Package com.docusign.androidsdk.dsmodels


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data class DSAccount(name: String, accountId: String, isDefault: Boolean)
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enum DSAnchorUnitsType : Enum<DSAnchorUnitsType>
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class DSAppearance

This class provides branding information

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data class DSBottomToolbarAppearance(bottomToolbarColor: ColorDrawable?, bottomToolbarButtonColor: ColorDrawable?, bottomToolbarButtonTextColor: ColorDrawable?, bottomToolbarDocuSignImageVisibility: Boolean)

This class provides Bottom Toolbar branding information

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class DSCacheable

This class provides the info whether template is cacheable

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data class DSConsumerDisclosure(enableEsign: Boolean?, companyName: String?, esignAgreement: String?)
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data class DSCustomFields(listCustomFields: MutableList<DSListCustomField>?, textCustomFields: MutableList<DSTextCustomField>?)

This class provides template/envelope custom fields

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class DSCustomSettings

This class is used to enable/disable Custom Settings

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enum DSDateFormat : Enum<DSDateFormat>

This class represents the types of date formats

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class DSDocument

Class which publicly represents a Document object

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enum DSDocumentInsertAtPosition : Enum<DSDocumentInsertAtPosition>
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class DSEnvelope

This class provides envelope information

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data class DSEnvelopeDefaults(recipientDefaults: List<DSRecipientDefault>?, emailSubject: String?, emailBlurb: String?, envelopeTitle: String?, tabValueDefaults: Map<String, Any>?, customFields: DSCustomFields?)

This class provides the proper structure for Envelope Defaults to be used to inject (pre-fill) data into a Template

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class DSEnvelopeRecipient : DSRecipient

Class which publicly represents a Recipient object which is associated with an Envelope

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enum DSLanguage : Enum<DSLanguage>

Branding language for Embedded Signing

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data class DSListCustomField(fieldId: Long, name: String, value: String, listItems: <ERROR CLASS><String>?, required: Boolean?, show: Boolean?)

This class provides list custom field information

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data class DSOfflineAttributes(gpsLatitude: Double?, gpsLongitude: Double?, deviceModel: String?, deviceName: String?, accountESignId: String?, offlineSigningHash: String?)
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abstract class DSRecipient
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data class DSRecipientDefault(recipientEmail: String, recipientName: String, inPersonSignerName: String?, inPersonSignerEmail: String?, recipientId: String?, recipientRoleName: String?, recipientSelectorType: DSEnvelopeDefaultsUniqueRecipientSelectorType)

This class provides the proper structure for Recipient Defaults to be used to inject (pre-fill) Recipient data into a Template

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enum DSRecipientType : Enum<DSRecipientType>

This class provides the types of recipients

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enum DSSignatureType : Enum<DSSignatureType>
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enum DSStampType : Enum<DSStampType>

This class includes the stamp types of the Signature Tab

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enum DSSupplementalOptions : Enum<DSSupplementalOptions>

This class provides Supplemental options

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class DSTab : Cloneable

Class which publicly represents a Tab (aka Field) object

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data class DSTabListItem(templateTabId: String, text: String, value: String, selected: Boolean)
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enum DSTabType : Enum<DSTabType>

This class includes the tab types that are supported and unsupported

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data class DSTemplate(templateId: String, templateName: String?, documentUri: String?)

This class provides the information about template. This is passed back to the integrating app

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data class DSTemplateDefinition(templateId: String, name: String?, description: String?, emailSubject: String?, emailBlurb: String?, pageCount: Int?, lastModified: Date?, uri: String?, envelopeId: String?, recipients: List<DSTemplateRecipient>?, customFields: DSCustomFields?, documents: List<DSDocument>?, cacheable: DSCacheable, brandId: String?, envelopeIdStamping: Boolean?)

This class provides the information about template. This is passed back to the integrating app

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data class DSTemplateFilter(includeDocuments: Boolean, includeTabs: Boolean, includePowerForms: Boolean, includeTemplateFavoriteStatus: Boolean)

This class is used to filter the template based on the attributes

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data class DSTemplateRecipient(recipientId: String, email: String?, signerName: String?, hostName: String?, hostEmail: String?, roleName: String?, type: DSRecipientType, routingOrder: Int?, status: RecipientStatus?, tabs: List<DSTab>?, emailBody: String?, emailSubject: String?, emailSupportedLanguage: String?) : DSRecipient

This class provides the information about the template recipient

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data class DSTemplates(templates: List<DSTemplate>, resultTemplatesSize: Int, totalTemplatesSize: Int)

This class contains list of templates

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data class DSTemplatesFilter(count: Int, folder: String?, folder_ids: List<UUID>?, start_position: Int)

This class is used to filter the templates based on the attributes

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data class DSTextCustomField(fieldId: Long, name: String, value: String, required: Boolean?, show: Boolean?)

This class provides text custom field information

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enum DSTheme : Enum<DSTheme>

Sets the theme. For Dark theme, set DSTheme.DARK

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data class DSUser(userId: String, name: String, email: String, accountId: String, accounts: List<DSAccount>)

This class provides information about the User. This is passed back to the integrating app