
 * DocuSign REST API
 * The DocuSign REST API provides you with a powerful, convenient, and simple Web services API for interacting with DocuSign.
 * OpenAPI spec version: v2.1
 * Contact:
 * NOTE: This class is auto generated. Do not edit the class manually and submit a new issue instead.

(function(root, factory) {
  if (typeof define === 'function' && define.amd) {
    // AMD. Register as an anonymous module.
    define(['ApiClient', 'model/DateStampProperties'], factory);
  } else if (typeof module === 'object' && module.exports) {
    // CommonJS-like environments that support module.exports, like Node.
    module.exports = factory(require('../ApiClient'), require('./DateStampProperties'));
  } else {
    // Browser globals (root is window)
    if (!root.Docusign) {
      root.Docusign = {};
    root.Docusign.UserSignatureDefinition = factory(root.Docusign.ApiClient, root.Docusign.DateStampProperties);
}(this, function(ApiClient, DateStampProperties) {
  'use strict';

   * The UserSignatureDefinition model module.
   * @module model/UserSignatureDefinition

   * Constructs a new <code>UserSignatureDefinition</code>.
   * @alias module:model/UserSignatureDefinition
   * @class
  var exports = function() {
    var _this = this;


   * Constructs a <code>UserSignatureDefinition</code> from a plain JavaScript object, optionally creating a new instance.
   * Copies all relevant properties from <code>data</code> to <code>obj</code> if supplied or a new instance if not.
   * @param {Object} data The plain JavaScript object bearing properties of interest.
   * @param {module:model/UserSignatureDefinition} obj Optional instance to populate.
   * @return {module:model/UserSignatureDefinition} The populated <code>UserSignatureDefinition</code> instance.
  exports.constructFromObject = function(data, obj) {
    if (data) {
      obj = obj || new exports();

      if (data.hasOwnProperty('dateStampProperties')) {
        obj['dateStampProperties'] = DateStampProperties.constructFromObject(data['dateStampProperties']);
      if (data.hasOwnProperty('disallowUserResizeStamp')) {
        obj['disallowUserResizeStamp'] = ApiClient.convertToType(data['disallowUserResizeStamp'], 'String');
      if (data.hasOwnProperty('externalID')) {
        obj['externalID'] = ApiClient.convertToType(data['externalID'], 'String');
      if (data.hasOwnProperty('imageType')) {
        obj['imageType'] = ApiClient.convertToType(data['imageType'], 'String');
      if (data.hasOwnProperty('isDefault')) {
        obj['isDefault'] = ApiClient.convertToType(data['isDefault'], 'String');
      if (data.hasOwnProperty('nrdsId')) {
        obj['nrdsId'] = ApiClient.convertToType(data['nrdsId'], 'String');
      if (data.hasOwnProperty('nrdsLastName')) {
        obj['nrdsLastName'] = ApiClient.convertToType(data['nrdsLastName'], 'String');
      if (data.hasOwnProperty('phoneticName')) {
        obj['phoneticName'] = ApiClient.convertToType(data['phoneticName'], 'String');
      if (data.hasOwnProperty('signatureFont')) {
        obj['signatureFont'] = ApiClient.convertToType(data['signatureFont'], 'String');
      if (data.hasOwnProperty('signatureId')) {
        obj['signatureId'] = ApiClient.convertToType(data['signatureId'], 'String');
      if (data.hasOwnProperty('signatureInitials')) {
        obj['signatureInitials'] = ApiClient.convertToType(data['signatureInitials'], 'String');
      if (data.hasOwnProperty('signatureName')) {
        obj['signatureName'] = ApiClient.convertToType(data['signatureName'], 'String');
      if (data.hasOwnProperty('signatureType')) {
        obj['signatureType'] = ApiClient.convertToType(data['signatureType'], 'String');
      if (data.hasOwnProperty('stampFormat')) {
        obj['stampFormat'] = ApiClient.convertToType(data['stampFormat'], 'String');
      if (data.hasOwnProperty('stampSizeMM')) {
        obj['stampSizeMM'] = ApiClient.convertToType(data['stampSizeMM'], 'String');
    return obj;

   * Specifies the area in which a date stamp is placed. This parameter uses pixel positioning to draw a rectangle at the center of the stamp area. The stamp is superimposed on top of this central area.  This property contains the following information about the central rectangle:  - `DateAreaX`: The X axis position of the top-left corner. - `DateAreaY`: The Y axis position of the top-left corner. - `DateAreaWidth`: The width of the rectangle. - `DateAreaHeight`: The height of the rectangle.
   * @member {module:model/DateStampProperties} dateStampProperties
  exports.prototype['dateStampProperties'] = undefined;
   * @member {String} disallowUserResizeStamp
  exports.prototype['disallowUserResizeStamp'] = undefined;
   * @member {String} externalID
  exports.prototype['externalID'] = undefined;
   * @member {String} imageType
  exports.prototype['imageType'] = undefined;
   * @member {String} isDefault
  exports.prototype['isDefault'] = undefined;
   * @member {String} nrdsId
  exports.prototype['nrdsId'] = undefined;
   * @member {String} nrdsLastName
  exports.prototype['nrdsLastName'] = undefined;
   * @member {String} phoneticName
  exports.prototype['phoneticName'] = undefined;
   * @member {String} signatureFont
  exports.prototype['signatureFont'] = undefined;
   * Specifies the signature ID associated with the signature name. You can use the signature ID in the URI in place of the signature name, and the value stored in the `signatureName` property in the body is used. This allows the use of special characters (such as \"&\", \"<\", \">\") in a the signature name. Note that with each update to signatures, the returned signature ID might change, so the caller will need to trigger off the signature name to get the new signature ID.
   * @member {String} signatureId
  exports.prototype['signatureId'] = undefined;
   * @member {String} signatureInitials
  exports.prototype['signatureInitials'] = undefined;
   * Specifies the user signature name.
   * @member {String} signatureName
  exports.prototype['signatureName'] = undefined;
   * @member {String} signatureType
  exports.prototype['signatureType'] = undefined;
   * @member {String} stampFormat
  exports.prototype['stampFormat'] = undefined;
   * @member {String} stampSizeMM
  exports.prototype['stampSizeMM'] = undefined;

  return exports;