

new module:api/ConnectApi(apiClient)


Constructs a new ConnectApi.

Name Type Description
apiClient module:ApiClient

Optional API client implementation to use,
default to module:ApiClient#instance if unspecified.


createConfiguration(accountId, optsOrCallback, callback)


Creates a connect configuration for the specified account.
Creates a DocuSign Custom Connect definition for your account. DocuSign Connect enables the sending of real-time data updates to external applications. These updates are generated by user transactions as the envelope progresses through actions to completion. The Connect Service provides updated information about the status of these transactions and returns updates that include the actual content of document form fields. Be aware that, these updates might or might not include the document itself. For more information about Connect, see the [ML:DocuSign Connect Service Guide].

Note: Connect must be enabled for your account to use this function. This cannot be used to set up Connect configurations for Salesforce or eOriginal.
Name Type Description
accountId String

The external account number (int) or account ID Guid.

optsOrCallback Object

Optional parameters, if you are passing no optional parameters, you can either pass a null or omit this parameter entirely.

Name Type Description
connectCustomConfiguration module:model/ConnectCustomConfiguration
callback module:api/ConnectApi~createConfigurationCallback

The callback function, accepting three arguments: error, data, response
data is of type: module:model/ConnectCustomConfiguration

createConnectOAuthConfig(accountId, optsOrCallback, callback)


Sets the Connect OAuth Config for the account.

Name Type Description
accountId String

The external account number (int) or account ID Guid.

optsOrCallback Object

Optional parameters, if you are passing no optional parameters, you can either pass a null or omit this parameter entirely.

Name Type Description
connectOAuthConfig module:model/ConnectOAuthConfig
callback module:api/ConnectApi~createConnectOAuthConfigCallback

The callback function, accepting three arguments: error, data, response
data is of type: module:model/ConnectOAuthConfig

deleteConfiguration(accountId, connectId, callback)


Deletes the specified connect configuration.
Deletes the specified DocuSign Connect configuration.

Note: Connect must be enabled for your account to use this function.
Name Type Description
accountId String

The external account number (int) or account ID Guid.

connectId String

The ID of the custom Connect configuration being accessed.

callback module:api/ConnectApi~deleteConfigurationCallback

The callback function, accepting three arguments: error, data, response

deleteConnectOAuthConfig(accountId, callback)


Sets the Connect OAuth Config for the account.

Name Type Description
accountId String

The external account number (int) or account ID Guid.

callback module:api/ConnectApi~deleteConnectOAuthConfigCallback

The callback function, accepting three arguments: error, data, response

deleteEventFailureLog(accountId, failureId, callback)


Deletes a Connect failure log entry.
Deletes the Connect failure log information for the specified entry.

Name Type Description
accountId String

The external account number (int) or account ID Guid.

failureId String

The ID of the failed connect log entry.

callback module:api/ConnectApi~deleteEventFailureLogCallback

The callback function, accepting three arguments: error, data, response
data is of type: module:model/ConnectDeleteFailureResult

deleteEventLog(accountId, logId, callback)


Deletes a specified Connect log entry.
Deletes a specified entry from the Connect Log.

Name Type Description
accountId String

The external account number (int) or account ID Guid.

logId String

The ID of the connect log entry

callback module:api/ConnectApi~deleteEventLogCallback

The callback function, accepting three arguments: error, data, response

deleteEventLogs(accountId, callback)


Gets a list of Connect log entries.
Retrieves a list of connect log entries for your account.

Note: The enableLog property in the Connect configuration must be set to true to enable logging. If logging is not enabled, then no log entries are recorded.
Name Type Description
accountId String

The external account number (int) or account ID Guid.

callback module:api/ConnectApi~deleteEventLogsCallback

The callback function, accepting three arguments: error, data, response

deleteMobileNotifiers(accountId, optsOrCallback, callback)



Name Type Description
accountId String

The external account number (int) or account ID Guid.

optsOrCallback Object

Optional parameters, if you are passing no optional parameters, you can either pass a null or omit this parameter entirely.

Name Type Description
mobileNotifierConfigurationInformation module:model/MobileNotifierConfigurationInformation
callback module:api/ConnectApi~deleteMobileNotifiersCallback

The callback function, accepting three arguments: error, data, response
data is of type: module:model/MobileNotifierConfigurationInformation

getConfiguration(accountId, connectId, callback)


Get a Connect Configuration Information
Retrieves the information for the specified DocuSign Connect configuration.

Note: Connect must be enabled for your account to use this function.
Name Type Description
accountId String

The external account number (int) or account ID Guid.

connectId String

The ID of the custom Connect configuration being accessed.

callback module:api/ConnectApi~getConfigurationCallback

The callback function, accepting three arguments: error, data, response
data is of type: module:model/ConnectConfigResults

getConnectAllUsers(accountId, connectId, optsOrCallback, callback)


Returns all users from the configured Connect service.

Name Type Description
accountId String

The external account number (int) or account ID Guid.

connectId String

The ID of the custom Connect configuration being accessed.

optsOrCallback Object

Optional parameters, if you are passing no optional parameters, you can either pass a null or omit this parameter entirely.

Name Type Description
count String
domainUsersOnly String
emailSubstring String
startPosition String
status String
userNameSubstring String
callback module:api/ConnectApi~getConnectAllUsersCallback

The callback function, accepting three arguments: error, data, response
data is of type: module:model/IntegratedConnectUserInfoList

getConnectOAuthConfig(accountId, callback)


Sets the Connect OAuth Config for the account.

Name Type Description
accountId String

The external account number (int) or account ID Guid.

callback module:api/ConnectApi~getConnectOAuthConfigCallback

The callback function, accepting three arguments: error, data, response
data is of type: module:model/ConnectOAuthConfig

getEventLog(accountId, logId, optsOrCallback, callback)


Get the specified Connect log entry.
Retrieves the specified Connect log entry for your account.

Note: The enableLog setting in the Connect configuration must be set to true to enable logging. If logging is not enabled, then no log entries are recorded.
Name Type Description
accountId String

The external account number (int) or account ID Guid.

logId String

The ID of the connect log entry

optsOrCallback Object

Optional parameters, if you are passing no optional parameters, you can either pass a null or omit this parameter entirely.

Name Type Description
additionalInfo String

When true, the connectDebugLog information is included in the response.

callback module:api/ConnectApi~getEventLogCallback

The callback function, accepting three arguments: error, data, response
data is of type: module:model/ConnectLog

listConfigurations(accountId, callback)


Get Connect Configuration Information
Retrieves all the DocuSign Custom Connect definitions for the specified account.

Note: Connect must be enabled for your account to use this function. This does not retrieve information for Connect configurations for Box, eOriginal, or Salesforce.
Name Type Description
accountId String

The external account number (int) or account ID Guid.

callback module:api/ConnectApi~listConfigurationsCallback

The callback function, accepting three arguments: error, data, response
data is of type: module:model/ConnectConfigResults

listEventFailureLogs(accountId, optsOrCallback, callback)


Gets the Connect failure log information.
Retrieves the Connect Failure Log information. It can be used to determine which envelopes failed to post, so a republish request can be created.

Name Type Description
accountId String

The external account number (int) or account ID Guid.

optsOrCallback Object

Optional parameters, if you are passing no optional parameters, you can either pass a null or omit this parameter entirely.

Name Type Description
fromDate String
toDate String
callback module:api/ConnectApi~listEventFailureLogsCallback

The callback function, accepting three arguments: error, data, response
data is of type: module:model/ConnectLogs

listEventLogs(accountId, optsOrCallback, callback)


Gets the Connect log.
Retrieves a list of connect log entries for your account.

Note: The enableLog setting in the Connect configuration must be set to true to enable logging. If logging is not enabled, then no log entries are recorded.
Name Type Description
accountId String

The external account number (int) or account ID Guid.

optsOrCallback Object

Optional parameters, if you are passing no optional parameters, you can either pass a null or omit this parameter entirely.

Name Type Description
fromDate String
toDate String
callback module:api/ConnectApi~listEventLogsCallback

The callback function, accepting three arguments: error, data, response
data is of type: module:model/ConnectLogs

listMobileNotifiers(accountId, callback)



Name Type Description
accountId String

The external account number (int) or account ID Guid.

callback module:api/ConnectApi~listMobileNotifiersCallback

The callback function, accepting three arguments: error, data, response
data is of type: module:model/MobileNotifierConfigurationInformation

listUsers(accountId, connectId, optsOrCallback, callback)


Returns users from the configured Connect service.
Returns users from the configured Connect service.

Name Type Description
accountId String

The external account number (int) or account ID Guid.

connectId String

The ID of the custom Connect configuration being accessed.

optsOrCallback Object

Optional parameters, if you are passing no optional parameters, you can either pass a null or omit this parameter entirely.

Name Type Description
count String
emailSubstring String
listIncludedUsers String
startPosition String
status String
userNameSubstring String
callback module:api/ConnectApi~listUsersCallback

The callback function, accepting three arguments: error, data, response
data is of type: module:model/IntegratedUserInfoList

retryEventForEnvelope(accountId, envelopeId, callback)


Republishes Connect information for the specified envelope.
Republishes Connect information for the specified envelope.

Name Type Description
accountId String

The external account number (int) or account ID Guid.

envelopeId String

The envelopeId Guid of the envelope being accessed.

callback module:api/ConnectApi~retryEventForEnvelopeCallback

The callback function, accepting three arguments: error, data, response
data is of type: module:model/ConnectFailureResults

retryEventForEnvelopes(accountId, optsOrCallback, callback)


Republishes Connect information for multiple envelopes.
Republishes Connect information for the specified set of envelopes. The primary use is to republish Connect post failures by including envelope IDs for the envelopes that failed to post in the request. The list of envelope IDs that failed to post correctly can be retrieved by calling to [ML:GetConnectLog] retrieve the failure log.

Name Type Description
accountId String

The external account number (int) or account ID Guid.

optsOrCallback Object

Optional parameters, if you are passing no optional parameters, you can either pass a null or omit this parameter entirely.

Name Type Description
connectFailureFilter module:model/ConnectFailureFilter
callback module:api/ConnectApi~retryEventForEnvelopesCallback

The callback function, accepting three arguments: error, data, response
data is of type: module:model/ConnectFailureResults

updateConfiguration(accountId, optsOrCallback, callback)


Updates a specified Connect configuration.
Updates the specified DocuSign Connect configuration in your account.

Note: Connect must be enabled for your account to use this function. This cannot be used to update Connect configurations for Box, eOriginal, or Salesforce.
Name Type Description
accountId String

The external account number (int) or account ID Guid.

optsOrCallback Object

Optional parameters, if you are passing no optional parameters, you can either pass a null or omit this parameter entirely.

Name Type Description
connectCustomConfiguration module:model/ConnectCustomConfiguration
callback module:api/ConnectApi~updateConfigurationCallback

The callback function, accepting three arguments: error, data, response
data is of type: module:model/ConnectCustomConfiguration

updateConnectOAuthConfig(accountId, optsOrCallback, callback)


Updates the existing Connect OAuth Config for the account.

Name Type Description
accountId String

The external account number (int) or account ID Guid.

optsOrCallback Object

Optional parameters, if you are passing no optional parameters, you can either pass a null or omit this parameter entirely.

Name Type Description
connectOAuthConfig module:model/ConnectOAuthConfig
callback module:api/ConnectApi~updateConnectOAuthConfigCallback

The callback function, accepting three arguments: error, data, response
data is of type: module:model/ConnectOAuthConfig

updateMobileNotifiers(accountId, optsOrCallback, callback)



Name Type Description
accountId String

The external account number (int) or account ID Guid.

optsOrCallback Object

Optional parameters, if you are passing no optional parameters, you can either pass a null or omit this parameter entirely.

Name Type Description
mobileNotifierConfigurationInformation module:model/MobileNotifierConfigurationInformation
callback module:api/ConnectApi~updateMobileNotifiersCallback

The callback function, accepting three arguments: error, data, response
data is of type: module:model/MobileNotifierConfigurationInformation

Type Definitions

createConfigurationCallback(error, data, If)


(Optional) Callback function to receive the result of the createConfiguration operation. If none specified a Promise will be returned.

Name Type Description
error String

Error message, if any.

data module:model/ConnectCustomConfiguration

The data returned by the service call.

If String

a callback was specified, the response The complete HTTP response, else a Promise resolving the response Data.

createConnectOAuthConfigCallback(error, data, If)


(Optional) Callback function to receive the result of the createConnectOAuthConfig operation. If none specified a Promise will be returned.

Name Type Description
error String

Error message, if any.

data module:model/ConnectOAuthConfig

The data returned by the service call.

If String

a callback was specified, the response The complete HTTP response, else a Promise resolving the response Data.

deleteConfigurationCallback(error, data, If)


(Optional) Callback function to receive the result of the deleteConfiguration operation. If none specified a Promise will be returned.

Name Type Description
error String

Error message, if any.


This operation does not return a value.

If String

a callback was specified, the response The complete HTTP response, else a Promise resolving the response Data.

deleteConnectOAuthConfigCallback(error, data, If)


(Optional) Callback function to receive the result of the deleteConnectOAuthConfig operation. If none specified a Promise will be returned.

Name Type Description
error String

Error message, if any.


This operation does not return a value.

If String

a callback was specified, the response The complete HTTP response, else a Promise resolving the response Data.

deleteEventFailureLogCallback(error, data, If)


(Optional) Callback function to receive the result of the deleteEventFailureLog operation. If none specified a Promise will be returned.

Name Type Description
error String

Error message, if any.

data module:model/ConnectDeleteFailureResult

The data returned by the service call.

If String

a callback was specified, the response The complete HTTP response, else a Promise resolving the response Data.

deleteEventLogCallback(error, data, If)


(Optional) Callback function to receive the result of the deleteEventLog operation. If none specified a Promise will be returned.

Name Type Description
error String

Error message, if any.


This operation does not return a value.

If String

a callback was specified, the response The complete HTTP response, else a Promise resolving the response Data.

deleteEventLogsCallback(error, data, If)


(Optional) Callback function to receive the result of the deleteEventLogs operation. If none specified a Promise will be returned.

Name Type Description
error String

Error message, if any.


This operation does not return a value.

If String

a callback was specified, the response The complete HTTP response, else a Promise resolving the response Data.

deleteMobileNotifiersCallback(error, data, If)


(Optional) Callback function to receive the result of the deleteMobileNotifiers operation. If none specified a Promise will be returned.

Name Type Description
error String

Error message, if any.

data module:model/MobileNotifierConfigurationInformation

The data returned by the service call.

If String

a callback was specified, the response The complete HTTP response, else a Promise resolving the response Data.

getConfigurationCallback(error, data, If)


(Optional) Callback function to receive the result of the getConfiguration operation. If none specified a Promise will be returned.

Name Type Description
error String

Error message, if any.

data module:model/ConnectConfigResults

The data returned by the service call.

If String

a callback was specified, the response The complete HTTP response, else a Promise resolving the response Data.

getConnectAllUsersCallback(error, data, If)


(Optional) Callback function to receive the result of the getConnectAllUsers operation. If none specified a Promise will be returned.

Name Type Description
error String

Error message, if any.

data module:model/IntegratedConnectUserInfoList

The data returned by the service call.

If String

a callback was specified, the response The complete HTTP response, else a Promise resolving the response Data.

getConnectOAuthConfigCallback(error, data, If)


(Optional) Callback function to receive the result of the getConnectOAuthConfig operation. If none specified a Promise will be returned.

Name Type Description
error String

Error message, if any.

data module:model/ConnectOAuthConfig

The data returned by the service call.

If String

a callback was specified, the response The complete HTTP response, else a Promise resolving the response Data.

getEventLogCallback(error, data, If)


(Optional) Callback function to receive the result of the getEventLog operation. If none specified a Promise will be returned.

Name Type Description
error String

Error message, if any.

data module:model/ConnectLog

The data returned by the service call.

If String

a callback was specified, the response The complete HTTP response, else a Promise resolving the response Data.

listConfigurationsCallback(error, data, If)


(Optional) Callback function to receive the result of the listConfigurations operation. If none specified a Promise will be returned.

Name Type Description
error String

Error message, if any.

data module:model/ConnectConfigResults

The data returned by the service call.

If String

a callback was specified, the response The complete HTTP response, else a Promise resolving the response Data.

listEventFailureLogsCallback(error, data, If)


(Optional) Callback function to receive the result of the listEventFailureLogs operation. If none specified a Promise will be returned.

Name Type Description
error String

Error message, if any.

data module:model/ConnectLogs

The data returned by the service call.

If String

a callback was specified, the response The complete HTTP response, else a Promise resolving the response Data.

listEventLogsCallback(error, data, If)


(Optional) Callback function to receive the result of the listEventLogs operation. If none specified a Promise will be returned.

Name Type Description
error String

Error message, if any.

data module:model/ConnectLogs

The data returned by the service call.

If String

a callback was specified, the response The complete HTTP response, else a Promise resolving the response Data.

listMobileNotifiersCallback(error, data, If)


(Optional) Callback function to receive the result of the listMobileNotifiers operation. If none specified a Promise will be returned.

Name Type Description
error String

Error message, if any.

data module:model/MobileNotifierConfigurationInformation

The data returned by the service call.

If String

a callback was specified, the response The complete HTTP response, else a Promise resolving the response Data.

listUsersCallback(error, data, If)


(Optional) Callback function to receive the result of the listUsers operation. If none specified a Promise will be returned.

Name Type Description
error String

Error message, if any.

data module:model/IntegratedUserInfoList

The data returned by the service call.

If String

a callback was specified, the response The complete HTTP response, else a Promise resolving the response Data.

retryEventForEnvelopeCallback(error, data, If)


(Optional) Callback function to receive the result of the retryEventForEnvelope operation. If none specified a Promise will be returned.

Name Type Description
error String

Error message, if any.

data module:model/ConnectFailureResults

The data returned by the service call.

If String

a callback was specified, the response The complete HTTP response, else a Promise resolving the response Data.

retryEventForEnvelopesCallback(error, data, If)


(Optional) Callback function to receive the result of the retryEventForEnvelopes operation. If none specified a Promise will be returned.

Name Type Description
error String

Error message, if any.

data module:model/ConnectFailureResults

The data returned by the service call.

If String

a callback was specified, the response The complete HTTP response, else a Promise resolving the response Data.

updateConfigurationCallback(error, data, If)


(Optional) Callback function to receive the result of the updateConfiguration operation. If none specified a Promise will be returned.

Name Type Description
error String

Error message, if any.

data module:model/ConnectCustomConfiguration

The data returned by the service call.

If String

a callback was specified, the response The complete HTTP response, else a Promise resolving the response Data.

updateConnectOAuthConfigCallback(error, data, If)


(Optional) Callback function to receive the result of the updateConnectOAuthConfig operation. If none specified a Promise will be returned.

Name Type Description
error String

Error message, if any.

data module:model/ConnectOAuthConfig

The data returned by the service call.

If String

a callback was specified, the response The complete HTTP response, else a Promise resolving the response Data.

updateMobileNotifiersCallback(error, data, If)


(Optional) Callback function to receive the result of the updateMobileNotifiers operation. If none specified a Promise will be returned.

Name Type Description
error String

Error message, if any.

data module:model/MobileNotifierConfigurationInformation

The data returned by the service call.

If String

a callback was specified, the response The complete HTTP response, else a Promise resolving the response Data.