

new module:api/NotaryApi(apiClient)


Constructs a new NotaryApi.

Name Type Description
apiClient module:ApiClient

Optional API client implementation to use,
default to module:ApiClient#instance if unspecified.


createNotary(optsOrCallback, callback)


Add a notary to the system
Registers the current user as a notary.

Name Type Description
optsOrCallback Object

Optional parameters, if you are passing no optional parameters, you can either pass a null or omit this parameter entirely.

Name Type Description
notary module:model/Notary
callback module:api/NotaryApi~createNotaryCallback

The callback function, accepting three arguments: error, data, response
data is of type: module:model/Notary

createNotaryJurisdictions(optsOrCallback, callback)


Add a notary jurisdiction to the system
Creates a jurisdiction object.

Name Type Description
optsOrCallback Object

Optional parameters, if you are passing no optional parameters, you can either pass a null or omit this parameter entirely.

Name Type Description
notaryJurisdiction module:model/NotaryJurisdiction
callback module:api/NotaryApi~createNotaryJurisdictionsCallback

The callback function, accepting three arguments: error, data, response
data is of type: module:model/NotaryJurisdiction

deleteNotaryJurisdiction(jurisdictionId, callback)


Delete a notary jurisdiction a specified user.
Deletes the specified jurisdiction.

Name Type Description
jurisdictionId String
callback module:api/NotaryApi~deleteNotaryJurisdictionCallback

The callback function, accepting three arguments: error, data, response

getNotary(optsOrCallback, callback)


Get notary settings for a user
Gets settings for a notary user.
The current user must be a notary.

Name Type Description
optsOrCallback Object

Optional parameters, if you are passing no optional parameters, you can either pass a null or omit this parameter entirely.

Name Type Description
includeJurisdictions String
callback module:api/NotaryApi~getNotaryCallback

The callback function, accepting three arguments: error, data, response
data is of type: module:model/NotaryResult

getNotaryJurisdiction(jurisdictionId, callback)


Get notary a jurisdiction for a user
Gets a jurisdiction object for the current user. The following restrictions apply:

  • The current user must be a notary.
  • The jurisdictionId must be a jurisdiction that the notary is registered for.
Name Type Description
jurisdictionId String
callback module:api/NotaryApi~getNotaryJurisdictionCallback

The callback function, accepting three arguments: error, data, response
data is of type: module:model/NotaryJurisdiction



Get notary jurisdictions for a user
Returns a list of jurisdictions that the notary is registered in.
The current user must be a notary.

Name Type Description
callback module:api/NotaryApi~getNotaryJurisdictionsCallback

The callback function, accepting three arguments: error, data, response
data is of type: module:model/NotaryJurisdictionList

getNotaryJurisdictionSeal(jurisdictionId, callback)


Get notary seal for a jurisdiction

Name Type Description
jurisdictionId String
callback module:api/NotaryApi~getNotaryJurisdictionSealCallback

The callback function, accepting three arguments: error, data, response

listNotaryJournals(optsOrCallback, callback)


Get notary jurisdictions for a user

Name Type Description
optsOrCallback Object

Optional parameters, if you are passing no optional parameters, you can either pass a null or omit this parameter entirely.

Name Type Description
count String
searchText String
startPosition String
callback module:api/NotaryApi~listNotaryJournalsCallback

The callback function, accepting three arguments: error, data, response
data is of type: module:model/NotaryJournalList

updateNotary(optsOrCallback, callback)


Update a notary
Updates notary information for the current user.

Name Type Description
optsOrCallback Object

Optional parameters, if you are passing no optional parameters, you can either pass a null or omit this parameter entirely.

Name Type Description
notary module:model/Notary
callback module:api/NotaryApi~updateNotaryCallback

The callback function, accepting three arguments: error, data, response
data is of type: module:model/Notary

updateNotaryJurisdiction(jurisdictionId, optsOrCallback, callback)


Update a notary jurisdiction
Updates the jurisdiction information about a notary.

The following restrictions apply:

  • The current user must be a notary.
  • The jurisdictionId path parameter must be a jurisdiction that the notary is registered for.
  • The jurisdictionId path parameter must match the request body's jurisdiction.jurisdictionId.

The request body must have a full jurisdiction object for the jurisdiction property.
The best way to do this is to use getNotaryJurisdiction to obtain the current values and update the properties you want to change.

For example, assume getNotaryJurisdiction returns this:

    "jurisdiction": {
        "jurisdictionId": "15",
        "name": "Iowa",
        "county": "",
        "enabled": "true",
        "countyInSeal": "false",
        "commissionIdInSeal": "true",
        "stateNameInSeal": "true",
        "notaryPublicInSeal": "true",
        "allowSystemCreatedSeal": "true",
        "allowUserUploadedSeal": "false"
    "commissionId": "123456",
    "commissionExpiration": "2020-08-31T07:00:00.0000000Z",
    "registeredName": "Bob Notary",
    "county": "Adams",
    "sealType": "system_created"

If you want to change the name of the notary from "Bob Notary" to "Robert Notary", your request body would be:

    "jurisdiction": {
        "jurisdictionId": "15",
        "name": "Iowa",
        "county": "",
        "enabled": "true",
        "countyInSeal": "false",
        "commissionIdInSeal": "true",
        "stateNameInSeal": "true",
        "notaryPublicInSeal": "true",
        "allowSystemCreatedSeal": "true",
        "allowUserUploadedSeal": "false"
    "commissionId": "123456",
    "commissionExpiration": "2020-08-31T07:00:00.0000000Z",
    "registeredName": "Robert Notary",
    "county": "Adams",
    "sealType": "system_created"
Name Type Description
jurisdictionId String
optsOrCallback Object

Optional parameters, if you are passing no optional parameters, you can either pass a null or omit this parameter entirely.

Name Type Description
notaryJurisdiction module:model/NotaryJurisdiction
callback module:api/NotaryApi~updateNotaryJurisdictionCallback

The callback function, accepting three arguments: error, data, response
data is of type: module:model/NotaryJurisdiction

Type Definitions

createNotaryCallback(error, data, If)


(Optional) Callback function to receive the result of the createNotary operation. If none specified a Promise will be returned.

Name Type Description
error String

Error message, if any.

data module:model/Notary

The data returned by the service call.

If String

a callback was specified, the response The complete HTTP response, else a Promise resolving the response Data.

createNotaryJurisdictionsCallback(error, data, If)


(Optional) Callback function to receive the result of the createNotaryJurisdictions operation. If none specified a Promise will be returned.

Name Type Description
error String

Error message, if any.

data module:model/NotaryJurisdiction

The data returned by the service call.

If String

a callback was specified, the response The complete HTTP response, else a Promise resolving the response Data.

deleteNotaryJurisdictionCallback(error, data, If)


(Optional) Callback function to receive the result of the deleteNotaryJurisdiction operation. If none specified a Promise will be returned.

Name Type Description
error String

Error message, if any.


This operation does not return a value.

If String

a callback was specified, the response The complete HTTP response, else a Promise resolving the response Data.

getNotaryCallback(error, data, If)


(Optional) Callback function to receive the result of the getNotary operation. If none specified a Promise will be returned.

Name Type Description
error String

Error message, if any.

data module:model/NotaryResult

The data returned by the service call.

If String

a callback was specified, the response The complete HTTP response, else a Promise resolving the response Data.

getNotaryJurisdictionCallback(error, data, If)


(Optional) Callback function to receive the result of the getNotaryJurisdiction operation. If none specified a Promise will be returned.

Name Type Description
error String

Error message, if any.

data module:model/NotaryJurisdiction

The data returned by the service call.

If String

a callback was specified, the response The complete HTTP response, else a Promise resolving the response Data.

getNotaryJurisdictionsCallback(error, data, If)


(Optional) Callback function to receive the result of the getNotaryJurisdictions operation. If none specified a Promise will be returned.

Name Type Description
error String

Error message, if any.

data module:model/NotaryJurisdictionList

The data returned by the service call.

If String

a callback was specified, the response The complete HTTP response, else a Promise resolving the response Data.

getNotaryJurisdictionSealCallback(error, data, If)


(Optional) Callback function to receive the result of the getNotaryJurisdictionSeal operation. If none specified a Promise will be returned.

Name Type Description
error String

Error message, if any.


This operation does not return a value.

If String

a callback was specified, the response The complete HTTP response, else a Promise resolving the response Data.

listNotaryJournalsCallback(error, data, If)


(Optional) Callback function to receive the result of the listNotaryJournals operation. If none specified a Promise will be returned.

Name Type Description
error String

Error message, if any.

data module:model/NotaryJournalList

The data returned by the service call.

If String

a callback was specified, the response The complete HTTP response, else a Promise resolving the response Data.

updateNotaryCallback(error, data, If)


(Optional) Callback function to receive the result of the updateNotary operation. If none specified a Promise will be returned.

Name Type Description
error String

Error message, if any.

data module:model/Notary

The data returned by the service call.

If String

a callback was specified, the response The complete HTTP response, else a Promise resolving the response Data.

updateNotaryJurisdictionCallback(error, data, If)


(Optional) Callback function to receive the result of the updateNotaryJurisdiction operation. If none specified a Promise will be returned.

Name Type Description
error String

Error message, if any.

data module:model/NotaryJurisdiction

The data returned by the service call.

If String

a callback was specified, the response The complete HTTP response, else a Promise resolving the response Data.