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DocuSign.eSign.Model.EnvelopeDefinition Class Reference

Envelope object definition. More...

Inheritance diagram for DocuSign.eSign.Model.EnvelopeDefinition:

Public Member Functions

 EnvelopeDefinition (string AccessControlListBase64=default(string), string Accessibility=default(string), string AllowComments=default(string), string AllowMarkup=default(string), string AllowReassign=default(string), string AllowRecipientRecursion=default(string), string AllowViewHistory=default(string), string AnySigner=default(string), string Asynchronous=default(string), List< Attachment > Attachments=default(List< Attachment >), string AttachmentsUri=default(string), string AuthoritativeCopy=default(string), string AuthoritativeCopyDefault=default(string), string AutoNavigation=default(string), string BrandId=default(string), string BrandLock=default(string), string BurnDefaultTabData=default(string), string CertificateUri=default(string), string CompletedDateTime=default(string), List< CompositeTemplate > CompositeTemplates=default(List< CompositeTemplate >), string CopyRecipientData=default(string), string CreatedDateTime=default(string), CustomFields CustomFields=default(CustomFields), string CustomFieldsUri=default(string), string DeclinedDateTime=default(string), string DeletedDateTime=default(string), string DeliveredDateTime=default(string), string DisableResponsiveDocument=default(string), string DocumentBase64=default(string), List< Document > Documents=default(List< Document >), string DocumentsCombinedUri=default(string), string DocumentsUri=default(string), string EmailBlurb=default(string), EmailSettings EmailSettings=default(EmailSettings), string EmailSubject=default(string), string EnableWetSign=default(string), string EnforceSignerVisibility=default(string), List< Attachment > EnvelopeAttachments=default(List< Attachment >), EnvelopeCustomMetadata EnvelopeCustomMetadata=default(EnvelopeCustomMetadata), List< EnvelopeDocument > EnvelopeDocuments=default(List< EnvelopeDocument >), string EnvelopeId=default(string), string EnvelopeIdStamping=default(string), string EnvelopeLocation=default(string), EnvelopeMetadata EnvelopeMetadata=default(EnvelopeMetadata), string EnvelopeUri=default(string), EventNotification EventNotification=default(EventNotification), List< EventNotification > EventNotifications=default(List< EventNotification >), string ExpireAfter=default(string), string ExpireDateTime=default(string), string ExpireEnabled=default(string), string ExternalEnvelopeId=default(string), List< Folder > Folders=default(List< Folder >), string HasComments=default(string), string HasFormDataChanged=default(string), string HasWavFile=default(string), string Holder=default(string), string InitialSentDateTime=default(string), string Is21CFRPart11=default(string), string IsDynamicEnvelope=default(string), string IsSignatureProviderEnvelope=default(string), string LastModifiedDateTime=default(string), string Location=default(string), LockInformation LockInformation=default(LockInformation), string MessageLock=default(string), Notification Notification=default(Notification), string NotificationUri=default(string), string Password=default(string), PowerForm PowerForm=default(PowerForm), string PurgeCompletedDate=default(string), string PurgeRequestDate=default(string), string PurgeState=default(string), Recipients Recipients=default(Recipients), string RecipientsLock=default(string), string RecipientsUri=default(string), RecipientViewRequest RecipientViewRequest=default(RecipientViewRequest), UserInfo Sender=default(UserInfo), string SentDateTime=default(string), string SignerCanSignOnMobile=default(string), string SigningLocation=default(string), string Status=default(string), string StatusChangedDateTime=default(string), string StatusDateTime=default(string), string TemplateId=default(string), List< TemplateRole > TemplateRoles=default(List< TemplateRole >), string TemplatesUri=default(string), string TransactionId=default(string), string UseDisclosure=default(string), string VoidedDateTime=default(string), string VoidedReason=default(string), Workflow Workflow=default(Workflow))
 Initializes a new instance of the EnvelopeDefinition class. More...
override string ToString ()
 Returns the string presentation of the object More...
string ToJson ()
 Returns the JSON string presentation of the object More...
override bool Equals (object obj)
 Returns true if objects are equal More...
bool Equals (EnvelopeDefinition other)
 Returns true if EnvelopeDefinition instances are equal More...
override int GetHashCode ()
 Gets the hash code More...
IEnumerable< ValidationResult > Validate (ValidationContext validationContext)


string AccessControlListBase64 [get, set]
 Gets or Sets AccessControlListBase64 More...
string Accessibility [get, set]
 Sets the document reading zones for screen reader applications. This element can only be used if Document Accessibility is enabled for the account. ###### Note: This information is currently generated from the DocuSign web console by setting the reading zones when creating a template, exporting the reading zone string information, and adding it here. More...
string AllowComments [get, set]
 Gets or Sets AllowComments More...
string AllowMarkup [get, set]
 When set to true, Document Markup is enabled for envelope. Account must have Document Markup enabled to use this More...
string AllowReassign [get, set]
 When set to true, the recipient can redirect an envelope to a more appropriate recipient. More...
string AllowRecipientRecursion [get, set]
 When set to true, this enables the Recursive Recipients feature and allows a recipient to appear more than once in the routing order. More...
string AllowViewHistory [get, set]
 Gets or Sets AllowViewHistory More...
string AnySigner [get, set]
 Gets or Sets AnySigner More...
string Asynchronous [get, set]
 When set to true, the envelope is queued for processing and the value of the &#x60;status&#x60; property is set to &#39;Processing&#39;. Additionally, get status calls return &#39;Processing&#39; until completed. More...
List< AttachmentAttachments [get, set]
 Gets or Sets Attachments More...
string AttachmentsUri [get, set]
 Gets or Sets AttachmentsUri More...
string AuthoritativeCopy [get, set]
 Specifies the Authoritative copy feature. If set to true the Authoritative copy feature is enabled. More...
string AuthoritativeCopyDefault [get, set]
 Gets or Sets AuthoritativeCopyDefault More...
string AutoNavigation [get, set]
 Gets or Sets AutoNavigation More...
string BrandId [get, set]
 This sets the brand profile format used for the envelope. The value in the string is the brandId associated with the profile. Account branding must be enabled for the account to use this option. More...
string BrandLock [get, set]
 Gets or Sets BrandLock More...
string BurnDefaultTabData [get, set]
 Gets or Sets BurnDefaultTabData More...
string CertificateUri [get, set]
 Retrieves a URI for an endpoint that allows you to easily retrieve certificate information. More...
string CompletedDateTime [get, set]
 Specifies the date and time this item was completed. More...
List< CompositeTemplateCompositeTemplates [get, set]
 A complex type that can be added to create envelopes from a combination of DocuSign templates and PDF forms. The basic envelope remains the same, while the Composite Template adds new document and template overlays into the envelope. There can be any number of Composite Template structures in the envelope. More...
string CopyRecipientData [get, set]
 Gets or Sets CopyRecipientData More...
string CreatedDateTime [get, set]
 Indicates the date and time the item was created. More...
CustomFields CustomFields [get, set]
 An optional array of strings that allows the sender to provide custom data about the recipient. This information is returned in the envelope status but otherwise not used by DocuSign. Each customField string can be a maximum of 100 characters. More...
string CustomFieldsUri [get, set]
 Contains a URI for an endpoint that you can use to retrieve the custom fields. More...
string DeclinedDateTime [get, set]
 The date and time the recipient declined the document. More...
string DeletedDateTime [get, set]
 Specifies the data and time the item was deleted. More...
string DeliveredDateTime [get, set]
 Reserved: For DocuSign use only. More...
string DisableResponsiveDocument [get, set]
 Gets or Sets DisableResponsiveDocument More...
string DocumentBase64 [get, set]
 Gets or Sets DocumentBase64 More...
List< DocumentDocuments [get, set]
 Complex element contains the details on the documents in the envelope. More...
string DocumentsCombinedUri [get, set]
 Gets or Sets DocumentsCombinedUri More...
string DocumentsUri [get, set]
 Contains a URI for an endpoint that you can use to retrieve the documents. More...
string EmailBlurb [get, set]
 Optional element. This is the same as the email body. If specified it is included in email body for all envelope recipients. This can be a maximum of 10000 characters More...
EmailSettings EmailSettings [get, set]
 This optional complex element enables the sender to override some envelope email setting information. This can be used to override the Reply To email address and name associated with the envelope, as well as the BCC email addresses to which an envelope is sent. When the &#x60;emailSettings&#x60; information is used for an envelope, it only applies to that envelope. Important Note: The &#x60;emailSettings&#x60; information is not returned in the GET method for envelope status. Use GET /email_settings to return information about the emailSettings. More...
string EmailSubject [get, set]
 Specifies the subject of the email that is sent to all recipients. See [ML:Template Email Subject Merge Fields] for information about adding merge field information to the email subject. More...
string EnableWetSign [get, set]
 When set to true, the signer is allowed to print the document and sign it on paper. More...
string EnforceSignerVisibility [get, set]
 When set to true, documents with tabs can only be viewed by signers that have a tab on that document. Recipients that have an administrative role (Agent, Editor, or Intermediaries) or informational role (Certified Deliveries or Carbon Copies) can always see all the documents in an envelope, unless they are specifically excluded using this setting when an envelope is sent. Documents that do not have tabs are always visible to all recipients, unless they are specifically excluded using this setting when an envelope is sent. Your account must have Document Visibility enabled to use this. More...
List< AttachmentEnvelopeAttachments [get, set]
 Gets or Sets EnvelopeAttachments More...
EnvelopeCustomMetadata EnvelopeCustomMetadata [get, set]
 Gets or Sets EnvelopeCustomMetadata More...
List< EnvelopeDocumentEnvelopeDocuments [get, set]
 Gets or Sets EnvelopeDocuments More...
string EnvelopeId [get, set]
 The envelope ID of the envelope status that failed to post. More...
string EnvelopeIdStamping [get, set]
 When set to true, Envelope ID Stamping is enabled. More...
string EnvelopeLocation [get, set]
 Gets or Sets EnvelopeLocation More...
EnvelopeMetadata EnvelopeMetadata [get, set]
 Metadata about the features that are enabled for the envelope. More...
string EnvelopeUri [get, set]
 Contains a URI for an endpoint that you can use to retrieve the envelope or envelopes. More...
EventNotification EventNotification [get, set]
 This optional object is used to register a webhook that will receive status changes for this envelope. More...
List< EventNotificationEventNotifications [get, set]
 Gets or Sets EventNotifications More...
string ExpireAfter [get, set]
 Gets or Sets ExpireAfter More...
string ExpireDateTime [get, set]
 Gets or Sets ExpireDateTime More...
string ExpireEnabled [get, set]
 Gets or Sets ExpireEnabled More...
string ExternalEnvelopeId [get, set]
 Gets or Sets ExternalEnvelopeId More...
List< FolderFolders [get, set]
 Gets or Sets Folders More...
string HasComments [get, set]
 Gets or Sets HasComments More...
string HasFormDataChanged [get, set]
 Gets or Sets HasFormDataChanged More...
string HasWavFile [get, set]
 Gets or Sets HasWavFile More...
string Holder [get, set]
 Gets or Sets Holder More...
string InitialSentDateTime [get, set]
 Gets or Sets InitialSentDateTime More...
string Is21CFRPart11 [get, set]
 When set to true, indicates that this module is enabled on the account. More...
string IsDynamicEnvelope [get, set]
 Gets or Sets IsDynamicEnvelope More...
string IsSignatureProviderEnvelope [get, set]
 Gets or Sets IsSignatureProviderEnvelope More...
string LastModifiedDateTime [get, set]
 The date and time the item was last modified. More...
string Location [get, set]
 Gets or Sets Location More...
LockInformation LockInformation [get, set]
 Provides lock information about an envelope that a user has locked. More...
string MessageLock [get, set]
 When set to true, prevents senders from changing the contents of &#x60;emailBlurb&#x60; and &#x60;emailSubject&#x60; properties for the envelope. Additionally, this prevents users from making changes to the contents of &#x60;emailBlurb&#x60; and &#x60;emailSubject&#x60; properties when correcting envelopes. However, if the &#x60;messageLock&#x60; node is set to true**** and the &#x60;emailSubject&#x60; property is empty, senders and correctors are able to add a subject to the envelope. More...
Notification Notification [get, set]
 An optional complex element that specifies the notification options for the envelope. More...
string NotificationUri [get, set]
 Contains a URI for an endpoint that you can use to retrieve the notifications. More...
string Password [get, set]
 Gets or Sets Password More...
PowerForm PowerForm [get, set]
 Information about any PowerForms that are included in the envelope. More...
string PurgeCompletedDate [get, set]
 Gets or Sets PurgeCompletedDate More...
string PurgeRequestDate [get, set]
 Gets or Sets PurgeRequestDate More...
string PurgeState [get, set]
 Initiates a purge request. Valid values are: * documents_queued: Places envelope documents in the purge queue. * documents_and_metadata_queued: Places envelope documents and metadata in the purge queue. More...
Recipients Recipients [get, set]
 An array of powerform recipients. More...
string RecipientsLock [get, set]
 When set to true, prevents senders from changing, correcting, or deleting the recipient information for the envelope. More...
string RecipientsUri [get, set]
 Contains a URI for an endpoint that you can use to retrieve the recipients. More...
RecipientViewRequest RecipientViewRequest [get, set]
 Gets or Sets RecipientViewRequest More...
UserInfo Sender [get, set]
 Information about the sender of the envelope. More...
string SentDateTime [get, set]
 The date and time the envelope was sent. More...
string SignerCanSignOnMobile [get, set]
 Gets or Sets SignerCanSignOnMobile More...
string SigningLocation [get, set]
 Specifies the physical location where the signing takes place. It can have two enumeration values; InPerson and Online. The default value is Online. More...
string Status [get, set]
 Indicates the envelope status. Valid values are: * sent - The envelope is sent to the recipients. * created - The envelope is saved as a draft and can be modified and sent later. More...
string StatusChangedDateTime [get, set]
 The data and time the status changed. More...
string StatusDateTime [get, set]
 Gets or Sets StatusDateTime More...
string TemplateId [get, set]
 The unique identifier of the template. If this is not provided, DocuSign will generate a value. More...
List< TemplateRoleTemplateRoles [get, set]
 Specifies the template recipients. Each roleName in the template must have a recipient assigned to it. This is made up elements: * email - The recipient&#39;s email address. * name - The recipient&#39;s name. * roleName - The template roleName associated with the recipient. * clientUserId - Optional, this sets if the signer is This specifies if the recipient is embedded or remote. If the clientUserId is not null then the recipient is embedded. Note that if a ClientUserId is used and the account settings SignerMustHaveAccount or SignerMustLoginToSign are true, an error is generated on sending. * defaultRecipient - Optional, When set to true, this recipient is the default recipient and any tabs generated by the transformPdfFields option are mapped to this recipient. * routingOrder - This specifies the routing order of the recipient in the envelope. * accessCode - This optional element specifies the access code a recipient has to enter to validate the identity. This can be a maximum of 50 characters. * inPersonSignerName - Optional, if the template role is an in person signer, this is the full legal name of the signer. This can be a maximum of 100 characters. * emailNotification - This is an optional complex element that has a role specific emailSubject, emailBody, and language. It follows the same format as the emailNotification node for Recipients. * tabs - This allows the tab values to be specified for matching to tabs in the template. More...
string TemplatesUri [get, set]
 Contains a URI for an endpoint which you can use to retrieve the templates. More...
string TransactionId [get, set]
 Used to identify an envelope. The id is a sender-generated value and is valid in the DocuSign system for 7 days. It is recommended that a transaction ID is used for offline signing to ensure that an envelope is not sent multiple times. The &#x60;transactionId&#x60; property can be used determine an envelope&#39;s status (i.e. was it created or not) in cases where the internet connection was lost before the envelope status was returned. More...
string UseDisclosure [get, set]
 When set to true, the disclosure is shown to recipients in accordance with the account&#39;s Electronic Record and Signature Disclosure frequency setting. When set to false, the Electronic Record and Signature Disclosure is not shown to any envelope recipients. If the &#x60;useDisclosure&#x60; property is not set, then the account&#39;s normal disclosure setting is used and the value of the &#x60;useDisclosure&#x60; property is not returned in responses when getting envelope information. More...
string VoidedDateTime [get, set]
 The date and time the envelope or template was voided. More...
string VoidedReason [get, set]
 The reason the envelope or template was voided. More...
Workflow Workflow [get, set]
 Describes the workflow for this envelope. More...

Detailed Description

Envelope object definition.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ EnvelopeDefinition()

DocuSign.eSign.Model.EnvelopeDefinition.EnvelopeDefinition ( string  AccessControlListBase64 = default(string),
string  Accessibility = default(string),
string  AllowComments = default(string),
string  AllowMarkup = default(string),
string  AllowReassign = default(string),
string  AllowRecipientRecursion = default(string),
string  AllowViewHistory = default(string),
string  AnySigner = default(string),
string  Asynchronous = default(string),
List< Attachment Attachments = default(List<Attachment>),
string  AttachmentsUri = default(string),
string  AuthoritativeCopy = default(string),
string  AuthoritativeCopyDefault = default(string),
string  AutoNavigation = default(string),
string  BrandId = default(string),
string  BrandLock = default(string),
string  BurnDefaultTabData = default(string),
string  CertificateUri = default(string),
string  CompletedDateTime = default(string),
List< CompositeTemplate CompositeTemplates = default(List<CompositeTemplate>),
string  CopyRecipientData = default(string),
string  CreatedDateTime = default(string),
CustomFields  CustomFields = default(CustomFields),
string  CustomFieldsUri = default(string),
string  DeclinedDateTime = default(string),
string  DeletedDateTime = default(string),
string  DeliveredDateTime = default(string),
string  DisableResponsiveDocument = default(string),
string  DocumentBase64 = default(string),
List< Document Documents = default(List<Document>),
string  DocumentsCombinedUri = default(string),
string  DocumentsUri = default(string),
string  EmailBlurb = default(string),
EmailSettings  EmailSettings = default(EmailSettings),
string  EmailSubject = default(string),
string  EnableWetSign = default(string),
string  EnforceSignerVisibility = default(string),
List< Attachment EnvelopeAttachments = default(List<Attachment>),
EnvelopeCustomMetadata  EnvelopeCustomMetadata = default(EnvelopeCustomMetadata),
List< EnvelopeDocument EnvelopeDocuments = default(List<EnvelopeDocument>),
string  EnvelopeId = default(string),
string  EnvelopeIdStamping = default(string),
string  EnvelopeLocation = default(string),
EnvelopeMetadata  EnvelopeMetadata = default(EnvelopeMetadata),
string  EnvelopeUri = default(string),
EventNotification  EventNotification = default(EventNotification),
List< EventNotification EventNotifications = default(List<EventNotification>),
string  ExpireAfter = default(string),
string  ExpireDateTime = default(string),
string  ExpireEnabled = default(string),
string  ExternalEnvelopeId = default(string),
List< Folder Folders = default(List<Folder>),
string  HasComments = default(string),
string  HasFormDataChanged = default(string),
string  HasWavFile = default(string),
string  Holder = default(string),
string  InitialSentDateTime = default(string),
string  Is21CFRPart11 = default(string),
string  IsDynamicEnvelope = default(string),
string  IsSignatureProviderEnvelope = default(string),
string  LastModifiedDateTime = default(string),
string  Location = default(string),
LockInformation  LockInformation = default(LockInformation),
string  MessageLock = default(string),
Notification  Notification = default(Notification),
string  NotificationUri = default(string),
string  Password = default(string),
PowerForm  PowerForm = default(PowerForm),
string  PurgeCompletedDate = default(string),
string  PurgeRequestDate = default(string),
string  PurgeState = default(string),
Recipients  Recipients = default(Recipients),
string  RecipientsLock = default(string),
string  RecipientsUri = default(string),
RecipientViewRequest  RecipientViewRequest = default(RecipientViewRequest),
UserInfo  Sender = default(UserInfo),
string  SentDateTime = default(string),
string  SignerCanSignOnMobile = default(string),
string  SigningLocation = default(string),
string  Status = default(string),
string  StatusChangedDateTime = default(string),
string  StatusDateTime = default(string),
string  TemplateId = default(string),
List< TemplateRole TemplateRoles = default(List<TemplateRole>),
string  TemplatesUri = default(string),
string  TransactionId = default(string),
string  UseDisclosure = default(string),
string  VoidedDateTime = default(string),
string  VoidedReason = default(string),
Workflow  Workflow = default(Workflow) 

Initializes a new instance of the EnvelopeDefinition class.

AccessibilitySets the document reading zones for screen reader applications. This element can only be used if Document Accessibility is enabled for the account. ###### Note: This information is currently generated from the DocuSign web console by setting the reading zones when creating a template, exporting the reading zone string information, and adding it here..
AllowMarkupWhen set to true, Document Markup is enabled for envelope. Account must have Document Markup enabled to use this.
AllowReassignWhen set to true, the recipient can redirect an envelope to a more appropriate recipient..
AllowRecipientRecursionWhen set to true, this enables the Recursive Recipients feature and allows a recipient to appear more than once in the routing order..
AsynchronousWhen set to true, the envelope is queued for processing and the value of the &#x60;status&#x60; property is set to &#39;Processing&#39;. Additionally, get status calls return &#39;Processing&#39; until completed..
AuthoritativeCopySpecifies the Authoritative copy feature. If set to true the Authoritative copy feature is enabled..
BrandIdThis sets the brand profile format used for the envelope. The value in the string is the brandId associated with the profile. Account branding must be enabled for the account to use this option..
CertificateUriRetrieves a URI for an endpoint that allows you to easily retrieve certificate information..
CompletedDateTimeSpecifies the date and time this item was completed..
CompositeTemplatesA complex type that can be added to create envelopes from a combination of DocuSign templates and PDF forms. The basic envelope remains the same, while the Composite Template adds new document and template overlays into the envelope. There can be any number of Composite Template structures in the envelope..
CreatedDateTimeIndicates the date and time the item was created..
CustomFieldsAn optional array of strings that allows the sender to provide custom data about the recipient. This information is returned in the envelope status but otherwise not used by DocuSign. Each customField string can be a maximum of 100 characters..
CustomFieldsUriContains a URI for an endpoint that you can use to retrieve the custom fields..
DeclinedDateTimeThe date and time the recipient declined the document..
DeletedDateTimeSpecifies the data and time the item was deleted..
DeliveredDateTimeReserved: For DocuSign use only..
DocumentsComplex element contains the details on the documents in the envelope..
DocumentsUriContains a URI for an endpoint that you can use to retrieve the documents..
EmailBlurbOptional element. This is the same as the email body. If specified it is included in email body for all envelope recipients. This can be a maximum of 10000 characters.
EmailSettingsThis optional complex element enables the sender to override some envelope email setting information. This can be used to override the Reply To email address and name associated with the envelope, as well as the BCC email addresses to which an envelope is sent. When the &#x60;emailSettings&#x60; information is used for an envelope, it only applies to that envelope. Important Note: The &#x60;emailSettings&#x60; information is not returned in the GET method for envelope status. Use GET /email_settings to return information about the emailSettings..
EmailSubjectSpecifies the subject of the email that is sent to all recipients. See [ML:Template Email Subject Merge Fields] for information about adding merge field information to the email subject..
EnableWetSignWhen set to true, the signer is allowed to print the document and sign it on paper..
EnforceSignerVisibilityWhen set to true, documents with tabs can only be viewed by signers that have a tab on that document. Recipients that have an administrative role (Agent, Editor, or Intermediaries) or informational role (Certified Deliveries or Carbon Copies) can always see all the documents in an envelope, unless they are specifically excluded using this setting when an envelope is sent. Documents that do not have tabs are always visible to all recipients, unless they are specifically excluded using this setting when an envelope is sent. Your account must have Document Visibility enabled to use this..
EnvelopeIdThe envelope ID of the envelope status that failed to post..
EnvelopeIdStampingWhen set to true, Envelope ID Stamping is enabled..
EnvelopeMetadataMetadata about the features that are enabled for the envelope..
EnvelopeUriContains a URI for an endpoint that you can use to retrieve the envelope or envelopes..
EventNotificationThis optional object is used to register a webhook that will receive status changes for this envelope..
Is21CFRPart11When set to true, indicates that this module is enabled on the account..
LastModifiedDateTimeThe date and time the item was last modified..
LockInformationProvides lock information about an envelope that a user has locked..
MessageLockWhen set to true, prevents senders from changing the contents of &#x60;emailBlurb&#x60; and &#x60;emailSubject&#x60; properties for the envelope. Additionally, this prevents users from making changes to the contents of &#x60;emailBlurb&#x60; and &#x60;emailSubject&#x60; properties when correcting envelopes. However, if the &#x60;messageLock&#x60; node is set to true**** and the &#x60;emailSubject&#x60; property is empty, senders and correctors are able to add a subject to the envelope..
NotificationAn optional complex element that specifies the notification options for the envelope..
NotificationUriContains a URI for an endpoint that you can use to retrieve the notifications..
PowerFormInformation about any PowerForms that are included in the envelope..
PurgeStateInitiates a purge request. Valid values are: * documents_queued: Places envelope documents in the purge queue. * documents_and_metadata_queued: Places envelope documents and metadata in the purge queue. .
RecipientsAn array of powerform recipients..
RecipientsLockWhen set to true, prevents senders from changing, correcting, or deleting the recipient information for the envelope..
RecipientsUriContains a URI for an endpoint that you can use to retrieve the recipients..
SenderInformation about the sender of the envelope..
SentDateTimeThe date and time the envelope was sent..
SigningLocationSpecifies the physical location where the signing takes place. It can have two enumeration values; InPerson and Online. The default value is Online..
StatusIndicates the envelope status. Valid values are: * sent - The envelope is sent to the recipients. * created - The envelope is saved as a draft and can be modified and sent later..
StatusChangedDateTimeThe data and time the status changed..
TemplateIdThe unique identifier of the template. If this is not provided, DocuSign will generate a value. .
TemplateRolesSpecifies the template recipients. Each roleName in the template must have a recipient assigned to it. This is made up elements: * email - The recipient&#39;s email address. * name - The recipient&#39;s name. * roleName - The template roleName associated with the recipient. * clientUserId - Optional, this sets if the signer is This specifies if the recipient is embedded or remote. If the clientUserId is not null then the recipient is embedded. Note that if a ClientUserId is used and the account settings SignerMustHaveAccount or SignerMustLoginToSign are true, an error is generated on sending. * defaultRecipient - Optional, When set to true, this recipient is the default recipient and any tabs generated by the transformPdfFields option are mapped to this recipient. * routingOrder - This specifies the routing order of the recipient in the envelope. * accessCode - This optional element specifies the access code a recipient has to enter to validate the identity. This can be a maximum of 50 characters. * inPersonSignerName - Optional, if the template role is an in person signer, this is the full legal name of the signer. This can be a maximum of 100 characters. * emailNotification - This is an optional complex element that has a role specific emailSubject, emailBody, and language. It follows the same format as the emailNotification node for Recipients. * tabs - This allows the tab values to be specified for matching to tabs in the template. .
TemplatesUriContains a URI for an endpoint which you can use to retrieve the templates..
TransactionIdUsed to identify an envelope. The id is a sender-generated value and is valid in the DocuSign system for 7 days. It is recommended that a transaction ID is used for offline signing to ensure that an envelope is not sent multiple times. The &#x60;transactionId&#x60; property can be used determine an envelope&#39;s status (i.e. was it created or not) in cases where the internet connection was lost before the envelope status was returned..
UseDisclosureWhen set to true, the disclosure is shown to recipients in accordance with the account&#39;s Electronic Record and Signature Disclosure frequency setting. When set to false, the Electronic Record and Signature Disclosure is not shown to any envelope recipients. If the &#x60;useDisclosure&#x60; property is not set, then the account&#39;s normal disclosure setting is used and the value of the &#x60;useDisclosure&#x60; property is not returned in responses when getting envelope information..
VoidedDateTimeThe date and time the envelope or template was voided..
VoidedReasonThe reason the envelope or template was voided..
WorkflowDescribes the workflow for this envelope..

Member Function Documentation

◆ Equals() [1/2]

override bool DocuSign.eSign.Model.EnvelopeDefinition.Equals ( object  obj)

Returns true if objects are equal

objObject to be compared

◆ Equals() [2/2]

bool DocuSign.eSign.Model.EnvelopeDefinition.Equals ( EnvelopeDefinition  other)

Returns true if EnvelopeDefinition instances are equal

otherInstance of EnvelopeDefinition to be compared

◆ GetHashCode()

override int DocuSign.eSign.Model.EnvelopeDefinition.GetHashCode ( )

Gets the hash code

Hash code

◆ ToJson()

string DocuSign.eSign.Model.EnvelopeDefinition.ToJson ( )

Returns the JSON string presentation of the object

JSON string presentation of the object

◆ ToString()

override string DocuSign.eSign.Model.EnvelopeDefinition.ToString ( )

Returns the string presentation of the object

String presentation of the object

Property Documentation

◆ AccessControlListBase64

string DocuSign.eSign.Model.EnvelopeDefinition.AccessControlListBase64

Gets or Sets AccessControlListBase64

◆ Accessibility

string DocuSign.eSign.Model.EnvelopeDefinition.Accessibility

Sets the document reading zones for screen reader applications. This element can only be used if Document Accessibility is enabled for the account. ###### Note: This information is currently generated from the DocuSign web console by setting the reading zones when creating a template, exporting the reading zone string information, and adding it here.

Sets the document reading zones for screen reader applications. This element can only be used if Document Accessibility is enabled for the account. ###### Note: This information is currently generated from the DocuSign web console by setting the reading zones when creating a template, exporting the reading zone string information, and adding it here.

◆ AllowComments

string DocuSign.eSign.Model.EnvelopeDefinition.AllowComments

Gets or Sets AllowComments

◆ AllowMarkup

string DocuSign.eSign.Model.EnvelopeDefinition.AllowMarkup

When set to true, Document Markup is enabled for envelope. Account must have Document Markup enabled to use this

When set to true, Document Markup is enabled for envelope. Account must have Document Markup enabled to use this

◆ AllowReassign

string DocuSign.eSign.Model.EnvelopeDefinition.AllowReassign

When set to true, the recipient can redirect an envelope to a more appropriate recipient.

When set to true, the recipient can redirect an envelope to a more appropriate recipient.

◆ AllowRecipientRecursion

string DocuSign.eSign.Model.EnvelopeDefinition.AllowRecipientRecursion

When set to true, this enables the Recursive Recipients feature and allows a recipient to appear more than once in the routing order.

When set to true, this enables the Recursive Recipients feature and allows a recipient to appear more than once in the routing order.

◆ AllowViewHistory

string DocuSign.eSign.Model.EnvelopeDefinition.AllowViewHistory

Gets or Sets AllowViewHistory

◆ AnySigner

string DocuSign.eSign.Model.EnvelopeDefinition.AnySigner

Gets or Sets AnySigner

◆ Asynchronous

string DocuSign.eSign.Model.EnvelopeDefinition.Asynchronous

When set to true, the envelope is queued for processing and the value of the &#x60;status&#x60; property is set to &#39;Processing&#39;. Additionally, get status calls return &#39;Processing&#39; until completed.

When set to true, the envelope is queued for processing and the value of the &#x60;status&#x60; property is set to &#39;Processing&#39;. Additionally, get status calls return &#39;Processing&#39; until completed.

◆ Attachments

List<Attachment> DocuSign.eSign.Model.EnvelopeDefinition.Attachments

Gets or Sets Attachments

◆ AttachmentsUri

string DocuSign.eSign.Model.EnvelopeDefinition.AttachmentsUri

Gets or Sets AttachmentsUri

◆ AuthoritativeCopy

string DocuSign.eSign.Model.EnvelopeDefinition.AuthoritativeCopy

Specifies the Authoritative copy feature. If set to true the Authoritative copy feature is enabled.

Specifies the Authoritative copy feature. If set to true the Authoritative copy feature is enabled.

◆ AuthoritativeCopyDefault

string DocuSign.eSign.Model.EnvelopeDefinition.AuthoritativeCopyDefault

Gets or Sets AuthoritativeCopyDefault

◆ AutoNavigation

string DocuSign.eSign.Model.EnvelopeDefinition.AutoNavigation

Gets or Sets AutoNavigation

◆ BrandId

string DocuSign.eSign.Model.EnvelopeDefinition.BrandId

This sets the brand profile format used for the envelope. The value in the string is the brandId associated with the profile. Account branding must be enabled for the account to use this option.

This sets the brand profile format used for the envelope. The value in the string is the brandId associated with the profile. Account branding must be enabled for the account to use this option.

◆ BrandLock

string DocuSign.eSign.Model.EnvelopeDefinition.BrandLock

Gets or Sets BrandLock

◆ BurnDefaultTabData

string DocuSign.eSign.Model.EnvelopeDefinition.BurnDefaultTabData

Gets or Sets BurnDefaultTabData

◆ CertificateUri

string DocuSign.eSign.Model.EnvelopeDefinition.CertificateUri

Retrieves a URI for an endpoint that allows you to easily retrieve certificate information.

Retrieves a URI for an endpoint that allows you to easily retrieve certificate information.

◆ CompletedDateTime

string DocuSign.eSign.Model.EnvelopeDefinition.CompletedDateTime

Specifies the date and time this item was completed.

Specifies the date and time this item was completed.

◆ CompositeTemplates

List<CompositeTemplate> DocuSign.eSign.Model.EnvelopeDefinition.CompositeTemplates

A complex type that can be added to create envelopes from a combination of DocuSign templates and PDF forms. The basic envelope remains the same, while the Composite Template adds new document and template overlays into the envelope. There can be any number of Composite Template structures in the envelope.

A complex type that can be added to create envelopes from a combination of DocuSign templates and PDF forms. The basic envelope remains the same, while the Composite Template adds new document and template overlays into the envelope. There can be any number of Composite Template structures in the envelope.

◆ CopyRecipientData

string DocuSign.eSign.Model.EnvelopeDefinition.CopyRecipientData

Gets or Sets CopyRecipientData

◆ CreatedDateTime

string DocuSign.eSign.Model.EnvelopeDefinition.CreatedDateTime

Indicates the date and time the item was created.

Indicates the date and time the item was created.

◆ CustomFields

CustomFields DocuSign.eSign.Model.EnvelopeDefinition.CustomFields

An optional array of strings that allows the sender to provide custom data about the recipient. This information is returned in the envelope status but otherwise not used by DocuSign. Each customField string can be a maximum of 100 characters.

An optional array of strings that allows the sender to provide custom data about the recipient. This information is returned in the envelope status but otherwise not used by DocuSign. Each customField string can be a maximum of 100 characters.

◆ CustomFieldsUri

string DocuSign.eSign.Model.EnvelopeDefinition.CustomFieldsUri

Contains a URI for an endpoint that you can use to retrieve the custom fields.

Contains a URI for an endpoint that you can use to retrieve the custom fields.

◆ DeclinedDateTime

string DocuSign.eSign.Model.EnvelopeDefinition.DeclinedDateTime

The date and time the recipient declined the document.

The date and time the recipient declined the document.

◆ DeletedDateTime

string DocuSign.eSign.Model.EnvelopeDefinition.DeletedDateTime

Specifies the data and time the item was deleted.

Specifies the data and time the item was deleted.

◆ DeliveredDateTime

string DocuSign.eSign.Model.EnvelopeDefinition.DeliveredDateTime

Reserved: For DocuSign use only.

Reserved: For DocuSign use only.

◆ DisableResponsiveDocument

string DocuSign.eSign.Model.EnvelopeDefinition.DisableResponsiveDocument

Gets or Sets DisableResponsiveDocument

◆ DocumentBase64

string DocuSign.eSign.Model.EnvelopeDefinition.DocumentBase64

Gets or Sets DocumentBase64

◆ Documents

List<Document> DocuSign.eSign.Model.EnvelopeDefinition.Documents

Complex element contains the details on the documents in the envelope.

Complex element contains the details on the documents in the envelope.

◆ DocumentsCombinedUri

string DocuSign.eSign.Model.EnvelopeDefinition.DocumentsCombinedUri

Gets or Sets DocumentsCombinedUri

◆ DocumentsUri

string DocuSign.eSign.Model.EnvelopeDefinition.DocumentsUri

Contains a URI for an endpoint that you can use to retrieve the documents.

Contains a URI for an endpoint that you can use to retrieve the documents.

◆ EmailBlurb

string DocuSign.eSign.Model.EnvelopeDefinition.EmailBlurb

Optional element. This is the same as the email body. If specified it is included in email body for all envelope recipients. This can be a maximum of 10000 characters

Optional element. This is the same as the email body. If specified it is included in email body for all envelope recipients. This can be a maximum of 10000 characters

◆ EmailSettings

EmailSettings DocuSign.eSign.Model.EnvelopeDefinition.EmailSettings

This optional complex element enables the sender to override some envelope email setting information. This can be used to override the Reply To email address and name associated with the envelope, as well as the BCC email addresses to which an envelope is sent. When the &#x60;emailSettings&#x60; information is used for an envelope, it only applies to that envelope. Important Note: The &#x60;emailSettings&#x60; information is not returned in the GET method for envelope status. Use GET /email_settings to return information about the emailSettings.

This optional complex element enables the sender to override some envelope email setting information. This can be used to override the Reply To email address and name associated with the envelope, as well as the BCC email addresses to which an envelope is sent. When the &#x60;emailSettings&#x60; information is used for an envelope, it only applies to that envelope. Important Note: The &#x60;emailSettings&#x60; information is not returned in the GET method for envelope status. Use GET /email_settings to return information about the emailSettings.

◆ EmailSubject

string DocuSign.eSign.Model.EnvelopeDefinition.EmailSubject

Specifies the subject of the email that is sent to all recipients. See [ML:Template Email Subject Merge Fields] for information about adding merge field information to the email subject.

Specifies the subject of the email that is sent to all recipients. See [ML:Template Email Subject Merge Fields] for information about adding merge field information to the email subject.

◆ EnableWetSign

string DocuSign.eSign.Model.EnvelopeDefinition.EnableWetSign

When set to true, the signer is allowed to print the document and sign it on paper.

When set to true, the signer is allowed to print the document and sign it on paper.

◆ EnforceSignerVisibility

string DocuSign.eSign.Model.EnvelopeDefinition.EnforceSignerVisibility

When set to true, documents with tabs can only be viewed by signers that have a tab on that document. Recipients that have an administrative role (Agent, Editor, or Intermediaries) or informational role (Certified Deliveries or Carbon Copies) can always see all the documents in an envelope, unless they are specifically excluded using this setting when an envelope is sent. Documents that do not have tabs are always visible to all recipients, unless they are specifically excluded using this setting when an envelope is sent. Your account must have Document Visibility enabled to use this.

When set to true, documents with tabs can only be viewed by signers that have a tab on that document. Recipients that have an administrative role (Agent, Editor, or Intermediaries) or informational role (Certified Deliveries or Carbon Copies) can always see all the documents in an envelope, unless they are specifically excluded using this setting when an envelope is sent. Documents that do not have tabs are always visible to all recipients, unless they are specifically excluded using this setting when an envelope is sent. Your account must have Document Visibility enabled to use this.

◆ EnvelopeAttachments

List<Attachment> DocuSign.eSign.Model.EnvelopeDefinition.EnvelopeAttachments

Gets or Sets EnvelopeAttachments

◆ EnvelopeCustomMetadata

EnvelopeCustomMetadata DocuSign.eSign.Model.EnvelopeDefinition.EnvelopeCustomMetadata

Gets or Sets EnvelopeCustomMetadata

◆ EnvelopeDocuments

List<EnvelopeDocument> DocuSign.eSign.Model.EnvelopeDefinition.EnvelopeDocuments

Gets or Sets EnvelopeDocuments

◆ EnvelopeId

string DocuSign.eSign.Model.EnvelopeDefinition.EnvelopeId

The envelope ID of the envelope status that failed to post.

The envelope ID of the envelope status that failed to post.

◆ EnvelopeIdStamping

string DocuSign.eSign.Model.EnvelopeDefinition.EnvelopeIdStamping

When set to true, Envelope ID Stamping is enabled.

When set to true, Envelope ID Stamping is enabled.

◆ EnvelopeLocation

string DocuSign.eSign.Model.EnvelopeDefinition.EnvelopeLocation

Gets or Sets EnvelopeLocation

◆ EnvelopeMetadata

EnvelopeMetadata DocuSign.eSign.Model.EnvelopeDefinition.EnvelopeMetadata

Metadata about the features that are enabled for the envelope.

Metadata about the features that are enabled for the envelope.

◆ EnvelopeUri

string DocuSign.eSign.Model.EnvelopeDefinition.EnvelopeUri

Contains a URI for an endpoint that you can use to retrieve the envelope or envelopes.

Contains a URI for an endpoint that you can use to retrieve the envelope or envelopes.

◆ EventNotification

EventNotification DocuSign.eSign.Model.EnvelopeDefinition.EventNotification

This optional object is used to register a webhook that will receive status changes for this envelope.

This optional object is used to register a webhook that will receive status changes for this envelope.

◆ EventNotifications

List<EventNotification> DocuSign.eSign.Model.EnvelopeDefinition.EventNotifications

Gets or Sets EventNotifications

◆ ExpireAfter

string DocuSign.eSign.Model.EnvelopeDefinition.ExpireAfter

Gets or Sets ExpireAfter

◆ ExpireDateTime

string DocuSign.eSign.Model.EnvelopeDefinition.ExpireDateTime

Gets or Sets ExpireDateTime

◆ ExpireEnabled

string DocuSign.eSign.Model.EnvelopeDefinition.ExpireEnabled

Gets or Sets ExpireEnabled

◆ ExternalEnvelopeId

string DocuSign.eSign.Model.EnvelopeDefinition.ExternalEnvelopeId

Gets or Sets ExternalEnvelopeId

◆ Folders

List<Folder> DocuSign.eSign.Model.EnvelopeDefinition.Folders

Gets or Sets Folders

◆ HasComments

string DocuSign.eSign.Model.EnvelopeDefinition.HasComments

Gets or Sets HasComments

◆ HasFormDataChanged

string DocuSign.eSign.Model.EnvelopeDefinition.HasFormDataChanged

Gets or Sets HasFormDataChanged

◆ HasWavFile

string DocuSign.eSign.Model.EnvelopeDefinition.HasWavFile

Gets or Sets HasWavFile

◆ Holder

string DocuSign.eSign.Model.EnvelopeDefinition.Holder

Gets or Sets Holder

◆ InitialSentDateTime

string DocuSign.eSign.Model.EnvelopeDefinition.InitialSentDateTime

Gets or Sets InitialSentDateTime

◆ Is21CFRPart11

string DocuSign.eSign.Model.EnvelopeDefinition.Is21CFRPart11

When set to true, indicates that this module is enabled on the account.

When set to true, indicates that this module is enabled on the account.

◆ IsDynamicEnvelope

string DocuSign.eSign.Model.EnvelopeDefinition.IsDynamicEnvelope

Gets or Sets IsDynamicEnvelope

◆ IsSignatureProviderEnvelope

string DocuSign.eSign.Model.EnvelopeDefinition.IsSignatureProviderEnvelope

Gets or Sets IsSignatureProviderEnvelope

◆ LastModifiedDateTime

string DocuSign.eSign.Model.EnvelopeDefinition.LastModifiedDateTime

The date and time the item was last modified.

The date and time the item was last modified.

◆ Location

string DocuSign.eSign.Model.EnvelopeDefinition.Location

Gets or Sets Location

◆ LockInformation

LockInformation DocuSign.eSign.Model.EnvelopeDefinition.LockInformation

Provides lock information about an envelope that a user has locked.

Provides lock information about an envelope that a user has locked.

◆ MessageLock

string DocuSign.eSign.Model.EnvelopeDefinition.MessageLock

When set to true, prevents senders from changing the contents of &#x60;emailBlurb&#x60; and &#x60;emailSubject&#x60; properties for the envelope. Additionally, this prevents users from making changes to the contents of &#x60;emailBlurb&#x60; and &#x60;emailSubject&#x60; properties when correcting envelopes. However, if the &#x60;messageLock&#x60; node is set to true**** and the &#x60;emailSubject&#x60; property is empty, senders and correctors are able to add a subject to the envelope.

When set to true, prevents senders from changing the contents of &#x60;emailBlurb&#x60; and &#x60;emailSubject&#x60; properties for the envelope. Additionally, this prevents users from making changes to the contents of &#x60;emailBlurb&#x60; and &#x60;emailSubject&#x60; properties when correcting envelopes. However, if the &#x60;messageLock&#x60; node is set to true**** and the &#x60;emailSubject&#x60; property is empty, senders and correctors are able to add a subject to the envelope.

◆ Notification

Notification DocuSign.eSign.Model.EnvelopeDefinition.Notification

An optional complex element that specifies the notification options for the envelope.

An optional complex element that specifies the notification options for the envelope.

◆ NotificationUri

string DocuSign.eSign.Model.EnvelopeDefinition.NotificationUri

Contains a URI for an endpoint that you can use to retrieve the notifications.

Contains a URI for an endpoint that you can use to retrieve the notifications.

◆ Password

string DocuSign.eSign.Model.EnvelopeDefinition.Password

Gets or Sets Password

◆ PowerForm

PowerForm DocuSign.eSign.Model.EnvelopeDefinition.PowerForm

Information about any PowerForms that are included in the envelope.

Information about any PowerForms that are included in the envelope.

◆ PurgeCompletedDate

string DocuSign.eSign.Model.EnvelopeDefinition.PurgeCompletedDate

Gets or Sets PurgeCompletedDate

◆ PurgeRequestDate

string DocuSign.eSign.Model.EnvelopeDefinition.PurgeRequestDate

Gets or Sets PurgeRequestDate

◆ PurgeState

string DocuSign.eSign.Model.EnvelopeDefinition.PurgeState

Initiates a purge request. Valid values are: * documents_queued: Places envelope documents in the purge queue. * documents_and_metadata_queued: Places envelope documents and metadata in the purge queue.

Initiates a purge request. Valid values are: * documents_queued: Places envelope documents in the purge queue. * documents_and_metadata_queued: Places envelope documents and metadata in the purge queue.

◆ Recipients

Recipients DocuSign.eSign.Model.EnvelopeDefinition.Recipients

An array of powerform recipients.

An array of powerform recipients.

◆ RecipientsLock

string DocuSign.eSign.Model.EnvelopeDefinition.RecipientsLock

When set to true, prevents senders from changing, correcting, or deleting the recipient information for the envelope.

When set to true, prevents senders from changing, correcting, or deleting the recipient information for the envelope.

◆ RecipientsUri

string DocuSign.eSign.Model.EnvelopeDefinition.RecipientsUri

Contains a URI for an endpoint that you can use to retrieve the recipients.

Contains a URI for an endpoint that you can use to retrieve the recipients.

◆ RecipientViewRequest

RecipientViewRequest DocuSign.eSign.Model.EnvelopeDefinition.RecipientViewRequest

Gets or Sets RecipientViewRequest

◆ Sender

UserInfo DocuSign.eSign.Model.EnvelopeDefinition.Sender

Information about the sender of the envelope.

Information about the sender of the envelope.

◆ SentDateTime

string DocuSign.eSign.Model.EnvelopeDefinition.SentDateTime

The date and time the envelope was sent.

The date and time the envelope was sent.

◆ SignerCanSignOnMobile

string DocuSign.eSign.Model.EnvelopeDefinition.SignerCanSignOnMobile

Gets or Sets SignerCanSignOnMobile

◆ SigningLocation

string DocuSign.eSign.Model.EnvelopeDefinition.SigningLocation

Specifies the physical location where the signing takes place. It can have two enumeration values; InPerson and Online. The default value is Online.

Specifies the physical location where the signing takes place. It can have two enumeration values; InPerson and Online. The default value is Online.

◆ Status

string DocuSign.eSign.Model.EnvelopeDefinition.Status

Indicates the envelope status. Valid values are: * sent - The envelope is sent to the recipients. * created - The envelope is saved as a draft and can be modified and sent later.

Indicates the envelope status. Valid values are: * sent - The envelope is sent to the recipients. * created - The envelope is saved as a draft and can be modified and sent later.

◆ StatusChangedDateTime

string DocuSign.eSign.Model.EnvelopeDefinition.StatusChangedDateTime

The data and time the status changed.

The data and time the status changed.

◆ StatusDateTime

string DocuSign.eSign.Model.EnvelopeDefinition.StatusDateTime

Gets or Sets StatusDateTime

◆ TemplateId

string DocuSign.eSign.Model.EnvelopeDefinition.TemplateId

The unique identifier of the template. If this is not provided, DocuSign will generate a value.

The unique identifier of the template. If this is not provided, DocuSign will generate a value.

◆ TemplateRoles

List<TemplateRole> DocuSign.eSign.Model.EnvelopeDefinition.TemplateRoles

Specifies the template recipients. Each roleName in the template must have a recipient assigned to it. This is made up elements: * email - The recipient&#39;s email address. * name - The recipient&#39;s name. * roleName - The template roleName associated with the recipient. * clientUserId - Optional, this sets if the signer is This specifies if the recipient is embedded or remote. If the clientUserId is not null then the recipient is embedded. Note that if a ClientUserId is used and the account settings SignerMustHaveAccount or SignerMustLoginToSign are true, an error is generated on sending. * defaultRecipient - Optional, When set to true, this recipient is the default recipient and any tabs generated by the transformPdfFields option are mapped to this recipient. * routingOrder - This specifies the routing order of the recipient in the envelope. * accessCode - This optional element specifies the access code a recipient has to enter to validate the identity. This can be a maximum of 50 characters. * inPersonSignerName - Optional, if the template role is an in person signer, this is the full legal name of the signer. This can be a maximum of 100 characters. * emailNotification - This is an optional complex element that has a role specific emailSubject, emailBody, and language. It follows the same format as the emailNotification node for Recipients. * tabs - This allows the tab values to be specified for matching to tabs in the template.

Specifies the template recipients. Each roleName in the template must have a recipient assigned to it. This is made up elements: * email - The recipient&#39;s email address. * name - The recipient&#39;s name. * roleName - The template roleName associated with the recipient. * clientUserId - Optional, this sets if the signer is This specifies if the recipient is embedded or remote. If the clientUserId is not null then the recipient is embedded. Note that if a ClientUserId is used and the account settings SignerMustHaveAccount or SignerMustLoginToSign are true, an error is generated on sending. * defaultRecipient - Optional, When set to true, this recipient is the default recipient and any tabs generated by the transformPdfFields option are mapped to this recipient. * routingOrder - This specifies the routing order of the recipient in the envelope. * accessCode - This optional element specifies the access code a recipient has to enter to validate the identity. This can be a maximum of 50 characters. * inPersonSignerName - Optional, if the template role is an in person signer, this is the full legal name of the signer. This can be a maximum of 100 characters. * emailNotification - This is an optional complex element that has a role specific emailSubject, emailBody, and language. It follows the same format as the emailNotification node for Recipients. * tabs - This allows the tab values to be specified for matching to tabs in the template.

◆ TemplatesUri

string DocuSign.eSign.Model.EnvelopeDefinition.TemplatesUri

Contains a URI for an endpoint which you can use to retrieve the templates.

Contains a URI for an endpoint which you can use to retrieve the templates.

◆ TransactionId

string DocuSign.eSign.Model.EnvelopeDefinition.TransactionId

Used to identify an envelope. The id is a sender-generated value and is valid in the DocuSign system for 7 days. It is recommended that a transaction ID is used for offline signing to ensure that an envelope is not sent multiple times. The &#x60;transactionId&#x60; property can be used determine an envelope&#39;s status (i.e. was it created or not) in cases where the internet connection was lost before the envelope status was returned.

Used to identify an envelope. The id is a sender-generated value and is valid in the DocuSign system for 7 days. It is recommended that a transaction ID is used for offline signing to ensure that an envelope is not sent multiple times. The &#x60;transactionId&#x60; property can be used determine an envelope&#39;s status (i.e. was it created or not) in cases where the internet connection was lost before the envelope status was returned.

◆ UseDisclosure

string DocuSign.eSign.Model.EnvelopeDefinition.UseDisclosure

When set to true, the disclosure is shown to recipients in accordance with the account&#39;s Electronic Record and Signature Disclosure frequency setting. When set to false, the Electronic Record and Signature Disclosure is not shown to any envelope recipients. If the &#x60;useDisclosure&#x60; property is not set, then the account&#39;s normal disclosure setting is used and the value of the &#x60;useDisclosure&#x60; property is not returned in responses when getting envelope information.

When set to true, the disclosure is shown to recipients in accordance with the account&#39;s Electronic Record and Signature Disclosure frequency setting. When set to false, the Electronic Record and Signature Disclosure is not shown to any envelope recipients. If the &#x60;useDisclosure&#x60; property is not set, then the account&#39;s normal disclosure setting is used and the value of the &#x60;useDisclosure&#x60; property is not returned in responses when getting envelope information.

◆ VoidedDateTime

string DocuSign.eSign.Model.EnvelopeDefinition.VoidedDateTime

The date and time the envelope or template was voided.

The date and time the envelope or template was voided.

◆ VoidedReason

string DocuSign.eSign.Model.EnvelopeDefinition.VoidedReason

The reason the envelope or template was voided.

The reason the envelope or template was voided.

◆ Workflow

Workflow DocuSign.eSign.Model.EnvelopeDefinition.Workflow

Describes the workflow for this envelope.

Describes the workflow for this envelope.

The documentation for this class was generated from the following file: