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DocuSign.eSign.Model.Draw Class Reference

A tab that allows the recipient to add a free-form drawing to the document. More...

Inheritance diagram for DocuSign.eSign.Model.Draw:

Public Member Functions

 Draw (string AllowSignerUpload=default(string), string AnchorAllowWhiteSpaceInCharacters=default(string), PropertyMetadata AnchorAllowWhiteSpaceInCharactersMetadata=default(PropertyMetadata), string AnchorCaseSensitive=default(string), PropertyMetadata AnchorCaseSensitiveMetadata=default(PropertyMetadata), string AnchorHorizontalAlignment=default(string), PropertyMetadata AnchorHorizontalAlignmentMetadata=default(PropertyMetadata), string AnchorIgnoreIfNotPresent=default(string), PropertyMetadata AnchorIgnoreIfNotPresentMetadata=default(PropertyMetadata), string AnchorMatchWholeWord=default(string), PropertyMetadata AnchorMatchWholeWordMetadata=default(PropertyMetadata), string AnchorString=default(string), PropertyMetadata AnchorStringMetadata=default(PropertyMetadata), string AnchorTabProcessorVersion=default(string), PropertyMetadata AnchorTabProcessorVersionMetadata=default(PropertyMetadata), string AnchorUnits=default(string), PropertyMetadata AnchorUnitsMetadata=default(PropertyMetadata), string AnchorXOffset=default(string), PropertyMetadata AnchorXOffsetMetadata=default(PropertyMetadata), string AnchorYOffset=default(string), PropertyMetadata AnchorYOffsetMetadata=default(PropertyMetadata), string Caption=default(string), PropertyMetadata CaptionMetadata=default(PropertyMetadata), string ConditionalParentLabel=default(string), PropertyMetadata ConditionalParentLabelMetadata=default(PropertyMetadata), string ConditionalParentValue=default(string), PropertyMetadata ConditionalParentValueMetadata=default(PropertyMetadata), string CustomTabId=default(string), PropertyMetadata CustomTabIdMetadata=default(PropertyMetadata), string DocumentId=default(string), PropertyMetadata DocumentIdMetadata=default(PropertyMetadata), ErrorDetails ErrorDetails=default(ErrorDetails), string FormOrder=default(string), PropertyMetadata FormOrderMetadata=default(PropertyMetadata), string FormPageLabel=default(string), PropertyMetadata FormPageLabelMetadata=default(PropertyMetadata), string FormPageNumber=default(string), PropertyMetadata FormPageNumberMetadata=default(PropertyMetadata), string Height=default(string), PropertyMetadata HeightMetadata=default(PropertyMetadata), string Locked=default(string), PropertyMetadata LockedMetadata=default(PropertyMetadata), MergeField MergeField=default(MergeField), string MergeFieldXml=default(string), string PageNumber=default(string), PropertyMetadata PageNumberMetadata=default(PropertyMetadata), string RecipientId=default(string), string RecipientIdGuid=default(string), PropertyMetadata RecipientIdGuidMetadata=default(PropertyMetadata), PropertyMetadata RecipientIdMetadata=default(PropertyMetadata), string Required=default(string), PropertyMetadata RequiredMetadata=default(PropertyMetadata), string Shared=default(string), PropertyMetadata SharedMetadata=default(PropertyMetadata), SmartContractInformation SmartContractInformation=default(SmartContractInformation), string Source=default(string), string Status=default(string), PropertyMetadata StatusMetadata=default(PropertyMetadata), List< string > TabGroupLabels=default(List< string >), PropertyMetadata TabGroupLabelsMetadata=default(PropertyMetadata), string TabId=default(string), PropertyMetadata TabIdMetadata=default(PropertyMetadata), PropertyMetadata TabLabelMetadata=default(PropertyMetadata), string TabOrder=default(string), PropertyMetadata TabOrderMetadata=default(PropertyMetadata), string TabType=default(string), PropertyMetadata TabTypeMetadata=default(PropertyMetadata), string TemplateLocked=default(string), PropertyMetadata TemplateLockedMetadata=default(PropertyMetadata), string TemplateRequired=default(string), PropertyMetadata TemplateRequiredMetadata=default(PropertyMetadata), string Tooltip=default(string), PropertyMetadata ToolTipMetadata=default(PropertyMetadata), string UseBackgroundAsCanvas=default(string), string Width=default(string), PropertyMetadata WidthMetadata=default(PropertyMetadata), string XPosition=default(string), PropertyMetadata XPositionMetadata=default(PropertyMetadata), string YPosition=default(string), PropertyMetadata YPositionMetadata=default(PropertyMetadata))
 Initializes a new instance of the Draw class. More...
override string ToString ()
 Returns the string presentation of the object More...
string ToJson ()
 Returns the JSON string presentation of the object More...
override bool Equals (object obj)
 Returns true if objects are equal More...
bool Equals (Draw other)
 Returns true if Draw instances are equal More...
override int GetHashCode ()
 Gets the hash code More...
IEnumerable< ValidationResult > Validate (ValidationContext validationContext)


string AllowSignerUpload [get, set]
 Gets or Sets AllowSignerUpload More...
string AnchorAllowWhiteSpaceInCharacters [get, set]
 Gets or Sets AnchorAllowWhiteSpaceInCharacters More...
PropertyMetadata AnchorAllowWhiteSpaceInCharactersMetadata [get, set]
 Metadata that indicates whether the &#x60;anchorAllowWhiteSpaceInCharacters&#x60; property is editable. More...
string AnchorCaseSensitive [get, set]
 When set to true, the anchor string does not consider case when matching strings in the document. The default value is true. More...
PropertyMetadata AnchorCaseSensitiveMetadata [get, set]
 Metadata that indicates whether the &#x60;anchorCaseSensitive&#x60; property is editable. More...
string AnchorHorizontalAlignment [get, set]
 Specifies the alignment of anchor tabs with anchor strings. Possible values are left or right. The default value is left. More...
PropertyMetadata AnchorHorizontalAlignmentMetadata [get, set]
 Metadata that indicates whether the &#x60;anchorHorizontalAlignment&#x60; property is editable. More...
string AnchorIgnoreIfNotPresent [get, set]
 When set to true, this tab is ignored if anchorString is not found in the document. More...
PropertyMetadata AnchorIgnoreIfNotPresentMetadata [get, set]
 Metadata that indicates whether the &#x60;anchorIgnoreIfNotPresent&#x60; property is editable. More...
string AnchorMatchWholeWord [get, set]
 When set to true, the anchor string in this tab matches whole words only (strings embedded in other strings are ignored.) The default value is true. More...
PropertyMetadata AnchorMatchWholeWordMetadata [get, set]
 Metadata that indicates whether the &#x60;anchorMatchWholeWord&#x60; property is editable. More...
string AnchorString [get, set]
 Anchor text information for a radio button. More...
PropertyMetadata AnchorStringMetadata [get, set]
 Metadata that indicates whether the &#x60;anchorString&#x60; property is editable. More...
string AnchorTabProcessorVersion [get, set]
 Gets or Sets AnchorTabProcessorVersion More...
PropertyMetadata AnchorTabProcessorVersionMetadata [get, set]
 Reserved for DocuSign. More...
string AnchorUnits [get, set]
 Specifies units of the X and Y offset. Units could be pixels, millimeters, centimeters, or inches. More...
PropertyMetadata AnchorUnitsMetadata [get, set]
 Metadata that indicates whether the &#x60;anchorUnits&#x60; property is editable. More...
string AnchorXOffset [get, set]
 Specifies the X axis location of the tab, in anchorUnits, relative to the anchorString. More...
PropertyMetadata AnchorXOffsetMetadata [get, set]
 Metadata that indicates whether the &#x60;anchorXOffset&#x60; property is editable. More...
string AnchorYOffset [get, set]
 Specifies the Y axis location of the tab, in anchorUnits, relative to the anchorString. More...
PropertyMetadata AnchorYOffsetMetadata [get, set]
 Metadata that indicates whether the &#x60;anchorYOffset&#x60; property is editable. More...
string Caption [get, set]
 Gets or Sets Caption More...
PropertyMetadata CaptionMetadata [get, set]
 Gets or Sets CaptionMetadata More...
string ConditionalParentLabel [get, set]
 For conditional fields this is the TabLabel of the parent tab that controls this tab&#39;s visibility. More...
PropertyMetadata ConditionalParentLabelMetadata [get, set]
 Metadata that indicates whether the &#x60;conditionalParentLabel&#x60; property is editable. More...
string ConditionalParentValue [get, set]
 For conditional fields, this is the value of the parent tab that controls the tab&#39;s visibility. If the parent tab is a Checkbox, Radio button, Optional Signature, or Optional Initial use &quot;on&quot; as the value to show that the parent tab is active. More...
PropertyMetadata ConditionalParentValueMetadata [get, set]
 Metadata that indicates whether the &#x60;conditionalParentValue&#x60; property is editable. More...
string CustomTabId [get, set]
 The DocuSign generated custom tab ID for the custom tab to be applied. This can only be used when adding new tabs for a recipient. When used, the new tab inherits all the custom tab properties. More...
PropertyMetadata CustomTabIdMetadata [get, set]
 Metadata that indicates whether the &#x60;customTabId&#x60; property is editable. More...
string DocumentId [get, set]
 Specifies the document ID number that the tab is placed on. This must refer to an existing Document&#39;s ID attribute. More...
PropertyMetadata DocumentIdMetadata [get, set]
 Metadata that indicates whether the &#x60;documentId&#x60; property is editable. More...
ErrorDetails ErrorDetails [get, set]
 Array or errors. More...
string FormOrder [get, set]
 Gets or Sets FormOrder More...
PropertyMetadata FormOrderMetadata [get, set]
 Metadata that indicates whether the &#x60;formOrder&#x60; property is editable. More...
string FormPageLabel [get, set]
 Gets or Sets FormPageLabel More...
PropertyMetadata FormPageLabelMetadata [get, set]
 Metadata that indicates whether the &#x60;formPageLabel&#x60; property is editable. More...
string FormPageNumber [get, set]
 Gets or Sets FormPageNumber More...
PropertyMetadata FormPageNumberMetadata [get, set]
 Metadata that indicates whether the &#x60;fromPageNumber&#x60; property is editable. More...
string Height [get, set]
 Height of the tab in pixels. More...
PropertyMetadata HeightMetadata [get, set]
 Metadata that indicates whether the &#x60;height&#x60; property is editable. More...
string Locked [get, set]
 When set to true, the signer cannot change the data of the custom tab. More...
PropertyMetadata LockedMetadata [get, set]
 Metadata that indicates whether the &#x60;locked&#x60; property is editable. More...
MergeField MergeField [get, set]
 Contains the information necessary to map the tab to a field in SalesForce. More...
string MergeFieldXml [get, set]
 Gets or Sets MergeFieldXml More...
string PageNumber [get, set]
 Specifies the page number on which the tab is located. More...
PropertyMetadata PageNumberMetadata [get, set]
 Metadata that indicates whether the &#x60;pageNumber&#x60; property is editable. More...
string RecipientId [get, set]
 Unique for the recipient. It is used by the tab element to indicate which recipient is to sign the Document. More...
string RecipientIdGuid [get, set]
 Gets or Sets RecipientIdGuid More...
PropertyMetadata RecipientIdGuidMetadata [get, set]
 Metadata that indicates whether the &#x60;recipientIdGuid&#x60; property is editable. More...
PropertyMetadata RecipientIdMetadata [get, set]
 Metadata that indicates whether the &#x60;recipientId&#x60; property is editable. More...
string Required [get, set]
 When set to true, the signer is required to fill out this tab More...
PropertyMetadata RequiredMetadata [get, set]
 Metadata that indicates whether the &#x60;required&#x60; property is editable. More...
string Shared [get, set]
 When set to true, this custom tab is shared. More...
PropertyMetadata SharedMetadata [get, set]
 Metadata that indicates whether the &#x60;shared&#x60; property is editable. More...
SmartContractInformation SmartContractInformation [get, set]
 Reserved for DocuSign. More...
string Source [get, set]
 Gets or Sets Source More...
string Status [get, set]
 Indicates the envelope status. Valid values are: * sent - The envelope is sent to the recipients. * created - The envelope is saved as a draft and can be modified and sent later. More...
PropertyMetadata StatusMetadata [get, set]
 Metadata that indicates whether the &#x60;status&#x60; property is editable. More...
List< string > TabGroupLabels [get, set]
 Gets or Sets TabGroupLabels More...
PropertyMetadata TabGroupLabelsMetadata [get, set]
 Metadata that indicates whether the &#x60;tabGroupLabels&#x60; property is editable. More...
string TabId [get, set]
 The unique identifier for the tab. The tabid can be retrieved with the [ML:GET call]. More...
PropertyMetadata TabIdMetadata [get, set]
 Metadata that indicates whether the &#x60;tabId&#x60; property is editable. More...
PropertyMetadata TabLabelMetadata [get, set]
 Metadata that indicates whether the &#x60;tabLabel&#x60; property is editable. More...
string TabOrder [get, set]
 Gets or Sets TabOrder More...
PropertyMetadata TabOrderMetadata [get, set]
 Metadata that indicates whether the &#x60;tabOrder&#x60; property is editable. More...
string TabType [get, set]
 Gets or Sets TabType More...
PropertyMetadata TabTypeMetadata [get, set]
 Metadata that indicates whether the &#x60;tabType&#x60; property is editable. More...
string TemplateLocked [get, set]
 When set to true, the sender cannot change any attributes of the recipient. Used only when working with template recipients. More...
PropertyMetadata TemplateLockedMetadata [get, set]
 Metadata that indicates whether the &#x60;templateLocked&#x60; property is editable. More...
string TemplateRequired [get, set]
 When set to true, the sender may not remove the recipient. Used only when working with template recipients. More...
PropertyMetadata TemplateRequiredMetadata [get, set]
 Metadata that indicates whether the &#x60;templateRequired&#x60; property is editable. More...
string Tooltip [get, set]
 Gets or Sets Tooltip More...
PropertyMetadata ToolTipMetadata [get, set]
 Metadata that indicates whether the &#x60;toolTip&#x60; property is editable. More...
string UseBackgroundAsCanvas [get, set]
 Gets or Sets UseBackgroundAsCanvas More...
string Width [get, set]
 Width of the tab in pixels. More...
PropertyMetadata WidthMetadata [get, set]
 Metadata that indicates whether the &#x60;width&#x60; property is editable. More...
string XPosition [get, set]
 This indicates the horizontal offset of the object on the page. DocuSign uses 72 DPI when determining position. More...
PropertyMetadata XPositionMetadata [get, set]
 Metadata that indicates whether the &#x60;xPosition&#x60; property is editable. More...
string YPosition [get, set]
 This indicates the vertical offset of the object on the page. DocuSign uses 72 DPI when determining position. More...
PropertyMetadata YPositionMetadata [get, set]
 Metadata that indicates whether the &#x60;yPosition&#x60; property is editable. More...

Detailed Description

A tab that allows the recipient to add a free-form drawing to the document.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ Draw()

DocuSign.eSign.Model.Draw.Draw ( string  AllowSignerUpload = default(string),
string  AnchorAllowWhiteSpaceInCharacters = default(string),
PropertyMetadata  AnchorAllowWhiteSpaceInCharactersMetadata = default(PropertyMetadata),
string  AnchorCaseSensitive = default(string),
PropertyMetadata  AnchorCaseSensitiveMetadata = default(PropertyMetadata),
string  AnchorHorizontalAlignment = default(string),
PropertyMetadata  AnchorHorizontalAlignmentMetadata = default(PropertyMetadata),
string  AnchorIgnoreIfNotPresent = default(string),
PropertyMetadata  AnchorIgnoreIfNotPresentMetadata = default(PropertyMetadata),
string  AnchorMatchWholeWord = default(string),
PropertyMetadata  AnchorMatchWholeWordMetadata = default(PropertyMetadata),
string  AnchorString = default(string),
PropertyMetadata  AnchorStringMetadata = default(PropertyMetadata),
string  AnchorTabProcessorVersion = default(string),
PropertyMetadata  AnchorTabProcessorVersionMetadata = default(PropertyMetadata),
string  AnchorUnits = default(string),
PropertyMetadata  AnchorUnitsMetadata = default(PropertyMetadata),
string  AnchorXOffset = default(string),
PropertyMetadata  AnchorXOffsetMetadata = default(PropertyMetadata),
string  AnchorYOffset = default(string),
PropertyMetadata  AnchorYOffsetMetadata = default(PropertyMetadata),
string  Caption = default(string),
PropertyMetadata  CaptionMetadata = default(PropertyMetadata),
string  ConditionalParentLabel = default(string),
PropertyMetadata  ConditionalParentLabelMetadata = default(PropertyMetadata),
string  ConditionalParentValue = default(string),
PropertyMetadata  ConditionalParentValueMetadata = default(PropertyMetadata),
string  CustomTabId = default(string),
PropertyMetadata  CustomTabIdMetadata = default(PropertyMetadata),
string  DocumentId = default(string),
PropertyMetadata  DocumentIdMetadata = default(PropertyMetadata),
ErrorDetails  ErrorDetails = default(ErrorDetails),
string  FormOrder = default(string),
PropertyMetadata  FormOrderMetadata = default(PropertyMetadata),
string  FormPageLabel = default(string),
PropertyMetadata  FormPageLabelMetadata = default(PropertyMetadata),
string  FormPageNumber = default(string),
PropertyMetadata  FormPageNumberMetadata = default(PropertyMetadata),
string  Height = default(string),
PropertyMetadata  HeightMetadata = default(PropertyMetadata),
string  Locked = default(string),
PropertyMetadata  LockedMetadata = default(PropertyMetadata),
MergeField  MergeField = default(MergeField),
string  MergeFieldXml = default(string),
string  PageNumber = default(string),
PropertyMetadata  PageNumberMetadata = default(PropertyMetadata),
string  RecipientId = default(string),
string  RecipientIdGuid = default(string),
PropertyMetadata  RecipientIdGuidMetadata = default(PropertyMetadata),
PropertyMetadata  RecipientIdMetadata = default(PropertyMetadata),
string  Required = default(string),
PropertyMetadata  RequiredMetadata = default(PropertyMetadata),
string  Shared = default(string),
PropertyMetadata  SharedMetadata = default(PropertyMetadata),
SmartContractInformation  SmartContractInformation = default(SmartContractInformation),
string  Source = default(string),
string  Status = default(string),
PropertyMetadata  StatusMetadata = default(PropertyMetadata),
List< string >  TabGroupLabels = default(List<string>),
PropertyMetadata  TabGroupLabelsMetadata = default(PropertyMetadata),
string  TabId = default(string),
PropertyMetadata  TabIdMetadata = default(PropertyMetadata),
PropertyMetadata  TabLabelMetadata = default(PropertyMetadata),
string  TabOrder = default(string),
PropertyMetadata  TabOrderMetadata = default(PropertyMetadata),
string  TabType = default(string),
PropertyMetadata  TabTypeMetadata = default(PropertyMetadata),
string  TemplateLocked = default(string),
PropertyMetadata  TemplateLockedMetadata = default(PropertyMetadata),
string  TemplateRequired = default(string),
PropertyMetadata  TemplateRequiredMetadata = default(PropertyMetadata),
string  Tooltip = default(string),
PropertyMetadata  ToolTipMetadata = default(PropertyMetadata),
string  UseBackgroundAsCanvas = default(string),
string  Width = default(string),
PropertyMetadata  WidthMetadata = default(PropertyMetadata),
string  XPosition = default(string),
PropertyMetadata  XPositionMetadata = default(PropertyMetadata),
string  YPosition = default(string),
PropertyMetadata  YPositionMetadata = default(PropertyMetadata) 

Initializes a new instance of the Draw class.

AnchorAllowWhiteSpaceInCharactersMetadataMetadata that indicates whether the &#x60;anchorAllowWhiteSpaceInCharacters&#x60; property is editable..
AnchorCaseSensitiveWhen set to true, the anchor string does not consider case when matching strings in the document. The default value is true..
AnchorCaseSensitiveMetadataMetadata that indicates whether the &#x60;anchorCaseSensitive&#x60; property is editable..
AnchorHorizontalAlignmentSpecifies the alignment of anchor tabs with anchor strings. Possible values are left or right. The default value is left..
AnchorHorizontalAlignmentMetadataMetadata that indicates whether the &#x60;anchorHorizontalAlignment&#x60; property is editable..
AnchorIgnoreIfNotPresentWhen set to true, this tab is ignored if anchorString is not found in the document..
AnchorIgnoreIfNotPresentMetadataMetadata that indicates whether the &#x60;anchorIgnoreIfNotPresent&#x60; property is editable..
AnchorMatchWholeWordWhen set to true, the anchor string in this tab matches whole words only (strings embedded in other strings are ignored.) The default value is true..
AnchorMatchWholeWordMetadataMetadata that indicates whether the &#x60;anchorMatchWholeWord&#x60; property is editable..
AnchorStringAnchor text information for a radio button..
AnchorStringMetadataMetadata that indicates whether the &#x60;anchorString&#x60; property is editable..
AnchorTabProcessorVersionMetadataReserved for DocuSign..
AnchorUnitsSpecifies units of the X and Y offset. Units could be pixels, millimeters, centimeters, or inches..
AnchorUnitsMetadataMetadata that indicates whether the &#x60;anchorUnits&#x60; property is editable..
AnchorXOffsetSpecifies the X axis location of the tab, in anchorUnits, relative to the anchorString..
AnchorXOffsetMetadataMetadata that indicates whether the &#x60;anchorXOffset&#x60; property is editable..
AnchorYOffsetSpecifies the Y axis location of the tab, in anchorUnits, relative to the anchorString..
AnchorYOffsetMetadataMetadata that indicates whether the &#x60;anchorYOffset&#x60; property is editable..
ConditionalParentLabelFor conditional fields this is the TabLabel of the parent tab that controls this tab&#39;s visibility..
ConditionalParentLabelMetadataMetadata that indicates whether the &#x60;conditionalParentLabel&#x60; property is editable..
ConditionalParentValueFor conditional fields, this is the value of the parent tab that controls the tab&#39;s visibility. If the parent tab is a Checkbox, Radio button, Optional Signature, or Optional Initial use &quot;on&quot; as the value to show that the parent tab is active. .
ConditionalParentValueMetadataMetadata that indicates whether the &#x60;conditionalParentValue&#x60; property is editable..
CustomTabIdThe DocuSign generated custom tab ID for the custom tab to be applied. This can only be used when adding new tabs for a recipient. When used, the new tab inherits all the custom tab properties..
CustomTabIdMetadataMetadata that indicates whether the &#x60;customTabId&#x60; property is editable..
DocumentIdSpecifies the document ID number that the tab is placed on. This must refer to an existing Document&#39;s ID attribute..
DocumentIdMetadataMetadata that indicates whether the &#x60;documentId&#x60; property is editable..
ErrorDetailsArray or errors..
FormOrderMetadataMetadata that indicates whether the &#x60;formOrder&#x60; property is editable..
FormPageLabelMetadataMetadata that indicates whether the &#x60;formPageLabel&#x60; property is editable..
FormPageNumberMetadataMetadata that indicates whether the &#x60;fromPageNumber&#x60; property is editable..
HeightHeight of the tab in pixels..
HeightMetadataMetadata that indicates whether the &#x60;height&#x60; property is editable..
LockedWhen set to true, the signer cannot change the data of the custom tab..
LockedMetadataMetadata that indicates whether the &#x60;locked&#x60; property is editable..
MergeFieldContains the information necessary to map the tab to a field in SalesForce..
PageNumberSpecifies the page number on which the tab is located..
PageNumberMetadataMetadata that indicates whether the &#x60;pageNumber&#x60; property is editable..
RecipientIdUnique for the recipient. It is used by the tab element to indicate which recipient is to sign the Document..
RecipientIdGuidMetadataMetadata that indicates whether the &#x60;recipientIdGuid&#x60; property is editable..
RecipientIdMetadataMetadata that indicates whether the &#x60;recipientId&#x60; property is editable..
RequiredWhen set to true, the signer is required to fill out this tab.
RequiredMetadataMetadata that indicates whether the &#x60;required&#x60; property is editable..
SharedWhen set to true, this custom tab is shared..
SharedMetadataMetadata that indicates whether the &#x60;shared&#x60; property is editable..
SmartContractInformationReserved for DocuSign..
StatusIndicates the envelope status. Valid values are: * sent - The envelope is sent to the recipients. * created - The envelope is saved as a draft and can be modified and sent later..
StatusMetadataMetadata that indicates whether the &#x60;status&#x60; property is editable..
TabGroupLabelsMetadataMetadata that indicates whether the &#x60;tabGroupLabels&#x60; property is editable..
TabIdThe unique identifier for the tab. The tabid can be retrieved with the [ML:GET call]. .
TabIdMetadataMetadata that indicates whether the &#x60;tabId&#x60; property is editable..
TabLabelMetadataMetadata that indicates whether the &#x60;tabLabel&#x60; property is editable..
TabOrderMetadataMetadata that indicates whether the &#x60;tabOrder&#x60; property is editable..
TabTypeMetadataMetadata that indicates whether the &#x60;tabType&#x60; property is editable..
TemplateLockedWhen set to true, the sender cannot change any attributes of the recipient. Used only when working with template recipients. .
TemplateLockedMetadataMetadata that indicates whether the &#x60;templateLocked&#x60; property is editable..
TemplateRequiredWhen set to true, the sender may not remove the recipient. Used only when working with template recipients..
TemplateRequiredMetadataMetadata that indicates whether the &#x60;templateRequired&#x60; property is editable..
ToolTipMetadataMetadata that indicates whether the &#x60;toolTip&#x60; property is editable..
WidthWidth of the tab in pixels..
WidthMetadataMetadata that indicates whether the &#x60;width&#x60; property is editable..
XPositionThis indicates the horizontal offset of the object on the page. DocuSign uses 72 DPI when determining position..
XPositionMetadataMetadata that indicates whether the &#x60;xPosition&#x60; property is editable..
YPositionThis indicates the vertical offset of the object on the page. DocuSign uses 72 DPI when determining position..
YPositionMetadataMetadata that indicates whether the &#x60;yPosition&#x60; property is editable..

Member Function Documentation

◆ Equals() [1/2]

override bool DocuSign.eSign.Model.Draw.Equals ( object  obj)

Returns true if objects are equal

objObject to be compared

◆ Equals() [2/2]

bool DocuSign.eSign.Model.Draw.Equals ( Draw  other)

Returns true if Draw instances are equal

otherInstance of Draw to be compared

◆ GetHashCode()

override int DocuSign.eSign.Model.Draw.GetHashCode ( )

Gets the hash code

Hash code

◆ ToJson()

string DocuSign.eSign.Model.Draw.ToJson ( )

Returns the JSON string presentation of the object

JSON string presentation of the object

◆ ToString()

override string DocuSign.eSign.Model.Draw.ToString ( )

Returns the string presentation of the object

String presentation of the object

Property Documentation

◆ AllowSignerUpload

string DocuSign.eSign.Model.Draw.AllowSignerUpload

Gets or Sets AllowSignerUpload

◆ AnchorAllowWhiteSpaceInCharacters

string DocuSign.eSign.Model.Draw.AnchorAllowWhiteSpaceInCharacters

Gets or Sets AnchorAllowWhiteSpaceInCharacters

◆ AnchorAllowWhiteSpaceInCharactersMetadata

PropertyMetadata DocuSign.eSign.Model.Draw.AnchorAllowWhiteSpaceInCharactersMetadata

Metadata that indicates whether the &#x60;anchorAllowWhiteSpaceInCharacters&#x60; property is editable.

Metadata that indicates whether the &#x60;anchorAllowWhiteSpaceInCharacters&#x60; property is editable.

◆ AnchorCaseSensitive

string DocuSign.eSign.Model.Draw.AnchorCaseSensitive

When set to true, the anchor string does not consider case when matching strings in the document. The default value is true.

When set to true, the anchor string does not consider case when matching strings in the document. The default value is true.

◆ AnchorCaseSensitiveMetadata

PropertyMetadata DocuSign.eSign.Model.Draw.AnchorCaseSensitiveMetadata

Metadata that indicates whether the &#x60;anchorCaseSensitive&#x60; property is editable.

Metadata that indicates whether the &#x60;anchorCaseSensitive&#x60; property is editable.

◆ AnchorHorizontalAlignment

string DocuSign.eSign.Model.Draw.AnchorHorizontalAlignment

Specifies the alignment of anchor tabs with anchor strings. Possible values are left or right. The default value is left.

Specifies the alignment of anchor tabs with anchor strings. Possible values are left or right. The default value is left.

◆ AnchorHorizontalAlignmentMetadata

PropertyMetadata DocuSign.eSign.Model.Draw.AnchorHorizontalAlignmentMetadata

Metadata that indicates whether the &#x60;anchorHorizontalAlignment&#x60; property is editable.

Metadata that indicates whether the &#x60;anchorHorizontalAlignment&#x60; property is editable.

◆ AnchorIgnoreIfNotPresent

string DocuSign.eSign.Model.Draw.AnchorIgnoreIfNotPresent

When set to true, this tab is ignored if anchorString is not found in the document.

When set to true, this tab is ignored if anchorString is not found in the document.

◆ AnchorIgnoreIfNotPresentMetadata

PropertyMetadata DocuSign.eSign.Model.Draw.AnchorIgnoreIfNotPresentMetadata

Metadata that indicates whether the &#x60;anchorIgnoreIfNotPresent&#x60; property is editable.

Metadata that indicates whether the &#x60;anchorIgnoreIfNotPresent&#x60; property is editable.

◆ AnchorMatchWholeWord

string DocuSign.eSign.Model.Draw.AnchorMatchWholeWord

When set to true, the anchor string in this tab matches whole words only (strings embedded in other strings are ignored.) The default value is true.

When set to true, the anchor string in this tab matches whole words only (strings embedded in other strings are ignored.) The default value is true.

◆ AnchorMatchWholeWordMetadata

PropertyMetadata DocuSign.eSign.Model.Draw.AnchorMatchWholeWordMetadata

Metadata that indicates whether the &#x60;anchorMatchWholeWord&#x60; property is editable.

Metadata that indicates whether the &#x60;anchorMatchWholeWord&#x60; property is editable.

◆ AnchorString

string DocuSign.eSign.Model.Draw.AnchorString

Anchor text information for a radio button.

Anchor text information for a radio button.

◆ AnchorStringMetadata

PropertyMetadata DocuSign.eSign.Model.Draw.AnchorStringMetadata

Metadata that indicates whether the &#x60;anchorString&#x60; property is editable.

Metadata that indicates whether the &#x60;anchorString&#x60; property is editable.

◆ AnchorTabProcessorVersion

string DocuSign.eSign.Model.Draw.AnchorTabProcessorVersion

Gets or Sets AnchorTabProcessorVersion

◆ AnchorTabProcessorVersionMetadata

PropertyMetadata DocuSign.eSign.Model.Draw.AnchorTabProcessorVersionMetadata

Reserved for DocuSign.

Reserved for DocuSign.

◆ AnchorUnits

string DocuSign.eSign.Model.Draw.AnchorUnits

Specifies units of the X and Y offset. Units could be pixels, millimeters, centimeters, or inches.

Specifies units of the X and Y offset. Units could be pixels, millimeters, centimeters, or inches.

◆ AnchorUnitsMetadata

PropertyMetadata DocuSign.eSign.Model.Draw.AnchorUnitsMetadata

Metadata that indicates whether the &#x60;anchorUnits&#x60; property is editable.

Metadata that indicates whether the &#x60;anchorUnits&#x60; property is editable.

◆ AnchorXOffset

string DocuSign.eSign.Model.Draw.AnchorXOffset

Specifies the X axis location of the tab, in anchorUnits, relative to the anchorString.

Specifies the X axis location of the tab, in anchorUnits, relative to the anchorString.

◆ AnchorXOffsetMetadata

PropertyMetadata DocuSign.eSign.Model.Draw.AnchorXOffsetMetadata

Metadata that indicates whether the &#x60;anchorXOffset&#x60; property is editable.

Metadata that indicates whether the &#x60;anchorXOffset&#x60; property is editable.

◆ AnchorYOffset

string DocuSign.eSign.Model.Draw.AnchorYOffset

Specifies the Y axis location of the tab, in anchorUnits, relative to the anchorString.

Specifies the Y axis location of the tab, in anchorUnits, relative to the anchorString.

◆ AnchorYOffsetMetadata

PropertyMetadata DocuSign.eSign.Model.Draw.AnchorYOffsetMetadata

Metadata that indicates whether the &#x60;anchorYOffset&#x60; property is editable.

Metadata that indicates whether the &#x60;anchorYOffset&#x60; property is editable.

◆ Caption

string DocuSign.eSign.Model.Draw.Caption

Gets or Sets Caption

◆ CaptionMetadata

PropertyMetadata DocuSign.eSign.Model.Draw.CaptionMetadata

Gets or Sets CaptionMetadata

◆ ConditionalParentLabel

string DocuSign.eSign.Model.Draw.ConditionalParentLabel

For conditional fields this is the TabLabel of the parent tab that controls this tab&#39;s visibility.

For conditional fields this is the TabLabel of the parent tab that controls this tab&#39;s visibility.

◆ ConditionalParentLabelMetadata

PropertyMetadata DocuSign.eSign.Model.Draw.ConditionalParentLabelMetadata

Metadata that indicates whether the &#x60;conditionalParentLabel&#x60; property is editable.

Metadata that indicates whether the &#x60;conditionalParentLabel&#x60; property is editable.

◆ ConditionalParentValue

string DocuSign.eSign.Model.Draw.ConditionalParentValue

For conditional fields, this is the value of the parent tab that controls the tab&#39;s visibility. If the parent tab is a Checkbox, Radio button, Optional Signature, or Optional Initial use &quot;on&quot; as the value to show that the parent tab is active.

For conditional fields, this is the value of the parent tab that controls the tab&#39;s visibility. If the parent tab is a Checkbox, Radio button, Optional Signature, or Optional Initial use &quot;on&quot; as the value to show that the parent tab is active.

◆ ConditionalParentValueMetadata

PropertyMetadata DocuSign.eSign.Model.Draw.ConditionalParentValueMetadata

Metadata that indicates whether the &#x60;conditionalParentValue&#x60; property is editable.

Metadata that indicates whether the &#x60;conditionalParentValue&#x60; property is editable.

◆ CustomTabId

string DocuSign.eSign.Model.Draw.CustomTabId

The DocuSign generated custom tab ID for the custom tab to be applied. This can only be used when adding new tabs for a recipient. When used, the new tab inherits all the custom tab properties.

The DocuSign generated custom tab ID for the custom tab to be applied. This can only be used when adding new tabs for a recipient. When used, the new tab inherits all the custom tab properties.

◆ CustomTabIdMetadata

PropertyMetadata DocuSign.eSign.Model.Draw.CustomTabIdMetadata

Metadata that indicates whether the &#x60;customTabId&#x60; property is editable.

Metadata that indicates whether the &#x60;customTabId&#x60; property is editable.

◆ DocumentId

string DocuSign.eSign.Model.Draw.DocumentId

Specifies the document ID number that the tab is placed on. This must refer to an existing Document&#39;s ID attribute.

Specifies the document ID number that the tab is placed on. This must refer to an existing Document&#39;s ID attribute.

◆ DocumentIdMetadata

PropertyMetadata DocuSign.eSign.Model.Draw.DocumentIdMetadata

Metadata that indicates whether the &#x60;documentId&#x60; property is editable.

Metadata that indicates whether the &#x60;documentId&#x60; property is editable.

◆ ErrorDetails

ErrorDetails DocuSign.eSign.Model.Draw.ErrorDetails

Array or errors.

Array or errors.

◆ FormOrder

string DocuSign.eSign.Model.Draw.FormOrder

Gets or Sets FormOrder

◆ FormOrderMetadata

PropertyMetadata DocuSign.eSign.Model.Draw.FormOrderMetadata

Metadata that indicates whether the &#x60;formOrder&#x60; property is editable.

Metadata that indicates whether the &#x60;formOrder&#x60; property is editable.

◆ FormPageLabel

string DocuSign.eSign.Model.Draw.FormPageLabel

Gets or Sets FormPageLabel

◆ FormPageLabelMetadata

PropertyMetadata DocuSign.eSign.Model.Draw.FormPageLabelMetadata

Metadata that indicates whether the &#x60;formPageLabel&#x60; property is editable.

Metadata that indicates whether the &#x60;formPageLabel&#x60; property is editable.

◆ FormPageNumber

string DocuSign.eSign.Model.Draw.FormPageNumber

Gets or Sets FormPageNumber

◆ FormPageNumberMetadata

PropertyMetadata DocuSign.eSign.Model.Draw.FormPageNumberMetadata

Metadata that indicates whether the &#x60;fromPageNumber&#x60; property is editable.

Metadata that indicates whether the &#x60;fromPageNumber&#x60; property is editable.

◆ Height

string DocuSign.eSign.Model.Draw.Height

Height of the tab in pixels.

Height of the tab in pixels.

◆ HeightMetadata

PropertyMetadata DocuSign.eSign.Model.Draw.HeightMetadata

Metadata that indicates whether the &#x60;height&#x60; property is editable.

Metadata that indicates whether the &#x60;height&#x60; property is editable.

◆ Locked

string DocuSign.eSign.Model.Draw.Locked

When set to true, the signer cannot change the data of the custom tab.

When set to true, the signer cannot change the data of the custom tab.

◆ LockedMetadata

PropertyMetadata DocuSign.eSign.Model.Draw.LockedMetadata

Metadata that indicates whether the &#x60;locked&#x60; property is editable.

Metadata that indicates whether the &#x60;locked&#x60; property is editable.

◆ MergeField

MergeField DocuSign.eSign.Model.Draw.MergeField

Contains the information necessary to map the tab to a field in SalesForce.

Contains the information necessary to map the tab to a field in SalesForce.

◆ MergeFieldXml

string DocuSign.eSign.Model.Draw.MergeFieldXml

Gets or Sets MergeFieldXml

◆ PageNumber

string DocuSign.eSign.Model.Draw.PageNumber

Specifies the page number on which the tab is located.

Specifies the page number on which the tab is located.

◆ PageNumberMetadata

PropertyMetadata DocuSign.eSign.Model.Draw.PageNumberMetadata

Metadata that indicates whether the &#x60;pageNumber&#x60; property is editable.

Metadata that indicates whether the &#x60;pageNumber&#x60; property is editable.

◆ RecipientId

string DocuSign.eSign.Model.Draw.RecipientId

Unique for the recipient. It is used by the tab element to indicate which recipient is to sign the Document.

Unique for the recipient. It is used by the tab element to indicate which recipient is to sign the Document.

◆ RecipientIdGuid

string DocuSign.eSign.Model.Draw.RecipientIdGuid

Gets or Sets RecipientIdGuid

◆ RecipientIdGuidMetadata

PropertyMetadata DocuSign.eSign.Model.Draw.RecipientIdGuidMetadata

Metadata that indicates whether the &#x60;recipientIdGuid&#x60; property is editable.

Metadata that indicates whether the &#x60;recipientIdGuid&#x60; property is editable.

◆ RecipientIdMetadata

PropertyMetadata DocuSign.eSign.Model.Draw.RecipientIdMetadata

Metadata that indicates whether the &#x60;recipientId&#x60; property is editable.

Metadata that indicates whether the &#x60;recipientId&#x60; property is editable.

◆ Required

string DocuSign.eSign.Model.Draw.Required

When set to true, the signer is required to fill out this tab

When set to true, the signer is required to fill out this tab

◆ RequiredMetadata

PropertyMetadata DocuSign.eSign.Model.Draw.RequiredMetadata

Metadata that indicates whether the &#x60;required&#x60; property is editable.

Metadata that indicates whether the &#x60;required&#x60; property is editable.

◆ Shared

string DocuSign.eSign.Model.Draw.Shared

When set to true, this custom tab is shared.

When set to true, this custom tab is shared.

◆ SharedMetadata

PropertyMetadata DocuSign.eSign.Model.Draw.SharedMetadata

Metadata that indicates whether the &#x60;shared&#x60; property is editable.

Metadata that indicates whether the &#x60;shared&#x60; property is editable.

◆ SmartContractInformation

SmartContractInformation DocuSign.eSign.Model.Draw.SmartContractInformation

Reserved for DocuSign.

Reserved for DocuSign.

◆ Source

string DocuSign.eSign.Model.Draw.Source

Gets or Sets Source

◆ Status

string DocuSign.eSign.Model.Draw.Status

Indicates the envelope status. Valid values are: * sent - The envelope is sent to the recipients. * created - The envelope is saved as a draft and can be modified and sent later.

Indicates the envelope status. Valid values are: * sent - The envelope is sent to the recipients. * created - The envelope is saved as a draft and can be modified and sent later.

◆ StatusMetadata

PropertyMetadata DocuSign.eSign.Model.Draw.StatusMetadata

Metadata that indicates whether the &#x60;status&#x60; property is editable.

Metadata that indicates whether the &#x60;status&#x60; property is editable.

◆ TabGroupLabels

List<string> DocuSign.eSign.Model.Draw.TabGroupLabels

Gets or Sets TabGroupLabels

◆ TabGroupLabelsMetadata

PropertyMetadata DocuSign.eSign.Model.Draw.TabGroupLabelsMetadata

Metadata that indicates whether the &#x60;tabGroupLabels&#x60; property is editable.

Metadata that indicates whether the &#x60;tabGroupLabels&#x60; property is editable.

◆ TabId

string DocuSign.eSign.Model.Draw.TabId

The unique identifier for the tab. The tabid can be retrieved with the [ML:GET call].

The unique identifier for the tab. The tabid can be retrieved with the [ML:GET call].

◆ TabIdMetadata

PropertyMetadata DocuSign.eSign.Model.Draw.TabIdMetadata

Metadata that indicates whether the &#x60;tabId&#x60; property is editable.

Metadata that indicates whether the &#x60;tabId&#x60; property is editable.

◆ TabLabelMetadata

PropertyMetadata DocuSign.eSign.Model.Draw.TabLabelMetadata

Metadata that indicates whether the &#x60;tabLabel&#x60; property is editable.

Metadata that indicates whether the &#x60;tabLabel&#x60; property is editable.

◆ TabOrder

string DocuSign.eSign.Model.Draw.TabOrder

Gets or Sets TabOrder

◆ TabOrderMetadata

PropertyMetadata DocuSign.eSign.Model.Draw.TabOrderMetadata

Metadata that indicates whether the &#x60;tabOrder&#x60; property is editable.

Metadata that indicates whether the &#x60;tabOrder&#x60; property is editable.

◆ TabType

string DocuSign.eSign.Model.Draw.TabType

Gets or Sets TabType

◆ TabTypeMetadata

PropertyMetadata DocuSign.eSign.Model.Draw.TabTypeMetadata

Metadata that indicates whether the &#x60;tabType&#x60; property is editable.

Metadata that indicates whether the &#x60;tabType&#x60; property is editable.

◆ TemplateLocked

string DocuSign.eSign.Model.Draw.TemplateLocked

When set to true, the sender cannot change any attributes of the recipient. Used only when working with template recipients.

When set to true, the sender cannot change any attributes of the recipient. Used only when working with template recipients.

◆ TemplateLockedMetadata

PropertyMetadata DocuSign.eSign.Model.Draw.TemplateLockedMetadata

Metadata that indicates whether the &#x60;templateLocked&#x60; property is editable.

Metadata that indicates whether the &#x60;templateLocked&#x60; property is editable.

◆ TemplateRequired

string DocuSign.eSign.Model.Draw.TemplateRequired

When set to true, the sender may not remove the recipient. Used only when working with template recipients.

When set to true, the sender may not remove the recipient. Used only when working with template recipients.

◆ TemplateRequiredMetadata

PropertyMetadata DocuSign.eSign.Model.Draw.TemplateRequiredMetadata

Metadata that indicates whether the &#x60;templateRequired&#x60; property is editable.

Metadata that indicates whether the &#x60;templateRequired&#x60; property is editable.

◆ Tooltip

string DocuSign.eSign.Model.Draw.Tooltip

Gets or Sets Tooltip

◆ ToolTipMetadata

PropertyMetadata DocuSign.eSign.Model.Draw.ToolTipMetadata

Metadata that indicates whether the &#x60;toolTip&#x60; property is editable.

Metadata that indicates whether the &#x60;toolTip&#x60; property is editable.

◆ UseBackgroundAsCanvas

string DocuSign.eSign.Model.Draw.UseBackgroundAsCanvas

Gets or Sets UseBackgroundAsCanvas

◆ Width

string DocuSign.eSign.Model.Draw.Width

Width of the tab in pixels.

Width of the tab in pixels.

◆ WidthMetadata

PropertyMetadata DocuSign.eSign.Model.Draw.WidthMetadata

Metadata that indicates whether the &#x60;width&#x60; property is editable.

Metadata that indicates whether the &#x60;width&#x60; property is editable.

◆ XPosition

string DocuSign.eSign.Model.Draw.XPosition

This indicates the horizontal offset of the object on the page. DocuSign uses 72 DPI when determining position.

This indicates the horizontal offset of the object on the page. DocuSign uses 72 DPI when determining position.

◆ XPositionMetadata

PropertyMetadata DocuSign.eSign.Model.Draw.XPositionMetadata

Metadata that indicates whether the &#x60;xPosition&#x60; property is editable.

Metadata that indicates whether the &#x60;xPosition&#x60; property is editable.

◆ YPosition

string DocuSign.eSign.Model.Draw.YPosition

This indicates the vertical offset of the object on the page. DocuSign uses 72 DPI when determining position.

This indicates the vertical offset of the object on the page. DocuSign uses 72 DPI when determining position.

◆ YPositionMetadata

PropertyMetadata DocuSign.eSign.Model.Draw.YPositionMetadata

Metadata that indicates whether the &#x60;yPosition&#x60; property is editable.

Metadata that indicates whether the &#x60;yPosition&#x60; property is editable.

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