Package com.docusign.androidsdk.listeners


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interface DSAuthenticationListener

Authentication Listener which provides status of authentication process whether it is success or failure

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interface DSCacheEnvelopeListener

This class provides listener during caching of an envelope

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interface DSCacheTemplateListener

This class provides listener during caching of a template

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interface DSCaptiveSigningListener : DSOnlineSigningListener

Listener for Captive Signing

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interface DSCapturePhotoListener

This class is passed via DSOfflineSigningWithPhotoListener's or DSOfflineUseTemplateWithPhotoListener's onCapturePhotoStart method. Use this listener to pass the photoUri to the SDK after implementing Sign with Photo capture implementation.

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interface DSComposeAndSendEnvelopeListener
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interface DSDeleteCachedEnvelopeListener

Callback when the cached envelope is deleted. It returns an envelope ID for a successful deletion and an exception for an unsuccessful one

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interface DSDownloadCompletedEnvelopeListener

Callback when the completed envelope is downloaded. It returns the file Uri on success, and an exception for an unsuccessful one

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interface DSDrawListener

Draw Signature Listener will provide the status whether the user has drawn a new signature or canceled out

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interface DSESignApiListener

This is the callback listener for e-Sign REST api calls

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interface DSGetAccountSettingsListener

Callback for retrieving Account Settings from DocuSign.

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interface DSGetCachedEnvelopeListener

Callback for retrieving cached envelope. It returns an envelope for a successful conversion and an exception for an unsuccessful one

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interface DSGetCachedTemplateListener
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interface DSGetConsumerDisclosureListener : DSGetAccountSettingsListener
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interface DSGetEnvelopeIdsListener

Callback for retrieving envelopeId's. Returns a List of Envelope Id's for a successful conversion and an exception for an unsuccessful one

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interface DSGetEnvelopeListener

Callback for retrieving synced envelope from DocuSign. It returns an envelope for a successful conversion and an exception for an unsuccessful one

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interface DSGetEnvelopeListListener

Callback for retrieving synced envelope from DocuSign. It returns an envelope for a successful conversion and an exception for an unsuccessful one

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interface DSLogoutListener

Logout Listener is a callback, which provides status on the logout operation

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interface DSOfflineSigningListener

This class provides the listener for offline signing ceremony

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interface DSOfflineSigningWithPhotoListener : DSOfflineSigningListener

This class provides the listener for offline signing ceremony when both the Sign with Photo setting AND Handle SignWithPhoto Capture setting is enabled.

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interface DSOfflineUseTemplateListener

This interface provides the necessary callbacks when using a template in Offline mode

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This class provides the listener for template offline signing ceremony when both the Sign with Photo setting AND Handle SignWithPhoto Capture setting is enabled.

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interface DSOnlineSigningListener

This class provides the listener for online signing ceremony via envelope

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interface DSOnlineUseTemplateListener

This interface provides the necessary callbacks when using a template online

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interface DSRemoveTemplateListener
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interface DSSyncAllEnvelopesListener

Callback when all the offline signed envelopes are synced.

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interface DSSyncEnvelopeListener

Callback when the offline signed envelope is synced. It returns local envelope ID, server envelope ID for a successful sync and an exception for an unsuccessful one

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interface DSTemplateDefinitionListListener
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interface DSTemplateListener

This class provides the listener for fetching details about template

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interface DSTemplateListListener

This class provides the listener for fetching templates

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interface DSUpdateCachedTemplateListener