

The DocuSign REST API provides you with a powerful, convenient, and simple Web services API for interacting with DocuSign. # noqa: E501

OpenAPI spec version: v2.1 Contact: Generated by:

  1# coding: utf-8
  4    DocuSign REST API
  6    The DocuSign REST API provides you with a powerful, convenient, and simple Web services API for interacting with DocuSign.  # noqa: E501
  8    OpenAPI spec version: v2.1
  9    Contact:
 10    Generated by:
 14import pprint
 15import re  # noqa: F401
 17import six
 19from docusign_esign.client.configuration import Configuration
 22class TemplateRole(object):
 23    """NOTE: This class is auto generated by the swagger code generator program.
 25    Do not edit the class manually.
 26    """
 28    """
 29    Attributes:
 30      swagger_types (dict): The key is attribute name
 31                            and the value is attribute type.
 32      attribute_map (dict): The key is attribute name
 33                            and the value is json key in definition.
 34    """
 35    swagger_types = {
 36        'access_code': 'str',
 37        'additional_notifications': 'list[RecipientAdditionalNotification]',
 38        'client_user_id': 'str',
 39        'default_recipient': 'str',
 40        'delivery_method': 'str',
 41        'email': 'str',
 42        'email_notification': 'RecipientEmailNotification',
 43        'embedded_recipient_start_url': 'str',
 44        'in_person_signer_name': 'str',
 45        'name': 'str',
 46        'phone_number': 'RecipientPhoneNumber',
 47        'recipient_signature_providers': 'list[RecipientSignatureProvider]',
 48        'role_name': 'str',
 49        'routing_order': 'str',
 50        'signing_group_id': 'str',
 51        'tabs': 'Tabs'
 52    }
 54    attribute_map = {
 55        'access_code': 'accessCode',
 56        'additional_notifications': 'additionalNotifications',
 57        'client_user_id': 'clientUserId',
 58        'default_recipient': 'defaultRecipient',
 59        'delivery_method': 'deliveryMethod',
 60        'email': 'email',
 61        'email_notification': 'emailNotification',
 62        'embedded_recipient_start_url': 'embeddedRecipientStartURL',
 63        'in_person_signer_name': 'inPersonSignerName',
 64        'name': 'name',
 65        'phone_number': 'phoneNumber',
 66        'recipient_signature_providers': 'recipientSignatureProviders',
 67        'role_name': 'roleName',
 68        'routing_order': 'routingOrder',
 69        'signing_group_id': 'signingGroupId',
 70        'tabs': 'tabs'
 71    }
 73    def __init__(self, _configuration=None, **kwargs):  # noqa: E501
 74        """TemplateRole - a model defined in Swagger"""  # noqa: E501
 75        if _configuration is None:
 76            _configuration = Configuration()
 77        self._configuration = _configuration
 79        self._access_code = None
 80        self._additional_notifications = None
 81        self._client_user_id = None
 82        self._default_recipient = None
 83        self._delivery_method = None
 84        self._email = None
 85        self._email_notification = None
 86        self._embedded_recipient_start_url = None
 87        self._in_person_signer_name = None
 88        self._name = None
 89        self._phone_number = None
 90        self._recipient_signature_providers = None
 91        self._role_name = None
 92        self._routing_order = None
 93        self._signing_group_id = None
 94        self._tabs = None
 95        self.discriminator = None
 97        setattr(self, "_{}".format('access_code'), kwargs.get('access_code', None))
 98        setattr(self, "_{}".format('additional_notifications'), kwargs.get('additional_notifications', None))
 99        setattr(self, "_{}".format('client_user_id'), kwargs.get('client_user_id', None))
100        setattr(self, "_{}".format('default_recipient'), kwargs.get('default_recipient', None))
101        setattr(self, "_{}".format('delivery_method'), kwargs.get('delivery_method', None))
102        setattr(self, "_{}".format('email'), kwargs.get('email', None))
103        setattr(self, "_{}".format('email_notification'), kwargs.get('email_notification', None))
104        setattr(self, "_{}".format('embedded_recipient_start_url'), kwargs.get('embedded_recipient_start_url', None))
105        setattr(self, "_{}".format('in_person_signer_name'), kwargs.get('in_person_signer_name', None))
106        setattr(self, "_{}".format('name'), kwargs.get('name', None))
107        setattr(self, "_{}".format('phone_number'), kwargs.get('phone_number', None))
108        setattr(self, "_{}".format('recipient_signature_providers'), kwargs.get('recipient_signature_providers', None))
109        setattr(self, "_{}".format('role_name'), kwargs.get('role_name', None))
110        setattr(self, "_{}".format('routing_order'), kwargs.get('routing_order', None))
111        setattr(self, "_{}".format('signing_group_id'), kwargs.get('signing_group_id', None))
112        setattr(self, "_{}".format('tabs'), kwargs.get('tabs', None))
114    @property
115    def access_code(self):
116        """Gets the access_code of this TemplateRole.  # noqa: E501
118        If a value is provided, the recipient must enter the value as the access code to view and sign the envelope.   Maximum Length: 50 characters and it must conform to the account's access code format setting.  If blank, but the signer `accessCode` property is set in the envelope, then that value is used.  If blank and the signer `accessCode` property is not set, then the access code is not required.  # noqa: E501
120        :return: The access_code of this TemplateRole.  # noqa: E501
121        :rtype: str
122        """
123        return self._access_code
125    @access_code.setter
126    def access_code(self, access_code):
127        """Sets the access_code of this TemplateRole.
129        If a value is provided, the recipient must enter the value as the access code to view and sign the envelope.   Maximum Length: 50 characters and it must conform to the account's access code format setting.  If blank, but the signer `accessCode` property is set in the envelope, then that value is used.  If blank and the signer `accessCode` property is not set, then the access code is not required.  # noqa: E501
131        :param access_code: The access_code of this TemplateRole.  # noqa: E501
132        :type: str
133        """
135        self._access_code = access_code
137    @property
138    def additional_notifications(self):
139        """Gets the additional_notifications of this TemplateRole.  # noqa: E501
141          # noqa: E501
143        :return: The additional_notifications of this TemplateRole.  # noqa: E501
144        :rtype: list[RecipientAdditionalNotification]
145        """
146        return self._additional_notifications
148    @additional_notifications.setter
149    def additional_notifications(self, additional_notifications):
150        """Sets the additional_notifications of this TemplateRole.
152          # noqa: E501
154        :param additional_notifications: The additional_notifications of this TemplateRole.  # noqa: E501
155        :type: list[RecipientAdditionalNotification]
156        """
158        self._additional_notifications = additional_notifications
160    @property
161    def client_user_id(self):
162        """Gets the client_user_id of this TemplateRole.  # noqa: E501
164        Specifies whether the recipient is embedded or remote.   If the `clientUserId` property is not null then the recipient is embedded. Note that if the `ClientUserId` property is set and either `SignerMustHaveAccount` or `SignerMustLoginToSign` property of the account settings is set to  **true**, an error is generated on   Maximum length: 100 characters.   # noqa: E501
166        :return: The client_user_id of this TemplateRole.  # noqa: E501
167        :rtype: str
168        """
169        return self._client_user_id
171    @client_user_id.setter
172    def client_user_id(self, client_user_id):
173        """Sets the client_user_id of this TemplateRole.
175        Specifies whether the recipient is embedded or remote.   If the `clientUserId` property is not null then the recipient is embedded. Note that if the `ClientUserId` property is set and either `SignerMustHaveAccount` or `SignerMustLoginToSign` property of the account settings is set to  **true**, an error is generated on   Maximum length: 100 characters.   # noqa: E501
177        :param client_user_id: The client_user_id of this TemplateRole.  # noqa: E501
178        :type: str
179        """
181        self._client_user_id = client_user_id
183    @property
184    def default_recipient(self):
185        """Gets the default_recipient of this TemplateRole.  # noqa: E501
187        When set to **true**, this recipient is the default recipient and any tabs generated by the transformPdfFields option are mapped to this recipient.  # noqa: E501
189        :return: The default_recipient of this TemplateRole.  # noqa: E501
190        :rtype: str
191        """
192        return self._default_recipient
194    @default_recipient.setter
195    def default_recipient(self, default_recipient):
196        """Sets the default_recipient of this TemplateRole.
198        When set to **true**, this recipient is the default recipient and any tabs generated by the transformPdfFields option are mapped to this recipient.  # noqa: E501
200        :param default_recipient: The default_recipient of this TemplateRole.  # noqa: E501
201        :type: str
202        """
204        self._default_recipient = default_recipient
206    @property
207    def delivery_method(self):
208        """Gets the delivery_method of this TemplateRole.  # noqa: E501
210        Reserved: For DocuSign use only.  # noqa: E501
212        :return: The delivery_method of this TemplateRole.  # noqa: E501
213        :rtype: str
214        """
215        return self._delivery_method
217    @delivery_method.setter
218    def delivery_method(self, delivery_method):
219        """Sets the delivery_method of this TemplateRole.
221        Reserved: For DocuSign use only.  # noqa: E501
223        :param delivery_method: The delivery_method of this TemplateRole.  # noqa: E501
224        :type: str
225        """
227        self._delivery_method = delivery_method
229    @property
230    def email(self):
231        """Gets the email of this TemplateRole.  # noqa: E501
233        Specifies the email associated with a role name.  # noqa: E501
235        :return: The email of this TemplateRole.  # noqa: E501
236        :rtype: str
237        """
238        return self._email
240    @email.setter
241    def email(self, email):
242        """Sets the email of this TemplateRole.
244        Specifies the email associated with a role name.  # noqa: E501
246        :param email: The email of this TemplateRole.  # noqa: E501
247        :type: str
248        """
250        self._email = email
252    @property
253    def email_notification(self):
254        """Gets the email_notification of this TemplateRole.  # noqa: E501
256        A complex type that contains information sets the language of the recipient's email information.   **IMPORTANT**: If you enable email notification for one recipient, you must enable email notification for all recipients as it overrides the Envelope Subject and `EmailBlurb` property settings.   # noqa: E501
258        :return: The email_notification of this TemplateRole.  # noqa: E501
259        :rtype: RecipientEmailNotification
260        """
261        return self._email_notification
263    @email_notification.setter
264    def email_notification(self, email_notification):
265        """Sets the email_notification of this TemplateRole.
267        A complex type that contains information sets the language of the recipient's email information.   **IMPORTANT**: If you enable email notification for one recipient, you must enable email notification for all recipients as it overrides the Envelope Subject and `EmailBlurb` property settings.   # noqa: E501
269        :param email_notification: The email_notification of this TemplateRole.  # noqa: E501
270        :type: RecipientEmailNotification
271        """
273        self._email_notification = email_notification
275    @property
276    def embedded_recipient_start_url(self):
277        """Gets the embedded_recipient_start_url of this TemplateRole.  # noqa: E501
279        Specifies a sender provided valid URL string for redirecting an embedded recipient. When using this option, the embedded recipient still receives an email from DocuSign, just as a remote recipient would. When the document link in the email is clicked the recipient is redirected, through DocuSign, to the supplied URL to complete their actions. When routing to the URL, the sender's system (the server responding to the URL) must request a recipient token to launch a signing session.   If set to `SIGN_AT_DOCUSIGN`, the recipient is directed to an embedded signing or viewing process directly at DocuSign. The signing or viewing action is initiated by the DocuSign system and the transaction activity and Certificate of Completion records will reflect this. In all other ways the process is identical to an embedded signing or viewing operation that is launched by any partner.  It is important to remember that in a typical embedded workflow the authentication of an embedded recipient is the responsibility of the sending application, DocuSign expects that senders will follow their own process for establishing the recipient's identity. In this workflow the recipient goes through the sending application before the embedded signing or viewing process in initiated. However, when the sending application sets `EmbeddedRecipientStartURL=SIGN_AT_DOCUSIGN`, the recipient goes directly to the embedded signing or viewing process bypassing the sending application and any authentication steps the sending application would use. In this case, DocuSign recommends that you use one of the normal DocuSign authentication features (Access Code, Phone Authentication, SMS Authentication, etc.) to verify the identity of the recipient.  If the `clientUserId` property is NOT set, and the `embeddedRecipientStartURL` is set, DocuSign will ignore the redirect URL and launch the standard signing process for the email recipient. Information can be appended to the embedded recipient start URL using merge fields. The available merge fields items are: envelopeId, recipientId, recipientName, recipientEmail, and customFields. The `customFields` property must be set fort the recipient or envelope. The merge fields are enclosed in double brackets.   *Example*:   `http://senderHost/[[mergeField1]]/ beginSigningSession? [[mergeField2]]&[[mergeField3]]`   # noqa: E501
281        :return: The embedded_recipient_start_url of this TemplateRole.  # noqa: E501
282        :rtype: str
283        """
284        return self._embedded_recipient_start_url
286    @embedded_recipient_start_url.setter
287    def embedded_recipient_start_url(self, embedded_recipient_start_url):
288        """Sets the embedded_recipient_start_url of this TemplateRole.
290        Specifies a sender provided valid URL string for redirecting an embedded recipient. When using this option, the embedded recipient still receives an email from DocuSign, just as a remote recipient would. When the document link in the email is clicked the recipient is redirected, through DocuSign, to the supplied URL to complete their actions. When routing to the URL, the sender's system (the server responding to the URL) must request a recipient token to launch a signing session.   If set to `SIGN_AT_DOCUSIGN`, the recipient is directed to an embedded signing or viewing process directly at DocuSign. The signing or viewing action is initiated by the DocuSign system and the transaction activity and Certificate of Completion records will reflect this. In all other ways the process is identical to an embedded signing or viewing operation that is launched by any partner.  It is important to remember that in a typical embedded workflow the authentication of an embedded recipient is the responsibility of the sending application, DocuSign expects that senders will follow their own process for establishing the recipient's identity. In this workflow the recipient goes through the sending application before the embedded signing or viewing process in initiated. However, when the sending application sets `EmbeddedRecipientStartURL=SIGN_AT_DOCUSIGN`, the recipient goes directly to the embedded signing or viewing process bypassing the sending application and any authentication steps the sending application would use. In this case, DocuSign recommends that you use one of the normal DocuSign authentication features (Access Code, Phone Authentication, SMS Authentication, etc.) to verify the identity of the recipient.  If the `clientUserId` property is NOT set, and the `embeddedRecipientStartURL` is set, DocuSign will ignore the redirect URL and launch the standard signing process for the email recipient. Information can be appended to the embedded recipient start URL using merge fields. The available merge fields items are: envelopeId, recipientId, recipientName, recipientEmail, and customFields. The `customFields` property must be set fort the recipient or envelope. The merge fields are enclosed in double brackets.   *Example*:   `http://senderHost/[[mergeField1]]/ beginSigningSession? [[mergeField2]]&[[mergeField3]]`   # noqa: E501
292        :param embedded_recipient_start_url: The embedded_recipient_start_url of this TemplateRole.  # noqa: E501
293        :type: str
294        """
296        self._embedded_recipient_start_url = embedded_recipient_start_url
298    @property
299    def in_person_signer_name(self):
300        """Gets the in_person_signer_name of this TemplateRole.  # noqa: E501
302        Specifies the full legal name of the signer in person signer template roles.  Maximum Length: 100 characters.  # noqa: E501
304        :return: The in_person_signer_name of this TemplateRole.  # noqa: E501
305        :rtype: str
306        """
307        return self._in_person_signer_name
309    @in_person_signer_name.setter
310    def in_person_signer_name(self, in_person_signer_name):
311        """Sets the in_person_signer_name of this TemplateRole.
313        Specifies the full legal name of the signer in person signer template roles.  Maximum Length: 100 characters.  # noqa: E501
315        :param in_person_signer_name: The in_person_signer_name of this TemplateRole.  # noqa: E501
316        :type: str
317        """
319        self._in_person_signer_name = in_person_signer_name
321    @property
322    def name(self):
323        """Gets the name of this TemplateRole.  # noqa: E501
325        Specifies the recipient's name.  # noqa: E501
327        :return: The name of this TemplateRole.  # noqa: E501
328        :rtype: str
329        """
330        return self._name
332    @name.setter
333    def name(self, name):
334        """Sets the name of this TemplateRole.
336        Specifies the recipient's name.  # noqa: E501
338        :param name: The name of this TemplateRole.  # noqa: E501
339        :type: str
340        """
342        self._name = name
344    @property
345    def phone_number(self):
346        """Gets the phone_number of this TemplateRole.  # noqa: E501
348        Describes the recipient phone number.  # noqa: E501
350        :return: The phone_number of this TemplateRole.  # noqa: E501
351        :rtype: RecipientPhoneNumber
352        """
353        return self._phone_number
355    @phone_number.setter
356    def phone_number(self, phone_number):
357        """Sets the phone_number of this TemplateRole.
359        Describes the recipient phone number.  # noqa: E501
361        :param phone_number: The phone_number of this TemplateRole.  # noqa: E501
362        :type: RecipientPhoneNumber
363        """
365        self._phone_number = phone_number
367    @property
368    def recipient_signature_providers(self):
369        """Gets the recipient_signature_providers of this TemplateRole.  # noqa: E501
371          # noqa: E501
373        :return: The recipient_signature_providers of this TemplateRole.  # noqa: E501
374        :rtype: list[RecipientSignatureProvider]
375        """
376        return self._recipient_signature_providers
378    @recipient_signature_providers.setter
379    def recipient_signature_providers(self, recipient_signature_providers):
380        """Sets the recipient_signature_providers of this TemplateRole.
382          # noqa: E501
384        :param recipient_signature_providers: The recipient_signature_providers of this TemplateRole.  # noqa: E501
385        :type: list[RecipientSignatureProvider]
386        """
388        self._recipient_signature_providers = recipient_signature_providers
390    @property
391    def role_name(self):
392        """Gets the role_name of this TemplateRole.  # noqa: E501
394        Optional element. Specifies the role name associated with the recipient.<br/><br/>This is required when working with template recipients.  # noqa: E501
396        :return: The role_name of this TemplateRole.  # noqa: E501
397        :rtype: str
398        """
399        return self._role_name
401    @role_name.setter
402    def role_name(self, role_name):
403        """Sets the role_name of this TemplateRole.
405        Optional element. Specifies the role name associated with the recipient.<br/><br/>This is required when working with template recipients.  # noqa: E501
407        :param role_name: The role_name of this TemplateRole.  # noqa: E501
408        :type: str
409        """
411        self._role_name = role_name
413    @property
414    def routing_order(self):
415        """Gets the routing_order of this TemplateRole.  # noqa: E501
417        Specifies the routing order of the recipient in the envelope.   # noqa: E501
419        :return: The routing_order of this TemplateRole.  # noqa: E501
420        :rtype: str
421        """
422        return self._routing_order
424    @routing_order.setter
425    def routing_order(self, routing_order):
426        """Sets the routing_order of this TemplateRole.
428        Specifies the routing order of the recipient in the envelope.   # noqa: E501
430        :param routing_order: The routing_order of this TemplateRole.  # noqa: E501
431        :type: str
432        """
434        self._routing_order = routing_order
436    @property
437    def signing_group_id(self):
438        """Gets the signing_group_id of this TemplateRole.  # noqa: E501
440        When set to **true** and the feature is enabled in the sender's account, the signing recipient is required to draw signatures and initials at each signature/initial tab ( instead of adopting a signature/initial style or only drawing a signature/initial once).  # noqa: E501
442        :return: The signing_group_id of this TemplateRole.  # noqa: E501
443        :rtype: str
444        """
445        return self._signing_group_id
447    @signing_group_id.setter
448    def signing_group_id(self, signing_group_id):
449        """Sets the signing_group_id of this TemplateRole.
451        When set to **true** and the feature is enabled in the sender's account, the signing recipient is required to draw signatures and initials at each signature/initial tab ( instead of adopting a signature/initial style or only drawing a signature/initial once).  # noqa: E501
453        :param signing_group_id: The signing_group_id of this TemplateRole.  # noqa: E501
454        :type: str
455        """
457        self._signing_group_id = signing_group_id
459    @property
460    def tabs(self):
461        """Gets the tabs of this TemplateRole.  # noqa: E501
463        A list of tabs, which are represented graphically as symbols on documents at the time of signing. Tabs show recipients where to sign, initial, or enter data. They may also display data to the recipients.  # noqa: E501
465        :return: The tabs of this TemplateRole.  # noqa: E501
466        :rtype: Tabs
467        """
468        return self._tabs
470    @tabs.setter
471    def tabs(self, tabs):
472        """Sets the tabs of this TemplateRole.
474        A list of tabs, which are represented graphically as symbols on documents at the time of signing. Tabs show recipients where to sign, initial, or enter data. They may also display data to the recipients.  # noqa: E501
476        :param tabs: The tabs of this TemplateRole.  # noqa: E501
477        :type: Tabs
478        """
480        self._tabs = tabs
482    def to_dict(self):
483        """Returns the model properties as a dict"""
484        result = {}
486        for attr, _ in six.iteritems(self.swagger_types):
487            value = getattr(self, attr)
488            if isinstance(value, list):
489                result[attr] = list(map(
490                    lambda x: x.to_dict() if hasattr(x, "to_dict") else x,
491                    value
492                ))
493            elif hasattr(value, "to_dict"):
494                result[attr] = value.to_dict()
495            elif isinstance(value, dict):
496                result[attr] = dict(map(
497                    lambda item: (item[0], item[1].to_dict())
498                    if hasattr(item[1], "to_dict") else item,
499                    value.items()
500                ))
501            else:
502                result[attr] = value
503        if issubclass(TemplateRole, dict):
504            for key, value in self.items():
505                result[key] = value
507        return result
509    def to_str(self):
510        """Returns the string representation of the model"""
511        return pprint.pformat(self.to_dict())
513    def __repr__(self):
514        """For `print` and `pprint`"""
515        return self.to_str()
517    def __eq__(self, other):
518        """Returns true if both objects are equal"""
519        if not isinstance(other, TemplateRole):
520            return False
522        return self.to_dict() == other.to_dict()
524    def __ne__(self, other):
525        """Returns true if both objects are not equal"""
526        if not isinstance(other, TemplateRole):
527            return True
529        return self.to_dict() != other.to_dict()
class TemplateRole:
 23class TemplateRole(object):
 24    """NOTE: This class is auto generated by the swagger code generator program.
 26    Do not edit the class manually.
 27    """
 29    """
 30    Attributes:
 31      swagger_types (dict): The key is attribute name
 32                            and the value is attribute type.
 33      attribute_map (dict): The key is attribute name
 34                            and the value is json key in definition.
 35    """
 36    swagger_types = {
 37        'access_code': 'str',
 38        'additional_notifications': 'list[RecipientAdditionalNotification]',
 39        'client_user_id': 'str',
 40        'default_recipient': 'str',
 41        'delivery_method': 'str',
 42        'email': 'str',
 43        'email_notification': 'RecipientEmailNotification',
 44        'embedded_recipient_start_url': 'str',
 45        'in_person_signer_name': 'str',
 46        'name': 'str',
 47        'phone_number': 'RecipientPhoneNumber',
 48        'recipient_signature_providers': 'list[RecipientSignatureProvider]',
 49        'role_name': 'str',
 50        'routing_order': 'str',
 51        'signing_group_id': 'str',
 52        'tabs': 'Tabs'
 53    }
 55    attribute_map = {
 56        'access_code': 'accessCode',
 57        'additional_notifications': 'additionalNotifications',
 58        'client_user_id': 'clientUserId',
 59        'default_recipient': 'defaultRecipient',
 60        'delivery_method': 'deliveryMethod',
 61        'email': 'email',
 62        'email_notification': 'emailNotification',
 63        'embedded_recipient_start_url': 'embeddedRecipientStartURL',
 64        'in_person_signer_name': 'inPersonSignerName',
 65        'name': 'name',
 66        'phone_number': 'phoneNumber',
 67        'recipient_signature_providers': 'recipientSignatureProviders',
 68        'role_name': 'roleName',
 69        'routing_order': 'routingOrder',
 70        'signing_group_id': 'signingGroupId',
 71        'tabs': 'tabs'
 72    }
 74    def __init__(self, _configuration=None, **kwargs):  # noqa: E501
 75        """TemplateRole - a model defined in Swagger"""  # noqa: E501
 76        if _configuration is None:
 77            _configuration = Configuration()
 78        self._configuration = _configuration
 80        self._access_code = None
 81        self._additional_notifications = None
 82        self._client_user_id = None
 83        self._default_recipient = None
 84        self._delivery_method = None
 85        self._email = None
 86        self._email_notification = None
 87        self._embedded_recipient_start_url = None
 88        self._in_person_signer_name = None
 89        self._name = None
 90        self._phone_number = None
 91        self._recipient_signature_providers = None
 92        self._role_name = None
 93        self._routing_order = None
 94        self._signing_group_id = None
 95        self._tabs = None
 96        self.discriminator = None
 98        setattr(self, "_{}".format('access_code'), kwargs.get('access_code', None))
 99        setattr(self, "_{}".format('additional_notifications'), kwargs.get('additional_notifications', None))
100        setattr(self, "_{}".format('client_user_id'), kwargs.get('client_user_id', None))
101        setattr(self, "_{}".format('default_recipient'), kwargs.get('default_recipient', None))
102        setattr(self, "_{}".format('delivery_method'), kwargs.get('delivery_method', None))
103        setattr(self, "_{}".format('email'), kwargs.get('email', None))
104        setattr(self, "_{}".format('email_notification'), kwargs.get('email_notification', None))
105        setattr(self, "_{}".format('embedded_recipient_start_url'), kwargs.get('embedded_recipient_start_url', None))
106        setattr(self, "_{}".format('in_person_signer_name'), kwargs.get('in_person_signer_name', None))
107        setattr(self, "_{}".format('name'), kwargs.get('name', None))
108        setattr(self, "_{}".format('phone_number'), kwargs.get('phone_number', None))
109        setattr(self, "_{}".format('recipient_signature_providers'), kwargs.get('recipient_signature_providers', None))
110        setattr(self, "_{}".format('role_name'), kwargs.get('role_name', None))
111        setattr(self, "_{}".format('routing_order'), kwargs.get('routing_order', None))
112        setattr(self, "_{}".format('signing_group_id'), kwargs.get('signing_group_id', None))
113        setattr(self, "_{}".format('tabs'), kwargs.get('tabs', None))
115    @property
116    def access_code(self):
117        """Gets the access_code of this TemplateRole.  # noqa: E501
119        If a value is provided, the recipient must enter the value as the access code to view and sign the envelope.   Maximum Length: 50 characters and it must conform to the account's access code format setting.  If blank, but the signer `accessCode` property is set in the envelope, then that value is used.  If blank and the signer `accessCode` property is not set, then the access code is not required.  # noqa: E501
121        :return: The access_code of this TemplateRole.  # noqa: E501
122        :rtype: str
123        """
124        return self._access_code
126    @access_code.setter
127    def access_code(self, access_code):
128        """Sets the access_code of this TemplateRole.
130        If a value is provided, the recipient must enter the value as the access code to view and sign the envelope.   Maximum Length: 50 characters and it must conform to the account's access code format setting.  If blank, but the signer `accessCode` property is set in the envelope, then that value is used.  If blank and the signer `accessCode` property is not set, then the access code is not required.  # noqa: E501
132        :param access_code: The access_code of this TemplateRole.  # noqa: E501
133        :type: str
134        """
136        self._access_code = access_code
138    @property
139    def additional_notifications(self):
140        """Gets the additional_notifications of this TemplateRole.  # noqa: E501
142          # noqa: E501
144        :return: The additional_notifications of this TemplateRole.  # noqa: E501
145        :rtype: list[RecipientAdditionalNotification]
146        """
147        return self._additional_notifications
149    @additional_notifications.setter
150    def additional_notifications(self, additional_notifications):
151        """Sets the additional_notifications of this TemplateRole.
153          # noqa: E501
155        :param additional_notifications: The additional_notifications of this TemplateRole.  # noqa: E501
156        :type: list[RecipientAdditionalNotification]
157        """
159        self._additional_notifications = additional_notifications
161    @property
162    def client_user_id(self):
163        """Gets the client_user_id of this TemplateRole.  # noqa: E501
165        Specifies whether the recipient is embedded or remote.   If the `clientUserId` property is not null then the recipient is embedded. Note that if the `ClientUserId` property is set and either `SignerMustHaveAccount` or `SignerMustLoginToSign` property of the account settings is set to  **true**, an error is generated on   Maximum length: 100 characters.   # noqa: E501
167        :return: The client_user_id of this TemplateRole.  # noqa: E501
168        :rtype: str
169        """
170        return self._client_user_id
172    @client_user_id.setter
173    def client_user_id(self, client_user_id):
174        """Sets the client_user_id of this TemplateRole.
176        Specifies whether the recipient is embedded or remote.   If the `clientUserId` property is not null then the recipient is embedded. Note that if the `ClientUserId` property is set and either `SignerMustHaveAccount` or `SignerMustLoginToSign` property of the account settings is set to  **true**, an error is generated on   Maximum length: 100 characters.   # noqa: E501
178        :param client_user_id: The client_user_id of this TemplateRole.  # noqa: E501
179        :type: str
180        """
182        self._client_user_id = client_user_id
184    @property
185    def default_recipient(self):
186        """Gets the default_recipient of this TemplateRole.  # noqa: E501
188        When set to **true**, this recipient is the default recipient and any tabs generated by the transformPdfFields option are mapped to this recipient.  # noqa: E501
190        :return: The default_recipient of this TemplateRole.  # noqa: E501
191        :rtype: str
192        """
193        return self._default_recipient
195    @default_recipient.setter
196    def default_recipient(self, default_recipient):
197        """Sets the default_recipient of this TemplateRole.
199        When set to **true**, this recipient is the default recipient and any tabs generated by the transformPdfFields option are mapped to this recipient.  # noqa: E501
201        :param default_recipient: The default_recipient of this TemplateRole.  # noqa: E501
202        :type: str
203        """
205        self._default_recipient = default_recipient
207    @property
208    def delivery_method(self):
209        """Gets the delivery_method of this TemplateRole.  # noqa: E501
211        Reserved: For DocuSign use only.  # noqa: E501
213        :return: The delivery_method of this TemplateRole.  # noqa: E501
214        :rtype: str
215        """
216        return self._delivery_method
218    @delivery_method.setter
219    def delivery_method(self, delivery_method):
220        """Sets the delivery_method of this TemplateRole.
222        Reserved: For DocuSign use only.  # noqa: E501
224        :param delivery_method: The delivery_method of this TemplateRole.  # noqa: E501
225        :type: str
226        """
228        self._delivery_method = delivery_method
230    @property
231    def email(self):
232        """Gets the email of this TemplateRole.  # noqa: E501
234        Specifies the email associated with a role name.  # noqa: E501
236        :return: The email of this TemplateRole.  # noqa: E501
237        :rtype: str
238        """
239        return self._email
241    @email.setter
242    def email(self, email):
243        """Sets the email of this TemplateRole.
245        Specifies the email associated with a role name.  # noqa: E501
247        :param email: The email of this TemplateRole.  # noqa: E501
248        :type: str
249        """
251        self._email = email
253    @property
254    def email_notification(self):
255        """Gets the email_notification of this TemplateRole.  # noqa: E501
257        A complex type that contains information sets the language of the recipient's email information.   **IMPORTANT**: If you enable email notification for one recipient, you must enable email notification for all recipients as it overrides the Envelope Subject and `EmailBlurb` property settings.   # noqa: E501
259        :return: The email_notification of this TemplateRole.  # noqa: E501
260        :rtype: RecipientEmailNotification
261        """
262        return self._email_notification
264    @email_notification.setter
265    def email_notification(self, email_notification):
266        """Sets the email_notification of this TemplateRole.
268        A complex type that contains information sets the language of the recipient's email information.   **IMPORTANT**: If you enable email notification for one recipient, you must enable email notification for all recipients as it overrides the Envelope Subject and `EmailBlurb` property settings.   # noqa: E501
270        :param email_notification: The email_notification of this TemplateRole.  # noqa: E501
271        :type: RecipientEmailNotification
272        """
274        self._email_notification = email_notification
276    @property
277    def embedded_recipient_start_url(self):
278        """Gets the embedded_recipient_start_url of this TemplateRole.  # noqa: E501
280        Specifies a sender provided valid URL string for redirecting an embedded recipient. When using this option, the embedded recipient still receives an email from DocuSign, just as a remote recipient would. When the document link in the email is clicked the recipient is redirected, through DocuSign, to the supplied URL to complete their actions. When routing to the URL, the sender's system (the server responding to the URL) must request a recipient token to launch a signing session.   If set to `SIGN_AT_DOCUSIGN`, the recipient is directed to an embedded signing or viewing process directly at DocuSign. The signing or viewing action is initiated by the DocuSign system and the transaction activity and Certificate of Completion records will reflect this. In all other ways the process is identical to an embedded signing or viewing operation that is launched by any partner.  It is important to remember that in a typical embedded workflow the authentication of an embedded recipient is the responsibility of the sending application, DocuSign expects that senders will follow their own process for establishing the recipient's identity. In this workflow the recipient goes through the sending application before the embedded signing or viewing process in initiated. However, when the sending application sets `EmbeddedRecipientStartURL=SIGN_AT_DOCUSIGN`, the recipient goes directly to the embedded signing or viewing process bypassing the sending application and any authentication steps the sending application would use. In this case, DocuSign recommends that you use one of the normal DocuSign authentication features (Access Code, Phone Authentication, SMS Authentication, etc.) to verify the identity of the recipient.  If the `clientUserId` property is NOT set, and the `embeddedRecipientStartURL` is set, DocuSign will ignore the redirect URL and launch the standard signing process for the email recipient. Information can be appended to the embedded recipient start URL using merge fields. The available merge fields items are: envelopeId, recipientId, recipientName, recipientEmail, and customFields. The `customFields` property must be set fort the recipient or envelope. The merge fields are enclosed in double brackets.   *Example*:   `http://senderHost/[[mergeField1]]/ beginSigningSession? [[mergeField2]]&[[mergeField3]]`   # noqa: E501
282        :return: The embedded_recipient_start_url of this TemplateRole.  # noqa: E501
283        :rtype: str
284        """
285        return self._embedded_recipient_start_url
287    @embedded_recipient_start_url.setter
288    def embedded_recipient_start_url(self, embedded_recipient_start_url):
289        """Sets the embedded_recipient_start_url of this TemplateRole.
291        Specifies a sender provided valid URL string for redirecting an embedded recipient. When using this option, the embedded recipient still receives an email from DocuSign, just as a remote recipient would. When the document link in the email is clicked the recipient is redirected, through DocuSign, to the supplied URL to complete their actions. When routing to the URL, the sender's system (the server responding to the URL) must request a recipient token to launch a signing session.   If set to `SIGN_AT_DOCUSIGN`, the recipient is directed to an embedded signing or viewing process directly at DocuSign. The signing or viewing action is initiated by the DocuSign system and the transaction activity and Certificate of Completion records will reflect this. In all other ways the process is identical to an embedded signing or viewing operation that is launched by any partner.  It is important to remember that in a typical embedded workflow the authentication of an embedded recipient is the responsibility of the sending application, DocuSign expects that senders will follow their own process for establishing the recipient's identity. In this workflow the recipient goes through the sending application before the embedded signing or viewing process in initiated. However, when the sending application sets `EmbeddedRecipientStartURL=SIGN_AT_DOCUSIGN`, the recipient goes directly to the embedded signing or viewing process bypassing the sending application and any authentication steps the sending application would use. In this case, DocuSign recommends that you use one of the normal DocuSign authentication features (Access Code, Phone Authentication, SMS Authentication, etc.) to verify the identity of the recipient.  If the `clientUserId` property is NOT set, and the `embeddedRecipientStartURL` is set, DocuSign will ignore the redirect URL and launch the standard signing process for the email recipient. Information can be appended to the embedded recipient start URL using merge fields. The available merge fields items are: envelopeId, recipientId, recipientName, recipientEmail, and customFields. The `customFields` property must be set fort the recipient or envelope. The merge fields are enclosed in double brackets.   *Example*:   `http://senderHost/[[mergeField1]]/ beginSigningSession? [[mergeField2]]&[[mergeField3]]`   # noqa: E501
293        :param embedded_recipient_start_url: The embedded_recipient_start_url of this TemplateRole.  # noqa: E501
294        :type: str
295        """
297        self._embedded_recipient_start_url = embedded_recipient_start_url
299    @property
300    def in_person_signer_name(self):
301        """Gets the in_person_signer_name of this TemplateRole.  # noqa: E501
303        Specifies the full legal name of the signer in person signer template roles.  Maximum Length: 100 characters.  # noqa: E501
305        :return: The in_person_signer_name of this TemplateRole.  # noqa: E501
306        :rtype: str
307        """
308        return self._in_person_signer_name
310    @in_person_signer_name.setter
311    def in_person_signer_name(self, in_person_signer_name):
312        """Sets the in_person_signer_name of this TemplateRole.
314        Specifies the full legal name of the signer in person signer template roles.  Maximum Length: 100 characters.  # noqa: E501
316        :param in_person_signer_name: The in_person_signer_name of this TemplateRole.  # noqa: E501
317        :type: str
318        """
320        self._in_person_signer_name = in_person_signer_name
322    @property
323    def name(self):
324        """Gets the name of this TemplateRole.  # noqa: E501
326        Specifies the recipient's name.  # noqa: E501
328        :return: The name of this TemplateRole.  # noqa: E501
329        :rtype: str
330        """
331        return self._name
333    @name.setter
334    def name(self, name):
335        """Sets the name of this TemplateRole.
337        Specifies the recipient's name.  # noqa: E501
339        :param name: The name of this TemplateRole.  # noqa: E501
340        :type: str
341        """
343        self._name = name
345    @property
346    def phone_number(self):
347        """Gets the phone_number of this TemplateRole.  # noqa: E501
349        Describes the recipient phone number.  # noqa: E501
351        :return: The phone_number of this TemplateRole.  # noqa: E501
352        :rtype: RecipientPhoneNumber
353        """
354        return self._phone_number
356    @phone_number.setter
357    def phone_number(self, phone_number):
358        """Sets the phone_number of this TemplateRole.
360        Describes the recipient phone number.  # noqa: E501
362        :param phone_number: The phone_number of this TemplateRole.  # noqa: E501
363        :type: RecipientPhoneNumber
364        """
366        self._phone_number = phone_number
368    @property
369    def recipient_signature_providers(self):
370        """Gets the recipient_signature_providers of this TemplateRole.  # noqa: E501
372          # noqa: E501
374        :return: The recipient_signature_providers of this TemplateRole.  # noqa: E501
375        :rtype: list[RecipientSignatureProvider]
376        """
377        return self._recipient_signature_providers
379    @recipient_signature_providers.setter
380    def recipient_signature_providers(self, recipient_signature_providers):
381        """Sets the recipient_signature_providers of this TemplateRole.
383          # noqa: E501
385        :param recipient_signature_providers: The recipient_signature_providers of this TemplateRole.  # noqa: E501
386        :type: list[RecipientSignatureProvider]
387        """
389        self._recipient_signature_providers = recipient_signature_providers
391    @property
392    def role_name(self):
393        """Gets the role_name of this TemplateRole.  # noqa: E501
395        Optional element. Specifies the role name associated with the recipient.<br/><br/>This is required when working with template recipients.  # noqa: E501
397        :return: The role_name of this TemplateRole.  # noqa: E501
398        :rtype: str
399        """
400        return self._role_name
402    @role_name.setter
403    def role_name(self, role_name):
404        """Sets the role_name of this TemplateRole.
406        Optional element. Specifies the role name associated with the recipient.<br/><br/>This is required when working with template recipients.  # noqa: E501
408        :param role_name: The role_name of this TemplateRole.  # noqa: E501
409        :type: str
410        """
412        self._role_name = role_name
414    @property
415    def routing_order(self):
416        """Gets the routing_order of this TemplateRole.  # noqa: E501
418        Specifies the routing order of the recipient in the envelope.   # noqa: E501
420        :return: The routing_order of this TemplateRole.  # noqa: E501
421        :rtype: str
422        """
423        return self._routing_order
425    @routing_order.setter
426    def routing_order(self, routing_order):
427        """Sets the routing_order of this TemplateRole.
429        Specifies the routing order of the recipient in the envelope.   # noqa: E501
431        :param routing_order: The routing_order of this TemplateRole.  # noqa: E501
432        :type: str
433        """
435        self._routing_order = routing_order
437    @property
438    def signing_group_id(self):
439        """Gets the signing_group_id of this TemplateRole.  # noqa: E501
441        When set to **true** and the feature is enabled in the sender's account, the signing recipient is required to draw signatures and initials at each signature/initial tab ( instead of adopting a signature/initial style or only drawing a signature/initial once).  # noqa: E501
443        :return: The signing_group_id of this TemplateRole.  # noqa: E501
444        :rtype: str
445        """
446        return self._signing_group_id
448    @signing_group_id.setter
449    def signing_group_id(self, signing_group_id):
450        """Sets the signing_group_id of this TemplateRole.
452        When set to **true** and the feature is enabled in the sender's account, the signing recipient is required to draw signatures and initials at each signature/initial tab ( instead of adopting a signature/initial style or only drawing a signature/initial once).  # noqa: E501
454        :param signing_group_id: The signing_group_id of this TemplateRole.  # noqa: E501
455        :type: str
456        """
458        self._signing_group_id = signing_group_id
460    @property
461    def tabs(self):
462        """Gets the tabs of this TemplateRole.  # noqa: E501
464        A list of tabs, which are represented graphically as symbols on documents at the time of signing. Tabs show recipients where to sign, initial, or enter data. They may also display data to the recipients.  # noqa: E501
466        :return: The tabs of this TemplateRole.  # noqa: E501
467        :rtype: Tabs
468        """
469        return self._tabs
471    @tabs.setter
472    def tabs(self, tabs):
473        """Sets the tabs of this TemplateRole.
475        A list of tabs, which are represented graphically as symbols on documents at the time of signing. Tabs show recipients where to sign, initial, or enter data. They may also display data to the recipients.  # noqa: E501
477        :param tabs: The tabs of this TemplateRole.  # noqa: E501
478        :type: Tabs
479        """
481        self._tabs = tabs
483    def to_dict(self):
484        """Returns the model properties as a dict"""
485        result = {}
487        for attr, _ in six.iteritems(self.swagger_types):
488            value = getattr(self, attr)
489            if isinstance(value, list):
490                result[attr] = list(map(
491                    lambda x: x.to_dict() if hasattr(x, "to_dict") else x,
492                    value
493                ))
494            elif hasattr(value, "to_dict"):
495                result[attr] = value.to_dict()
496            elif isinstance(value, dict):
497                result[attr] = dict(map(
498                    lambda item: (item[0], item[1].to_dict())
499                    if hasattr(item[1], "to_dict") else item,
500                    value.items()
501                ))
502            else:
503                result[attr] = value
504        if issubclass(TemplateRole, dict):
505            for key, value in self.items():
506                result[key] = value
508        return result
510    def to_str(self):
511        """Returns the string representation of the model"""
512        return pprint.pformat(self.to_dict())
514    def __repr__(self):
515        """For `print` and `pprint`"""
516        return self.to_str()
518    def __eq__(self, other):
519        """Returns true if both objects are equal"""
520        if not isinstance(other, TemplateRole):
521            return False
523        return self.to_dict() == other.to_dict()
525    def __ne__(self, other):
526        """Returns true if both objects are not equal"""
527        if not isinstance(other, TemplateRole):
528            return True
530        return self.to_dict() != other.to_dict()

NOTE: This class is auto generated by the swagger code generator program.

Do not edit the class manually.

TemplateRole(_configuration=None, **kwargs)
 74    def __init__(self, _configuration=None, **kwargs):  # noqa: E501
 75        """TemplateRole - a model defined in Swagger"""  # noqa: E501
 76        if _configuration is None:
 77            _configuration = Configuration()
 78        self._configuration = _configuration
 80        self._access_code = None
 81        self._additional_notifications = None
 82        self._client_user_id = None
 83        self._default_recipient = None
 84        self._delivery_method = None
 85        self._email = None
 86        self._email_notification = None
 87        self._embedded_recipient_start_url = None
 88        self._in_person_signer_name = None
 89        self._name = None
 90        self._phone_number = None
 91        self._recipient_signature_providers = None
 92        self._role_name = None
 93        self._routing_order = None
 94        self._signing_group_id = None
 95        self._tabs = None
 96        self.discriminator = None
 98        setattr(self, "_{}".format('access_code'), kwargs.get('access_code', None))
 99        setattr(self, "_{}".format('additional_notifications'), kwargs.get('additional_notifications', None))
100        setattr(self, "_{}".format('client_user_id'), kwargs.get('client_user_id', None))
101        setattr(self, "_{}".format('default_recipient'), kwargs.get('default_recipient', None))
102        setattr(self, "_{}".format('delivery_method'), kwargs.get('delivery_method', None))
103        setattr(self, "_{}".format('email'), kwargs.get('email', None))
104        setattr(self, "_{}".format('email_notification'), kwargs.get('email_notification', None))
105        setattr(self, "_{}".format('embedded_recipient_start_url'), kwargs.get('embedded_recipient_start_url', None))
106        setattr(self, "_{}".format('in_person_signer_name'), kwargs.get('in_person_signer_name', None))
107        setattr(self, "_{}".format('name'), kwargs.get('name', None))
108        setattr(self, "_{}".format('phone_number'), kwargs.get('phone_number', None))
109        setattr(self, "_{}".format('recipient_signature_providers'), kwargs.get('recipient_signature_providers', None))
110        setattr(self, "_{}".format('role_name'), kwargs.get('role_name', None))
111        setattr(self, "_{}".format('routing_order'), kwargs.get('routing_order', None))
112        setattr(self, "_{}".format('signing_group_id'), kwargs.get('signing_group_id', None))
113        setattr(self, "_{}".format('tabs'), kwargs.get('tabs', None))

TemplateRole - a model defined in Swagger

swagger_types = {'access_code': 'str', 'additional_notifications': 'list[RecipientAdditionalNotification]', 'client_user_id': 'str', 'default_recipient': 'str', 'delivery_method': 'str', 'email': 'str', 'email_notification': 'RecipientEmailNotification', 'embedded_recipient_start_url': 'str', 'in_person_signer_name': 'str', 'name': 'str', 'phone_number': 'RecipientPhoneNumber', 'recipient_signature_providers': 'list[RecipientSignatureProvider]', 'role_name': 'str', 'routing_order': 'str', 'signing_group_id': 'str', 'tabs': 'Tabs'}
attribute_map = {'access_code': 'accessCode', 'additional_notifications': 'additionalNotifications', 'client_user_id': 'clientUserId', 'default_recipient': 'defaultRecipient', 'delivery_method': 'deliveryMethod', 'email': 'email', 'email_notification': 'emailNotification', 'embedded_recipient_start_url': 'embeddedRecipientStartURL', 'in_person_signer_name': 'inPersonSignerName', 'name': 'name', 'phone_number': 'phoneNumber', 'recipient_signature_providers': 'recipientSignatureProviders', 'role_name': 'roleName', 'routing_order': 'routingOrder', 'signing_group_id': 'signingGroupId', 'tabs': 'tabs'}

Gets the access_code of this TemplateRole. # noqa: E501

If a value is provided, the recipient must enter the value as the access code to view and sign the envelope. Maximum Length: 50 characters and it must conform to the account's access code format setting. If blank, but the signer accessCode property is set in the envelope, then that value is used. If blank and the signer accessCode property is not set, then the access code is not required. # noqa: E501


The access_code of this TemplateRole. # noqa: E501


Gets the additional_notifications of this TemplateRole. # noqa: E501

# noqa: E501


The additional_notifications of this TemplateRole. # noqa: E501


Gets the client_user_id of this TemplateRole. # noqa: E501

Specifies whether the recipient is embedded or remote. If the clientUserId property is not null then the recipient is embedded. Note that if the ClientUserId property is set and either SignerMustHaveAccount or SignerMustLoginToSign property of the account settings is set to true, an error is generated on Maximum length: 100 characters. # noqa: E501


The client_user_id of this TemplateRole. # noqa: E501


Gets the default_recipient of this TemplateRole. # noqa: E501

When set to true, this recipient is the default recipient and any tabs generated by the transformPdfFields option are mapped to this recipient. # noqa: E501


The default_recipient of this TemplateRole. # noqa: E501


Gets the delivery_method of this TemplateRole. # noqa: E501

Reserved: For DocuSign use only. # noqa: E501


The delivery_method of this TemplateRole. # noqa: E501


Gets the email of this TemplateRole. # noqa: E501

Specifies the email associated with a role name. # noqa: E501


The email of this TemplateRole. # noqa: E501


Gets the email_notification of this TemplateRole. # noqa: E501

A complex type that contains information sets the language of the recipient's email information. IMPORTANT: If you enable email notification for one recipient, you must enable email notification for all recipients as it overrides the Envelope Subject and EmailBlurb property settings. # noqa: E501


The email_notification of this TemplateRole. # noqa: E501


Gets the embedded_recipient_start_url of this TemplateRole. # noqa: E501

Specifies a sender provided valid URL string for redirecting an embedded recipient. When using this option, the embedded recipient still receives an email from DocuSign, just as a remote recipient would. When the document link in the email is clicked the recipient is redirected, through DocuSign, to the supplied URL to complete their actions. When routing to the URL, the sender's system (the server responding to the URL) must request a recipient token to launch a signing session. If set to SIGN_AT_DOCUSIGN, the recipient is directed to an embedded signing or viewing process directly at DocuSign. The signing or viewing action is initiated by the DocuSign system and the transaction activity and Certificate of Completion records will reflect this. In all other ways the process is identical to an embedded signing or viewing operation that is launched by any partner. It is important to remember that in a typical embedded workflow the authentication of an embedded recipient is the responsibility of the sending application, DocuSign expects that senders will follow their own process for establishing the recipient's identity. In this workflow the recipient goes through the sending application before the embedded signing or viewing process in initiated. However, when the sending application sets EmbeddedRecipientStartURL=SIGN_AT_DOCUSIGN, the recipient goes directly to the embedded signing or viewing process bypassing the sending application and any authentication steps the sending application would use. In this case, DocuSign recommends that you use one of the normal DocuSign authentication features (Access Code, Phone Authentication, SMS Authentication, etc.) to verify the identity of the recipient. If the clientUserId property is NOT set, and the embeddedRecipientStartURL is set, DocuSign will ignore the redirect URL and launch the standard signing process for the email recipient. Information can be appended to the embedded recipient start URL using merge fields. The available merge fields items are: envelopeId, recipientId, recipientName, recipientEmail, and customFields. The customFields property must be set fort the recipient or envelope. The merge fields are enclosed in double brackets. Example: http://senderHost/[[mergeField1]]/ beginSigningSession? [[mergeField2]]&[[mergeField3]] # noqa: E501


The embedded_recipient_start_url of this TemplateRole. # noqa: E501


Gets the in_person_signer_name of this TemplateRole. # noqa: E501

Specifies the full legal name of the signer in person signer template roles. Maximum Length: 100 characters. # noqa: E501


The in_person_signer_name of this TemplateRole. # noqa: E501


Gets the name of this TemplateRole. # noqa: E501

Specifies the recipient's name. # noqa: E501


The name of this TemplateRole. # noqa: E501


Gets the phone_number of this TemplateRole. # noqa: E501

Describes the recipient phone number. # noqa: E501


The phone_number of this TemplateRole. # noqa: E501


Gets the recipient_signature_providers of this TemplateRole. # noqa: E501

# noqa: E501


The recipient_signature_providers of this TemplateRole. # noqa: E501


Gets the role_name of this TemplateRole. # noqa: E501

Optional element. Specifies the role name associated with the recipient.

This is required when working with template recipients. # noqa: E501


The role_name of this TemplateRole. # noqa: E501


Gets the routing_order of this TemplateRole. # noqa: E501

Specifies the routing order of the recipient in the envelope. # noqa: E501


The routing_order of this TemplateRole. # noqa: E501


Gets the signing_group_id of this TemplateRole. # noqa: E501

When set to true and the feature is enabled in the sender's account, the signing recipient is required to draw signatures and initials at each signature/initial tab ( instead of adopting a signature/initial style or only drawing a signature/initial once). # noqa: E501


The signing_group_id of this TemplateRole. # noqa: E501


Gets the tabs of this TemplateRole. # noqa: E501

A list of tabs, which are represented graphically as symbols on documents at the time of signing. Tabs show recipients where to sign, initial, or enter data. They may also display data to the recipients. # noqa: E501


The tabs of this TemplateRole. # noqa: E501

def to_dict(self)
483    def to_dict(self):
484        """Returns the model properties as a dict"""
485        result = {}
487        for attr, _ in six.iteritems(self.swagger_types):
488            value = getattr(self, attr)
489            if isinstance(value, list):
490                result[attr] = list(map(
491                    lambda x: x.to_dict() if hasattr(x, "to_dict") else x,
492                    value
493                ))
494            elif hasattr(value, "to_dict"):
495                result[attr] = value.to_dict()
496            elif isinstance(value, dict):
497                result[attr] = dict(map(
498                    lambda item: (item[0], item[1].to_dict())
499                    if hasattr(item[1], "to_dict") else item,
500                    value.items()
501                ))
502            else:
503                result[attr] = value
504        if issubclass(TemplateRole, dict):
505            for key, value in self.items():
506                result[key] = value
508        return result

Returns the model properties as a dict

def to_str(self)
510    def to_str(self):
511        """Returns the string representation of the model"""
512        return pprint.pformat(self.to_dict())

Returns the string representation of the model