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Simple yet powerful HTTPS reverse-proxy to enable CORS.


Once the project or Docker image is deployed to an host, you can perform any HTTP call. For instance if the host IP address is 123.456.789.012 and the port being used is 7979 (default) then a basic GET call would be like:

curl http://123.456.789.012:7979/

Deploy to AWS EC2

sudo yum update -y
sudo amazon-linux-extras install docker
sudo yum install docker
sudo service docker start
sudo systemctl enable docker
sudo docker pull dsdevcenter/cors-proxy
sudo docker run -d --name cors-proxy-container -p 7979:7979 -e ORIGIN_ALLOW_LIST= dsdevcenter/cors-proxy

Deploy to Azure

docker login azure
docker context create aci corsproxycontext
docker context use corsproxycontext
docker run -d --name cors-proxy-container -p 7979:7979 -e ORIGIN_ALLOW_LIST= dsdevcenter/cors-proxy

The last command might take a while. Once it’s done list Docker containers under corsproxycontext ACI context in order to view the host name and port:

docker ps
# CONTAINER ID           IMAGE                    COMMAND             STATUS              PORTS
# cors-proxy-container   dsdevcenter/cors-proxy                       Running             123.456.789.012:7979->7979/tcp

Deploy to Heroku

heroku login
heroku create <unique-app-name>
heroku config:set ORIGIN_ALLOW_LIST=
git commit -m "first commit"
git push heroku main

Heroku deploys apps to HTTPS port 443 by default so you can test the setup by running:

curl https://<unique-app-name>

Deploy to any Linux-like environment

docker pull dsdevcenter/cors-proxy
docker run -d --name cors-proxy-container -p 7979:7979 -e ORIGIN_ALLOW_LIST= dsdevcenter/cors-proxy

Docker setup

Image creation

docker build --tag cors-proxy .

Container creation

docker run -d --name cors-proxy-container -p 7979:7979 -e ORIGIN_ALLOW_LIST= dsdevcenter/cors-proxy