrencyFeatureSetPrice |
| Information about the price and currency associated with the feature set. Reserved for internal DocuSign use only. More...
class | CurrencyPlanPrice |
| CurrencyPlanPrice More...
class | CustomField |
| This object provides details about a custom field. More...
class | CustomFields |
| Contains information about custom fields. More...
class | CustomFieldsEnvelope |
| CustomFieldsEnvelope More...
class | CustomFieldV2 |
| CustomFieldV2 More...
class | CustomSettingsInformation |
| CustomSettingsInformation More...
class | Date |
| A tab that allows the recipient to enter a date. Date tabs are one-line fields that allow date information to be entered in any format. The tooltip for this tab recommends entering the date as MM/DD/YYYY, but this is not enforced. The format entered by the signer is retained. If you need a particular date format enforced, DocuSign recommends using a Text tab with a validation pattern and a validation message to enforce the format. More...
class | DateSigned |
| A tab that displays the date that the recipient signed the document. More...
class | DateStampProperties |
| Specifies the area in which a date stamp is placed. This parameter uses pixel positioning to draw a rectangle at the center of the stamp area. The stamp is superimposed on top of this central area. This property contains the following information about the central rectangle: - `DateAreaX`: The X axis position of the top-left corner. - `DateAreaY`: The Y axis position of the top-left corner. - `DateAreaWidth`: The width of the rectangle. - `DateAreaHeight`: The height of the rectangle. More...
class | Decline |
| A tab that allows the recipient the option of declining an envelope. If the recipient clicks the tab during the signing process, the envelope is voided. More...
class | DelayedRouting |
| DelayedRouting More...
class | DelayedRoutingApiModel |
| DelayedRoutingApiModel More...
class | DelegationInfo |
| DelegationInfo More...
class | DiagnosticsSettingsInformation |
| DiagnosticsSettingsInformation More...
class | DirectDebitProcessorInformation |
| Contains information about a bank that processes a customer's direct debit payments. More...
class | DisplayApplianceAccount |
| DisplayApplianceAccount More...
class | DisplayApplianceDocument |
| DisplayApplianceDocument More...
class | DisplayApplianceDocumentPage |
| DisplayApplianceDocumentPage More...
class | DisplayApplianceEnvelope |
| DisplayApplianceEnvelope More...
class | DisplayApplianceInfo |
| DisplayApplianceInfo More...
class | DisplayAppliancePage |
| DisplayAppliancePage More...
class | DisplayAppliancePdf |
| DisplayAppliancePdf More...
class | DisplayApplianceRecipient |
| DisplayApplianceRecipient More...
class | DisplayApplianceSignerAttachment |
| DisplayApplianceSignerAttachment More...
class | DobInformationInput |
| Complex type containing: * dateOfBirth * displayLevelCode * receiveInResponse More...
class | DocGenFormField |
| DocGenFormField More...
class | DocGenFormFieldOption |
| DocGenFormFieldOption More...
class | DocGenFormFieldRequest |
| DocGenFormFieldRequest More...
class | DocGenFormFieldResponse |
| DocGenFormFieldResponse More...
class | DocGenFormFieldRowValue |
| DocGenFormFieldRowValue More...
class | DocGenFormFields |
| DocGenFormFields More...
class | DocGenFormFieldValidation |
| DocGenFormFieldValidation More...
class | DocGenSyntaxError |
| DocGenSyntaxError More...
class | Document |
| A document object. More...
class | DocumentFieldsInformation |
| DocumentFieldsInformation More...
class | DocumentHtmlCollapsibleDisplaySettings |
| Display settings for collapsible section. More...
class | DocumentHtmlDefinition |
| Holds the properties that define how to generate the responsive-formatted HTML for the document. See Responsive signing in the eSignature concepts guide. More...
class | DocumentHtmlDefinitionOriginal |
| DocumentHtmlDefinitionOriginal More...
class | DocumentHtmlDefinitionOriginals |
| DocumentHtmlDefinitionOriginals More...
class | DocumentHtmlDefinitions |
| DocumentHtmlDefinitions More...
class | DocumentHtmlDisplayAnchor |
| DocumentHtmlDisplayAnchor More...
class | DocumentHtmlDisplaySettings |
| DocumentHtmlDisplaySettings More...
class | DocumentSecurityStore |
| DocumentSecurityStore More...
class | DocumentTemplate |
| DocumentTemplate More...
class | DocumentTemplateList |
| DocumentTemplateList More...
class | DocumentUpdateInfo |
| DocumentUpdateInfo More...
class | DocumentVisibility |
| This object configures a recipient's read/write access to a document. More...
class | DocumentVisibilityList |
| A list of `documentVisibility` objects that specify whether documents are visible to recipients. More...
class | DowngradeBillingPlanInformation |
| DowngradeBillingPlanInformation More...
class | DowngradePlanUpdateResponse |
| DowngradePlanUpdateResponse More...
class | DowngradeRequestInformation |
| DowngradeRequestInformation More...
class | DowngradRequestBillingInfoResponse |
| DowngradRequestBillingInfoResponse More...
class | Draw |
| A tab that allows the recipient to add a free-form drawing to the document. More...
class | Editor |
| A complex type defining the management and access rights of a recipient assigned as an editor on the envelope. Editors have the same management and access rights for the envelope as the sender. They can make changes to the envelope as if they were using the Correct feature. This recipient can add name and email information, add or change the routing order and set authentication options for the remaining recipients. Additionally, this recipient can edit signature/initial tabs and text tabs for the remaining recipients. More...
class | Email |
| A tab that allows the recipient to enter an email address. This is a one-line field that checks that a valid email address is entered. It uses the same parameters as a Text tab, with the validation message and pattern set for email information. When getting information that includes this tab type, the original value of the tab when the associated envelope was sent is included in the response. More...
class | EmailAddress |
| A tab that displays the recipient's email as entered in the recipient information. More...
class | EmailSettings |
| A complex element that allows the sender to override some envelope email setting information. This can be used to override the Reply To email address and name associated with the envelope and to override the BCC email addresses to which an envelope is sent. When the emailSettings information is used for an envelope, it only applies to that envelope. IMPORTANT: The emailSettings information is not returned in the GET for envelope status. Use GET /email_settings to return information about the emailSettings. EmailSettings consists of: * replyEmailAddressOverride - The Reply To email used for the envelope. DocuSign will verify that a correct email format is used, but does not verify that the email is active. Maximum Length: 100 characters. * replyEmailNameOverride - The name associated with the Reply To email address. Maximum Length: 100 characters. * bccEmailAddresses - An array of up to five email addresses to which the envelope is sent to as a BCC email. Only users with canManageAccount setting set to true can use this option. DocuSign verifies that the email format is correct, but does not verify that the email is active. Using this overrides the BCC for Email Archive information setting for this envelope. Maximum Length: 100 characters. Example: if your account has BCC for Email Archive set up for the email address 'archi.nosp@m.ve@m.nosp@m.ycomp.nosp@m.any..nosp@m.com' and you send an envelope using the BCC Email Override to send a BCC email to 'sales.nosp@m.arch.nosp@m.ive@m.nosp@m.ycom.nosp@m.pany..nosp@m.com', then a copy of the envelope is only sent to the 'sales.nosp@m.arch.nosp@m.ive@m.nosp@m.ycom.nosp@m.pany..nosp@m.com' email address. More...
class | ENoteConfiguration |
| This object contains information used to configure eNote functionality. To use eNote, the Allow eNote for eOriginal account plan item must be on, and the Connect configuration for eOriginal must be set correctly. More...
class | Envelope |
| Envelope More...
class | EnvelopeAttachment |
| EnvelopeAttachment More...
class | EnvelopeAttachmentsRequest |
| EnvelopeAttachmentsRequest More...
class | EnvelopeAttachmentsResult |
| EnvelopeAttachmentsResult More...
class | EnvelopeAuditEvent |
| EnvelopeAuditEvent More...
class | EnvelopeAuditEventResponse |
| EnvelopeAuditEventResponse More...
class | EnvelopeCustomMetadata |
| EnvelopeCustomMetadata More...
class | EnvelopeDefinition |
| Envelope object definition. More...
class | EnvelopeDelayRule |
| An envelope delay rule is a rule which determines how the envelope should be delayed either for sending or routing. It can expressed as either a delay in some number of days, hours, minutes and seconds or an exact resumeDate in the future. More...
class | EnvelopeDelayRuleApiModel |
| An envelope delay rule is a rule which determines how the envelope should be delayed either for sending or routing. It can expressed as either a delay in some number of days, hours, minutes and seconds or an exact resumeDate in the future. More...
class | EnvelopeDocument |
| This object contains details about the envelope document. More...
class | EnvelopeDocumentsResult |
| EnvelopeDocumentsResult More...
class | EnvelopeEvent |
| For which envelope events should your webhook be called? More...
class | EnvelopeFormData |
| Describes the form data of the envelope. More...
class | EnvelopeFormDataPrefillFormData |
| EnvelopeFormDataPrefillFormData More...
class | EnvelopeId |
| A tab that displays the envelope ID. Recipients cannot enter or change the information in this tab. More...
class | EnvelopeIdsRequest |
| Lists of envelope and transaction IDs to use in the results. If you use this request body with Envelopes: listStatus, you must set one or both of the following query parameters to the special value `request_body`: - `envelope_ids=request_body` - `transaction_ids=request_body` More...
class | EnvelopeMetadata |
| EnvelopeMetadata More...
class | EnvelopeNotificationRequest |
| A complex element that specifies the notification settings for the envelope. More...
class | EnvelopePublishRequest |
| EnvelopePublishRequest More...
class | EnvelopePublishTransaction |
| EnvelopePublishTransaction More...
class | EnvelopePublishTransactionErrorRollup |
| EnvelopePublishTransactionErrorRollup More...
class | EnvelopePublishTransactionList |
| EnvelopePublishTransactionList More...
class | EnvelopePurgeConfiguration |
| Contains information about the current envelope purge configuration for an account, which enables account administrators to purge documents from completed and voided envelopes after a set number of days (`retentionDays`). More...
class | EnvelopesInformation |
| Result set for the Envelopes: listStatusChanges method More...
class | EnvelopeSummary |
| This object describes an envelope. More...
class | EnvelopeTemplate |
| EnvelopeTemplate More...
class | EnvelopeTemplateDefinition |
| A complex element containing the following information: templateId: Unique identifier of the template. If this is not provided, DocuSign will generate a value. name: Name of the template. Maximum length: 100 characters. shared: When set to true, the template is shared with the Everyone group in the account. If false, the template is only shared with the Administrator group. password: Password, if the template is locked. description: Description of the template. Maximum Length: 500 characters. pageCount: Number of document pages in the template. folderName: The name of the folder the template is located in. folderId: The ID for the folder. owner: The userName, email, userId, userType, and userStatus for the template owner. More...
class | EnvelopeTemplateResult |
| EnvelopeTemplateResult More...
class | EnvelopeTemplateResults |
| Information about templates. More...
class | EnvelopeTransactionStatus |
| EnvelopeTransactionStatus More...
class | EnvelopeTransferRule |
| This object contains details about an envelope transfer rule. More...
class | EnvelopeTransferRuleInformation |
| EnvelopeTransferRuleInformation More...
class | EnvelopeTransferRuleRequest |
| This object contains details about the envelope transfer rule that you want to create. More...
class | EnvelopeUpdateSummary |
| EnvelopeUpdateSummary More...
class | EnvelopeViewDocumentSettings |
| EnvelopeViewDocumentSettings More...
class | EnvelopeViewEnvelopeCustomFieldSettings |
| EnvelopeViewEnvelopeCustomFieldSettings More...
class | EnvelopeViewRecipientSettings |
| EnvelopeViewRecipientSettings More...
class | EnvelopeViewRequest |
| EnvelopeViewRequest More...
class | EnvelopeViewSettings |
| EnvelopeViewSettings More...
class | EnvelopeViewTaggerSettings |
| EnvelopeViewTaggerSettings More...
class | EnvelopeViewTemplateSettings |
| EnvelopeViewTemplateSettings More...
class | ErrorDetails |
| This object describes errors that occur. It is only valid for responses, and ignored in requests. More...
class | EventNotification |
| This optional complex element allows a message to be sent a specified URL when the envelope or recipient changes status. It is similar to DocuSign Connect. For example, if an envelope changes from "Sent" to "Delivered", a message containing the updated envelope status and optionally the documents is sent to the URL. When an eventNotification is attached to an envelope using the API, it only applies to the envelope (treating the envelope as the sender). This is different from envelopes created through the console user interface, where the user is treated as the sender. More...
class | EventResult |
| Information about the result of an event. More...
class | Expirations |
| A complex element that specifies the expiration settings for the envelope. More...
class | ExternalClaim |
| ExternalClaim More...
class | ExternalDocServiceErrorDetails |
| ExternalDocServiceErrorDetails More...
class | ExternalDocumentSources |
| A complex object specifying the external document sources. More...
class | ExternalFile |
| This object contains information about a file or folder in cloud storage. More...
class | ExternalFolder |
| ExternalFolder More...
class | ExternalPrimaryAccountRecipientAuthRequirements |
| ExternalPrimaryAccountRecipientAuthRequirements More...
class | FavoriteTemplatesContentItem |
| FavoriteTemplatesContentItem More...
class | FavoriteTemplatesInfo |
| FavoriteTemplatesInfo More...
class | FeatureAvailableMetadata |
| FeatureAvailableMetadata More...
class | FeatureSet |
| This object provides details about a feature set, or add-on product that is associated with an account. It is reserved for DocuSign internal use only. More...
class | FileType |
| FileType More...
class | FileTypeList |
| FileTypeList More...
class | Filter |
| Use this object to create a filtered view of the items in a folder. More...
class | FirstName |
| A tab that displays the recipient's first name. This tab takes the recipient's name as entered in the recipient information, splits it into sections based on spaces and uses the first section as the first name. More...
class | Folder |
| This object contains details about a folder. More...
class | FolderItem |
| FolderItem More...
class | FolderItemResponse |
| Results from a folder item request. More...
class | FolderItemsResponse |
| FolderItemsResponse More...
class | FolderItemV2 |
| Information about folder item results. More...
class | FolderSharedItem |
| FolderSharedItem More...
class | FoldersRequest |
| Information for a folder request. More...
class | FoldersResponse |
| FoldersResponse More...
class | ForgottenPasswordInformation |
| A complex element that has up to four Question/Answer pairs for forgotten password information. More...
class | FormDataItem |
| FormDataItem More...
class | FormulaTab |
| The value of a formula tab is calculated from the values of other number or date tabs in the document. When the recipient completes the underlying fields, the formula tab calculates and displays the result. The `formula` property of the tab contains the references to the underlying tabs. See [Calculated Fields][calculatedfields] in the DocuSign Support Center to learn more about formulas. If a formula tab contains a `paymentDetails` property, the tab is considered a payment item. See [Requesting Payments Along with Signatures][paymentguide] in the DocuSign Support Center to learn more about payments. [calculatedfields]: https://support.docusign.com/en/guides/ndse-user-guide-calculated-fields [paymentguide]: https://support.docusign.com/en/guides/requesting-payments-along-with-signatures More...
class | FullName |
| A tab that displays the recipient's full name. More...
class | GraphicsContext |
| GraphicsContext More...
class | Group |
| This object contains information about a group. More...
class | GroupBrands |
| GroupBrands More...
class | GroupInformation |
| GroupInformation More...
class | IdCheckConfiguration |
| A complex object specifying ID check configuration. More...
class | IdCheckInformationInput |
| A complex element that contains input information related to a recipient ID check. It can include the following information. addressInformationInput: Used to set recipient address information and consists of: * addressInformation: consists of six elements, with stree2 and zipPlus4 being optional. The elements are: street1, street2, city, state, zip, zipPlus4. The maximum length of each element is: street1/street2 = 150 characters, city = 50 characters, state = 2 characters, and zip/zipPlus4 = 20 characters. * displayLevelCode: Specifies the display level for the recipient. Values are: ReadOnly, Editable, or DoNotDisplay. * receiveInResponse: A Boolean element that specifies if the information needs to be returned in the response. dobInformationInput: Used to set recipient date of birth information and consists of: * dateOfBirth: Specifies the recipient's date, month and year of birth. * displayLevelCode: Specifies the display level for the recipient. Values are: ReadOnly, Editable, or DoNotDisplay. * receiveInResponse: A Boolean element that specifies if the information needs to be returned in the response. ssn4InformationInput: Used to set the last four digits of the recipient's SSN information and consists of: * ssn4: Specifies the last four digits of the recipient's SSN. * displayLevelCode: Specifies the display level for the recipient. Values are: ReadOnly, Editable, or DoNotDisplay. * receiveInResponse: A Boolean element that specifies if the information needs to be returned in the response. ssn9InformationInput: Used to set the recipient's SSN information. Note that the ssn9 information can never be returned in the response. The ssn9 input consists of: * ssn9: Specifies the recipient's SSN. * displayLevelCode: Specifies the display level for the recipient. Values are: ReadOnly, Editable, or DoNotDisplay. More...
class | IdCheckSecurityStep |
| IdCheckSecurityStep More...
class | IdEvidenceResourceToken |
| IdEvidenceResourceToken More...
class | IdEvidenceViewLink |
| IdEvidenceViewLink More...
class | InitialHere |
| A tab that allows the recipient to initial the document. May be optional. More...
class | InlineTemplate |
| InlineTemplate More...
class | InPersonSigner |
| Contains information about an in-person recipient. This is a DocuSign user, acting as a Signing Host, who is in the same physical location as the signer. To learn about the fields used for the eNotary feature, see the [recipients resource][resource]. [resource]: /docs/esign-rest-api/reference/envelopes/enveloperecipients/#in-person-signer-recipient More...
class | IntegratedConnectUserInfoList |
| IntegratedConnectUserInfoList More...
class | IntegratedUserInfoList |
| IntegratedUserInfoList More...
class | Intermediary |
| Contains information about an intermediary recipient. An intermediary is a recipient who can, but is not required to, add name and email information for recipients at the same or subsequent level in the routing order, unless subsequent agents, editors or intermediaries are added. More...
class | Jurisdiction |
| Describes the jurisdiction of a notary. This is read-only object. More...
class | JurisdictionSummary |
| JurisdictionSummary More...
class | LastName |
| A tab that displays the recipient's last name. This tab takes the recipient's name as entered in the recipient information, splits it into sections based on spaces and uses the last section as the last name. More...
class | LinkedExternalPrimaryAccount |
| LinkedExternalPrimaryAccount More...
class | List |
| This tab offers a list of options to choose from. The `listItems` property contains a list of `listItem` objects to specify the selectable options. More...
class | ListCustomField |
| This object represents a list custom field from which envelope creators and senders can select custom data. More...
class | ListItem |
| One of the selectable items in the `listItems` property of a `list` tab. More...
class | LocalePolicy |
| LocalePolicy More...
class | LocalePolicyTab |
| LocalePolicyTab More...
class | LockInformation |
| LockInformation More...
class | LockRequest |
| This request object contains information about the lock that you want to create or update. More...
class | LoginAccount |
| LoginAccount More...
class | LoginInformation |
| LoginInformation More...
class | MatchBox |
| MatchBox More...
class | MemberGroupSharedItem |
| Information about items shared among groups. More...
class | MemberSharedItems |
| Information about shared items. More...
class | MergeField |
| Contains information for transfering values between Salesforce data fields and DocuSign Tabs. More...
class | MobileNotifierConfiguration |
| MobileNotifierConfiguration More...
class | MobileNotifierConfigurationInformation |
| MobileNotifierConfigurationInformation More...
class | Money |
| Describes information about the `total` of a payment. More...
class | NameValue |
| A name-value pair that describes an item and provides a value for the item. More...
class | NewAccountDefinition |
| NewAccountDefinition More...
class | NewAccountSummary |
| NewAccountSummary More...
class | NewUser |
| Object representing a new user. More...
class | NewUsersDefinition |
| NewUsersDefinition More...
class | NewUsersSummary |
| Object representing a summary of data for new users. More...
class | Notarize |
| A tab that alerts notary recipients that they must take action on the page. Only one notarize tab can appear on a page. More...
class | Notary |
| Notary More...
class | NotaryCertificate |
| NotaryCertificate More...
class | NotaryContactDetails |
| NotaryContactDetails More...
class | NotaryHost |
| This object is used only when `inPersonSigningType` in the `inPersonSigner` object is `notary`. It describes information about the notary host. The following information is required when using the eNotary in-person signing flow: * `name`: Specifies the notary's full legal name. * `email`: Specifies the notary's email address. * `recipientId`: A unique ID number for the notary signing host. More...
class | NotaryJournal |
| NotaryJournal More...
class | NotaryJournalCredibleWitness |
| NotaryJournalCredibleWitness More...
class | NotaryJournalList |
| NotaryJournalList More...
class | NotaryJournalMetaData |
| NotaryJournalMetaData More...
class | NotaryJurisdiction |
| A notary jurisdiction. More...
class | NotaryJurisdictionList |
| A paged list of jurisdictions. More...
class | NotaryRecipient |
| NotaryRecipient More...
class | NotaryResult |
| Describes a single notary jurisdiction. More...
class | NotarySeal |
| A Notary Seal tab enables the recipient to notarize a document. This tab can only be assigned to a remote notary recipient using [DocuSign Notary][notary]. [notary]: /docs/notary-api/ More...
class | Note |
| A tab that displays additional information, in the form of a note, for the recipient. More...
class | Notification |
| A complex element that specifies the notification options for the envelope. It consists of: * useAccountDefaults - When set to true, the account default notification settings are used for the envelope. * reminders - A complex element that specifies reminder settings for the envelope. It consists of: * reminderEnabled - When set to true, a reminder message is sent to the recipient. * reminderDelay - An interger that sets the number of days after the recipient receives the envelope that reminder emails are sent to the recipient. * reminderFrequency - An interger that sets the interval, in days, between reminder emails. * expirations - A complex element that specifies the expiration settings for the envelope. It consists of: * expireEnabled - When set to true, the envelope expires (is no longer available for signing) in the set number of days. If false, the account default setting is used. If the account does not have an expiration setting, the DocuSign default value of 120 days is used. * expireAfter - An integer that sets the number of days the envelope is active. * expireWarn - An integer that sets the number of days before envelope expiration that an expiration warning email is sent to the recipient. If set to 0 (zero), no warning email is sent. More...
class | NotificationDefaults |
| NotificationDefaults More...
class | NotificationDefaultSettings |
| Contains details about the default notification settings for the envelope notifications that senders and signers receive. More...
class | Number |
| A tab that allows the recipient to enter numbers and decimal (.) points. More...
class | Numerical |
| Numerical More...
class | OauthAccess |
| OauthAccess More...
class | OcrRequest |
| OcrRequest More...
class | OfflineAttributes |
| Reserved for DocuSign use. More...
class | Page |
| Description of a page of a document. More...
class | PageImages |
| PageImages More...
class | PageRequest |
| PageRequest More...
class | PageSize |
| PageSize More...
class | PaletteItemSettings |
| PaletteItemSettings More...
class | PaletteSettings |
| PaletteSettings More...
class | Participant |
| Participant More...
class | PathExtendedElement |
| PathExtendedElement More...
class | PaymentDetails |
| When a formula tab has a `paymentDetails` property, the formula tab is a payment item. See [Requesting Payments Along with Signatures][paymentguide] in the DocuSign Support Center to learn more about payments. [paymentguide]: https://support.docusign.com/en/guides/requesting-payments-along-with-signatures More...
class | PaymentGatewayAccount |
| This object contains details about a payment gateway account. More...
class | PaymentGatewayAccountSetting |
| PaymentGatewayAccountSetting More...
class | PaymentGatewayAccountsInfo |
| Holds information about connected payment accounts. More...
class | PaymentLineItem |
| A line item describes details about an individual line item in a payment request. More...
class | PaymentMethodWithOptions |
| This object contains information about a payment method that the gateway accepts and the payment options that are compatible with it. More...
class | PaymentProcessorInformation |
| PaymentProcessorInformation More...
class | PaymentSignerValues |
| PaymentSignerValues More...
class | PayPalLegacySettings |
| PayPalLegacySettings More...
class | PermissionProfile |
| This object defines the account permissions for a profile that you can apply to a group of users. More...
class | PermissionProfileInformation |
| Contains details about the permission profiles associated with an account. More...
class | PhoneNumber |
| A Phone Number tab enables a recipient to enter a phone number. Note: This tab can only be assigned to a remote notary recipient using [DocuSign Notary][notary]. [notary]: /docs/notary-api/ More...
class | PlanInformation |
| An object used to identify the features and attributes of the account being created. More...
class | PolyLine |
| PolyLine More...
class | PolyLineOverlay |
| This tab enables users to strike through the text of a document. The tab is implemented as a line represented as a pair of x and y coordinates. More...
class | PowerForm |
| Contains details about a PowerForm. More...
class | PowerFormFormDataEnvelope |
| PowerFormFormDataEnvelope More...
class | PowerFormFormDataRecipient |
| PowerFormFormDataRecipient More...
class | PowerFormRecipient |
| Note: For a self-service PowerForm on a website, you can specify the intended recipients generically (for example, use `Member` as the `Name`), and omit personal details such as `email`. More...
class | PowerFormSendersResponse |
| This object includes information about the users who have sent PowerForms. More...
class | PowerFormsFormDataResponse |
| PowerFormsFormDataResponse More...
class | PowerFormsRequest |
| PowerFormsRequest More...
class | PowerFormsResponse |
| A list of PowerForms. More...
class | PrefillFormData |
| PrefillFormData More...
class | PrefillTabs |
| Prefill tabs are tabs that the sender can fill in before the envelope is sent. They are sometimes called sender tags or pre-fill fields. Only the following tab types can be prefill tabs: - text - check boxes - radio buttons [Pre-Fill Your Own Document Fields][app] describes how prefill tabs work in the web application. [Customize your envelopes with pre-fill fields][catblog] shows how to use prefill tabs in your application using the eSignature SDKs. [app]: https://support.docusign.com/en/guides/ndse-user-guide-prefill-fields [catblog]: https://www.docusign.com/blog/developers/common-api-tasks-customize-your-envelopes-pre-fill-fields More...
class | ProofServiceResourceToken |
| ProofServiceResourceToken More...
class | ProofServiceViewLink |
| ProofServiceViewLink More...
class | PropertyMetadata |
| Metadata about a property. More...
class | Province |
| Province More...
class | ProvisioningInformation |
| ProvisioningInformation More...
class | PurchasedEnvelopesInformation |
| PurchasedEnvelopesInformation More...
class | Radio |
| One of the selectable radio buttons in the `radios` property of a `radioGroup` tab. More...
class | RadioGroup |
| This group tab is used to place radio buttons on a document. The `radios` property contains a list of `radio` objects associated with the group. Only one radio button can be selected in a group. More...
class | RecipientAdditionalNotification |
| Describes an additional notification method. More...
class | RecipientAttachment |
| RecipientAttachment More...
class | RecipientDomain |
| RecipientDomain More...
class | RecipientEmail |
| RecipientEmail More...
class | RecipientEmailNotification |
| RecipientEmailNotification More...
class | RecipientEvent |
| RecipientEvent More...
class | RecipientFormData |
| RecipientFormData More...
class | RecipientGroup |
| Describes a group of recipients. More...
class | RecipientIdentityInputOption |
| RecipientIdentityInputOption More...
class | RecipientIdentityPhoneNumber |
| RecipientIdentityPhoneNumber More...
class | RecipientIdentityVerification |
| Specifies ID Verification applied on an envelope by workflow ID. See the list method in the IdentityVerifications resource for more information on how to retrieve workflow IDs available for an account. This can be used in addition to other recipient authentication methods. More...
class | RecipientNamesResponse |
| This response object contains a list of recipients. More...
class | RecipientOption |
| Describes a recipient who is a member of a conditional group. More...
class | RecipientPhoneAuthentication |
| A complex type that Contains the elements: * recipMayProvideNumber - Boolean. When set to true, the recipient can use whatever phone number they choose. * senderProvidedNumbers - ArrayOfString. A list of phone numbers the recipient can use. * recordVoicePrint - Reserved. * validateRecipProvidedNumber - Reserved. More...
class | RecipientPhoneNumber |
| Describes the recipient phone number. More...
class | RecipientPreviewRequest |
| This request object contains the information necessary to create a recipient preview. More...
class | RecipientProofFile |
| The proof file of the recipient. ID Evidence uses proof files to store the identification data that recipients submit when verifying their ID with ID Verification More...
class | RecipientRouting |
| Describes the recipient routing rules. More...
class | RecipientRules |
| RecipientRules More...
class | Recipients |
| Specifies the envelope recipients. More...
class | RecipientSAMLAuthentication |
| Contains the name/value pair information for the SAML assertion attributes: * name - The name of the SAML assertion attribute. * value - The value associated with the named SAML assertion attribute. Your account must be set up to use SSO to use this. More...
class | RecipientSignatureInformation |
| Allows the sender to pre-specify the signature name, signature initials and signature font used in the signature stamp for the recipient. Used only with recipient types In Person Signers and Signers. More...
class | RecipientSignatureProvider |
| An Electronic or Standards Based Signature (digital signature) provider for the signer to use. More information. More...
class | RecipientSignatureProviderOptions |
| Option settings for the signature provider. Different providers require or use different options. The current provider list and the options they require. More...
class | RecipientSMSAuthentication |
| Contains the element senderProvidedNumbers which is an Array of phone numbers the recipient can use for SMS text authentication. More...
class | RecipientsUpdateSummary |
| This is the response that the API returns after you update recipients. More...
class | RecipientTokenClientURLs |
| RecipientTokenClientURLs More...
class | RecipientUpdateResponse |
| The recipient details that are returned after you update the recipient. More...
class | RecipientViewRequest |
| The request body for the EnvelopeViews: createRecipient and EnvelopeViews: createSharedRecipient methods. More...
class | ReferralInformation |
| A complex type that contains the following information for entering referral and discount information. The following items are included in the referral information (all string content): enableSupport, includedSeats, saleDiscountPercent, saleDiscountAmount, saleDiscountFixedAmount, saleDiscountPeriods, saleDiscountSeatPriceOverride, planStartMonth, referralCode, referrerName, advertisementId, publisherId, shopperId, promoCode, groupMemberId, idType, and industry ###### Note: saleDiscountPercent, saleDiscountAmount, saleDiscountFixedAmount, saleDiscountPeriods, and saleDiscountSeatPriceOverride are reserved for DoucSign use only. More...
class | Reminders |
| A complex element that specifies reminder settings for the envelope More...
class | ReportInProductCsvRunRequest |
| ReportInProductCsvRunRequest More...
class | ReportInProductField |
| ReportInProductField More...
class | ReportInProductGet |
| ReportInProductGet More...
class | ReportInProductList |
| ReportInProductList More...
class | ReportInProductListItem |
| ReportInProductListItem More...
class | ReportInProductRunRequest |
| ReportInProductRunRequest More...
class | ReportInProductRunResponse |
| ReportInProductRunResponse More...
class | ReportInProductRunResponseRow |
| ReportInProductRunResponseRow More...
class | ReportInProductRunResponseRowFields |
| ReportInProductRunResponseRowFields More...
class | ReportInProductSaveResponse |
| ReportInProductSaveResponse More...
class | ReportInProductSentByDetails |
| ReportInProductSentByDetails More...
class | ReservedDomainExistence |
| ReservedDomainExistence More...
class | ResourceInformation |
| ResourceInformation More...
class | ReturnUrlRequest |
| The request body for the EnvelopeViews: createSender method. More...
class | Revision |
| Revision More...
class | SamlAssertionAttribute |
| SamlAssertionAttribute More...
class | ScheduledSending |
| ScheduledSending More...
class | ScheduledSendingApiModel |
| ScheduledSendingApiModel More...
class | Seal |
| Seal More...
class | SealIdentifier |
| SealIdentifier More...
class | SealSign |
| Specifies one or more electronic seals to apply on documents. An electronic seal recipient is a legal entity rather than an actual person. Electronic Seals can be used by organizations and governments to show evidence of origin and integrity of documents. Even though electronic seals can be represented by a tab in a document, they do not require user interaction and apply automatically in the order specified by the sender. The sender is therefore the person authorizing usage of the electronic seal in the flow. Example: ```json "recipients": { "seals": [ { "recipientId": "1", "routingOrder" : 1, "recipientSignatureProviders": [ { "sealName": "52e9d968-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-4682bc45c106" } ] } ] }, . . . ``` For more information about Electronic Seals, see Apply Electronic Seals to Your Documents. More...
class | SeatDiscount |
| This object contains information about a seat discount. More...
class | Sender |
| Sender More...
class | SenderCompany |
| SenderCompany More...
class | SenderEmailNotifications |
| Contains the settings for the email notifications that senders receive about the envelopes that they send. More...
class | SenderName |
| SenderName More...
class | ServerTemplate |
| ServerTemplate More...
class | ServiceInformation |
| ServiceInformation More...
class | ServiceVersion |
| ServiceVersion More...
class | SettingsMetadata |
| Metadata that indicates whether a property is editable and describes setting-specific options. More...
class | SharedItem |
| Information about the shared item. More...
class | SignatureDataInfo |
| SignatureDataInfo More...
class | SignatureGroup |
| SignatureGroup More...
class | SignatureGroupDef |
| SignatureGroupDef More...
class | SignatureProperties |
| SignatureProperties More...
class | SignatureProviderRequiredOption |
| Contains additional information that a specific signature provider requires. More...
class | SignatureType |
| This object contains information about the type of signature. More...
class | SignatureUser |
| SignatureUser More...
class | SignatureUserDef |
| SignatureUserDef More...
class | Signer |
| A complex type containing information about a signer recipient. A signer is a recipient who must take action on a document, such as sign, initial, date, or add data to form fields on a document. More...
class | SignerAttachment |
| A tab that allows the recipient to attach supporting documents to an envelope. More...
class | SignerEmailNotifications |
| An array of email notifications that specifies the email the user receives when they are a sender. When the specific email notification is set to true, the user receives those types of email notifications from DocuSign. The user inherits the default account sender email notification settings when the user is created. More...
class | SignHashDocument |
| SignHashDocument More...
class | SignHashSessionInfoResponse |
| SignHashSessionInfoResponse More...
class | SignHere |
| A tab that allows the recipient to sign a document. May be optional. More...
class | SigningGroup |
| Contains details about a signing group. Signing groups enable you to send an envelope to a predefined group of recipients and have any one member of the group sign your documents. When you send an envelope to a signing group, anyone in the group can open it and sign it with their own signature. More...
class | SigningGroupInformation |
| SigningGroupInformation More...
class | SigningGroupUser |
| SigningGroupUser More...
class | SigningGroupUsers |
| SigningGroupUsers More...
class | SignSessionInfoRequest |
| SignSessionInfoRequest More...
class | SmartContractInformation |
| SmartContractInformation More...
class | SmartSection |
| SmartSection More...
class | SmartSectionAnchorPosition |
| SmartSectionAnchorPosition More...
class | SmartSectionCollapsibleDisplaySettings |
| SmartSectionCollapsibleDisplaySettings More...
class | SmartSectionDisplaySettings |
| These properties define how a Smart Section displays. A Smart Section is a type of display section. More...
class | SocialAccountInformation |
| SocialAccountInformation More...
class | SocialAuthentication |
| SocialAuthentication More...
class | Ssn |
| A one-line field that allows the recipient to enter a Social Security Number. The SSN can be typed with or without dashes. It uses the same parameters as a Text tab, with the validation message and pattern set for SSN information. More...
class | Ssn4InformationInput |
| Ssn4InformationInput More...
class | Ssn9InformationInput |
| Ssn9InformationInput More...
class | Stamp |
| Stamp More...
class | SupportedLanguages |
| A list of supported languages. More...
class | TabAccountSettings |
| TabAccountSettings More...
class | TabGroup |
| TabGroup More...
class | TabMetadata |
| TabMetadata More...
class | TabMetadataList |
| TabMetadataList More...
class | Tabs |
| Tabs indicate to recipients where they should sign, initial, or enter data on a document. They are represented graphically as symbols on documents at the time of signing. Tabs can also display data to the recipients. More...
class | TemplateCustomFields |
| TemplateCustomFields More...
class | TemplateDocumentsResult |
| TemplateDocumentsResult More...
class | TemplateDocumentVisibilityList |
| A list of `documentVisibility` objects that specify whether the documents associated with a template are visible to recipients. More...
class | TemplateInformation |
| TemplateInformation More...
class | TemplateMatch |
| TemplateMatch More...
class | TemplateNotificationRequest |
| TemplateNotificationRequest More...
class | TemplateRecipients |
| TemplateRecipients More...
class | TemplateRole |
| Information about a specific role. More...
class | TemplateSharedItem |
| Information about shared templates. More...
class | TemplateSummary |
| Summary of a template request. More...
class | TemplateTabs |
| TemplateTabs More...
class | TemplateUpdateSummary |
| TemplateUpdateSummary More...
class | TemplateViewRequest |
| TemplateViewRequest More...
class | Text |
| A tab that allows the recipient to enter any type of text. More...
class | TextCustomField |
| This object represents a free text custom field where envelope creators and senders can enter custom data. More...
class | TimeStampField |
| TimeStampField More...
class | Title |
| A tab that displays the recipient's title. More...
class | TspHealthCheckRequest |
| TspHealthCheckRequest More...
class | TspHealthCheckStatusDescription |
| TspHealthCheckStatusDescription More...
class | UpdateTransactionRequest |
| UpdateTransactionRequest More...
class | UpdateTransactionResponse |
| UpdateTransactionResponse More...
class | UsageHistory |
| A complex element consisting of: * lastSentDateTime - the date and time the user last sent an envelope. * lastSignedDateTime - the date and time the user last signed an envelope. * sentCount - the number of envelopes the user has sent. * signedCount - the number of envelopes the user has signed. More...
class | User |
| User More...
class | UserAccountManagementGranularInformation |
| Describes which account management capabilities a user has. More...
class | UserAuthorization |
| UserAuthorization More...
class | UserAuthorizationCreateRequest |
| UserAuthorizationCreateRequest More...
class | UserAuthorizationCreateRequestWithId |
| UserAuthorizationCreateRequestWithId More...
class | UserAuthorizationIdWithStatus |
| UserAuthorizationIdWithStatus More...
class | UserAuthorizations |
| UserAuthorizations More...
class | UserAuthorizationsDeleteRequest |
| UserAuthorizationsDeleteRequest More...
class | UserAuthorizationsDeleteResponse |
| UserAuthorizationsDeleteResponse More...
class | UserAuthorizationsRequest |
| UserAuthorizationsRequest More...
class | UserAuthorizationsResponse |
| UserAuthorizationsResponse More...
class | UserAuthorizationUpdateRequest |
| UserAuthorizationUpdateRequest More...
class | UserAuthorizationWithStatus |
| UserAuthorizationWithStatus More...
class | UserInfo |
| UserInfo More...
class | UserInfoList |
| UserInfoList More...
class | UserInfoResponse |
| UserInfoResponse More...
class | UserInformation |
| User information. More...
class | UserInformationList |
| Contains a list of account users. More...
class | UserPasswordInformation |
| UserPasswordInformation More...
class | UserPasswordRules |
| Contains details about the password rules for a user. More...
class | UserProfile |
| UserProfile More...
class | UserSettingsInformation |
| Properties that configure the settings for a user. Some elements of this object have a `metadata` property, which includes the following: - `rights`: The calling users permissions to edit this setting (can be `editable` or `read_only`) - `uiHint`: Internally used to build UIs (can be `available` or `hidden`) - `options`: The values supported for this setting (not all settings have this element) More...
class | UserSharedItem |
| Information about a shared item. More...
class | UserSignature |
| UserSignature More...
class | UserSignatureDefinition |
| UserSignatureDefinition More...
class | UserSignaturesInformation |
| UserSignaturesInformation More...
class | UserSocialIdResult |
| UserSocialIdResult More...
class | UsersResponse |
| UsersResponse More...
class | View |
| This tab is used with the Approve tab to handle supplemental documents. More...
class | ViewLinkRequest |
| ViewLinkRequest More...
class | ViewUrl |
| ViewUrl More...
class | Watermark |
| Watermark More...
class | Witness |
| A complex type containing information about a witness recipient. Witnesses are recipients whose signatures affirm that the identified signers have signed the documents in the envelope. More...
class | Workflow |
| Describes the workflow for an envelope. More...
class | WorkflowStep |
| Describes a single step in a workflow. More...
class | Workspace |
| Provides properties that describe a workspace. More...
class | WorkspaceFolderContents |
| Provides properties that describe the contents of a workspace folder. More...
class | WorkspaceItem |
| A workspaceItem (file type only) representing the file. This property is only returned in response to file specific GET call. More...
class | WorkspaceItemList |
| Provides properties that describe the items contained in a workspace. More...
class | WorkspaceList |
| Provides properties that describe the workspaces avaialble. More...
class | WorkspaceSettings |
| This object provides information about the settings for the workspace. More...
class | WorkspaceUser |
| A workspaceUser representing the user. This property is only returned in response to user specific GET call. More...
class | WorkspaceUserAuthorization |
| Provides properties that describe user authorization to a workspace. More...
class | Zip |
| A tab that allows the recipient to enter a ZIP code. The ZIP code can be five digits or nine digits in the ZIP+4 format. The zip code can be typed with or without dashes. It uses the same parameters as a Text tab, with the validation message and pattern set for ZIP code information. More...